New Local Plan

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New Local Plan

1. What would you like Southend to be in the future

Representation ID: 3973

Received: 01/04/2019

Respondent: Port of London Authority

Representation Summary:

Consideration of the PLA Vision for the Tidal Thames (‘The Thames Vision’) and its goals must be included as part of the Local Plan. Further information on the Thames Vision can be found at

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Port of London Authority (PLA) on Southend-on-Sea’s New Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation. For information, the PLA is the Statutory Harbour Authority for the Tidal Thames between Teddington and the Thames Estuary. Its statutory functions include responsibility for conservancy, dredging, maintaining the public navigation and controlling vessel movements. The PLA’s functions also include for the promotion of the use of the river as an important strategic transport corridor and recreational asset for the region. To note, the length of the River Thames which borders Southend-on-Sea lies within the Southend Exempt Area, which means that certain parts of the PLA’s statutory powers, notably the licensing of river works, do not apply. For further information please see schedule 8 of the PLA 1968 Act at:
The PLA in July 2016 published its Vision for the Tidal Thames (The ‘Thames Vision’) which includes a number of goals with the aim to see a greater use of the Thames in all aspects, from port trade to passenger transport, sport and recreation to cultural enjoyment. Consideration to this document and its goals must be included as part of the development of Southend’s new Local Plan. Further information on the Thames Vision can be found at The PLA have the following detailed comments to make on the Local Plan Issues and Options consultation.
Under issue 4 on “promoting Southend as a major resort” the PLA supports the options presented to help promote Southend-on-Sea, particularly the options with regard to improving the accessibility to central seafront areas for all users, and seeking further enhanced links between the central seafront and the town centre. This is supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision which includes a specific cultural goal to see more people coming to enjoy the Thames and its banks.
Within the Borough, it is noted that there are a number of existing river-related sports and recreational facilities, including a number of sailing and yacht clubs. As part of the development of the Local Plan, the PLA would encourage the protection and promotion of existing and new facilities, which would be supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision, specifically its goal to see great participation in sport and recreation on alongside the water.
With regard to air quality, it is noted within issues 6 (Providing for a sustainable transport system) and 10 (Planning for climate change) that there are a number of references to the Councils Air Quality Strategy (2018), the ways in which transport emissions could be reduced, and the potential influence of new technologies that could have a significant impact on air quality and carbon dioxide emissions towards the end of the plan period. For information the PLA published its Air Quality Strategy in 2018 ( which includes a number of actions to improve vessel emissions and encourage more services on the river. This strategy and its actions should be highlighted as an important evidence base document as part of the development of the Local Plan.
The PLA supports the various broad options related to issue 9 (Enhancing our natural environment), particularly with regard to the protection and enhancement of the coastline, which continues to be the Boroughs best used asset. It is noted that there are a number of projects and plans both adopted and in development in Southend that could have an effect on its shoreline and associated activities, including the Southend Shoreline Strategy (2018), Old Leigh Spatial Plan (draft) and the draft Shoeburyness Coastal Management Scheme Area. The PLA request to be consulted on these documents, as well as the Local Plan itself as they progress.


New Local Plan

4. How best do you think we can enhance the visitor offer in Southend to make it Englands leading coastal tourism destination

Representation ID: 3974

Received: 01/04/2019

Respondent: Port of London Authority

Representation Summary:

Support the options presented to help promote Southend-on-Sea, particularly the options with regard to improving the accessibility to central seafront areas for all users, and seeking further enhanced links between the central seafront and the town centre. This is supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision which includes a specific cultural goal to see more people coming to enjoy the Thames and its banks.
PLA would encourage the protection and promotion of existing and new facilities, which would be supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision, specifically its goal to see great participation in sport and recreation on alongside the water.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Port of London Authority (PLA) on Southend-on-Sea’s New Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation. For information, the PLA is the Statutory Harbour Authority for the Tidal Thames between Teddington and the Thames Estuary. Its statutory functions include responsibility for conservancy, dredging, maintaining the public navigation and controlling vessel movements. The PLA’s functions also include for the promotion of the use of the river as an important strategic transport corridor and recreational asset for the region. To note, the length of the River Thames which borders Southend-on-Sea lies within the Southend Exempt Area, which means that certain parts of the PLA’s statutory powers, notably the licensing of river works, do not apply. For further information please see schedule 8 of the PLA 1968 Act at:
The PLA in July 2016 published its Vision for the Tidal Thames (The ‘Thames Vision’) which includes a number of goals with the aim to see a greater use of the Thames in all aspects, from port trade to passenger transport, sport and recreation to cultural enjoyment. Consideration to this document and its goals must be included as part of the development of Southend’s new Local Plan. Further information on the Thames Vision can be found at The PLA have the following detailed comments to make on the Local Plan Issues and Options consultation.
Under issue 4 on “promoting Southend as a major resort” the PLA supports the options presented to help promote Southend-on-Sea, particularly the options with regard to improving the accessibility to central seafront areas for all users, and seeking further enhanced links between the central seafront and the town centre. This is supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision which includes a specific cultural goal to see more people coming to enjoy the Thames and its banks.
Within the Borough, it is noted that there are a number of existing river-related sports and recreational facilities, including a number of sailing and yacht clubs. As part of the development of the Local Plan, the PLA would encourage the protection and promotion of existing and new facilities, which would be supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision, specifically its goal to see great participation in sport and recreation on alongside the water.
With regard to air quality, it is noted within issues 6 (Providing for a sustainable transport system) and 10 (Planning for climate change) that there are a number of references to the Councils Air Quality Strategy (2018), the ways in which transport emissions could be reduced, and the potential influence of new technologies that could have a significant impact on air quality and carbon dioxide emissions towards the end of the plan period. For information the PLA published its Air Quality Strategy in 2018 ( which includes a number of actions to improve vessel emissions and encourage more services on the river. This strategy and its actions should be highlighted as an important evidence base document as part of the development of the Local Plan.
The PLA supports the various broad options related to issue 9 (Enhancing our natural environment), particularly with regard to the protection and enhancement of the coastline, which continues to be the Boroughs best used asset. It is noted that there are a number of projects and plans both adopted and in development in Southend that could have an effect on its shoreline and associated activities, including the Southend Shoreline Strategy (2018), Old Leigh Spatial Plan (draft) and the draft Shoeburyness Coastal Management Scheme Area. The PLA request to be consulted on these documents, as well as the Local Plan itself as they progress.


New Local Plan

6. How best do you think we can improve the transport system serving Southend

Representation ID: 3975

Received: 01/04/2019

Respondent: Port of London Authority

Representation Summary:

PLA published its Air Quality Strategy in 2018 ( which includes a number of actions to improve vessel emissions and encourage more services on the river. This strategy and its actions should be highlighted as an important evidence base document as part of the development of the Local Plan

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Port of London Authority (PLA) on Southend-on-Sea’s New Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation. For information, the PLA is the Statutory Harbour Authority for the Tidal Thames between Teddington and the Thames Estuary. Its statutory functions include responsibility for conservancy, dredging, maintaining the public navigation and controlling vessel movements. The PLA’s functions also include for the promotion of the use of the river as an important strategic transport corridor and recreational asset for the region. To note, the length of the River Thames which borders Southend-on-Sea lies within the Southend Exempt Area, which means that certain parts of the PLA’s statutory powers, notably the licensing of river works, do not apply. For further information please see schedule 8 of the PLA 1968 Act at:
The PLA in July 2016 published its Vision for the Tidal Thames (The ‘Thames Vision’) which includes a number of goals with the aim to see a greater use of the Thames in all aspects, from port trade to passenger transport, sport and recreation to cultural enjoyment. Consideration to this document and its goals must be included as part of the development of Southend’s new Local Plan. Further information on the Thames Vision can be found at The PLA have the following detailed comments to make on the Local Plan Issues and Options consultation.
Under issue 4 on “promoting Southend as a major resort” the PLA supports the options presented to help promote Southend-on-Sea, particularly the options with regard to improving the accessibility to central seafront areas for all users, and seeking further enhanced links between the central seafront and the town centre. This is supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision which includes a specific cultural goal to see more people coming to enjoy the Thames and its banks.
Within the Borough, it is noted that there are a number of existing river-related sports and recreational facilities, including a number of sailing and yacht clubs. As part of the development of the Local Plan, the PLA would encourage the protection and promotion of existing and new facilities, which would be supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision, specifically its goal to see great participation in sport and recreation on alongside the water.
With regard to air quality, it is noted within issues 6 (Providing for a sustainable transport system) and 10 (Planning for climate change) that there are a number of references to the Councils Air Quality Strategy (2018), the ways in which transport emissions could be reduced, and the potential influence of new technologies that could have a significant impact on air quality and carbon dioxide emissions towards the end of the plan period. For information the PLA published its Air Quality Strategy in 2018 ( which includes a number of actions to improve vessel emissions and encourage more services on the river. This strategy and its actions should be highlighted as an important evidence base document as part of the development of the Local Plan.
The PLA supports the various broad options related to issue 9 (Enhancing our natural environment), particularly with regard to the protection and enhancement of the coastline, which continues to be the Boroughs best used asset. It is noted that there are a number of projects and plans both adopted and in development in Southend that could have an effect on its shoreline and associated activities, including the Southend Shoreline Strategy (2018), Old Leigh Spatial Plan (draft) and the draft Shoeburyness Coastal Management Scheme Area. The PLA request to be consulted on these documents, as well as the Local Plan itself as they progress.


New Local Plan

9. How best do we protect and enhance our environment in the face of increasing growth and development pressures

Representation ID: 3976

Received: 01/04/2019

Respondent: Port of London Authority

Representation Summary:

The PLA supports the various broad options related to issue 9 (Enhancing our natural environment), particularly with regard to the protection and enhancement of the coastline, which continues to be the Boroughs best used asset.
There are a number of projects and plans both adopted and in development in Southend that could have an effect on its shoreline and associated activities, including the Southend Shoreline Strategy (2018), Old Leigh Spatial Plan (draft) and the draft Shoeburyness Coastal Management Scheme Area. The PLA request to be consulted on these documents, as well as the Local Plan itself as they progress.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting the Port of London Authority (PLA) on Southend-on-Sea’s New Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation. For information, the PLA is the Statutory Harbour Authority for the Tidal Thames between Teddington and the Thames Estuary. Its statutory functions include responsibility for conservancy, dredging, maintaining the public navigation and controlling vessel movements. The PLA’s functions also include for the promotion of the use of the river as an important strategic transport corridor and recreational asset for the region. To note, the length of the River Thames which borders Southend-on-Sea lies within the Southend Exempt Area, which means that certain parts of the PLA’s statutory powers, notably the licensing of river works, do not apply. For further information please see schedule 8 of the PLA 1968 Act at:
The PLA in July 2016 published its Vision for the Tidal Thames (The ‘Thames Vision’) which includes a number of goals with the aim to see a greater use of the Thames in all aspects, from port trade to passenger transport, sport and recreation to cultural enjoyment. Consideration to this document and its goals must be included as part of the development of Southend’s new Local Plan. Further information on the Thames Vision can be found at The PLA have the following detailed comments to make on the Local Plan Issues and Options consultation.
Under issue 4 on “promoting Southend as a major resort” the PLA supports the options presented to help promote Southend-on-Sea, particularly the options with regard to improving the accessibility to central seafront areas for all users, and seeking further enhanced links between the central seafront and the town centre. This is supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision which includes a specific cultural goal to see more people coming to enjoy the Thames and its banks.
Within the Borough, it is noted that there are a number of existing river-related sports and recreational facilities, including a number of sailing and yacht clubs. As part of the development of the Local Plan, the PLA would encourage the protection and promotion of existing and new facilities, which would be supported by the PLA’s Thames Vision, specifically its goal to see great participation in sport and recreation on alongside the water.
With regard to air quality, it is noted within issues 6 (Providing for a sustainable transport system) and 10 (Planning for climate change) that there are a number of references to the Councils Air Quality Strategy (2018), the ways in which transport emissions could be reduced, and the potential influence of new technologies that could have a significant impact on air quality and carbon dioxide emissions towards the end of the plan period. For information the PLA published its Air Quality Strategy in 2018 ( which includes a number of actions to improve vessel emissions and encourage more services on the river. This strategy and its actions should be highlighted as an important evidence base document as part of the development of the Local Plan.
The PLA supports the various broad options related to issue 9 (Enhancing our natural environment), particularly with regard to the protection and enhancement of the coastline, which continues to be the Boroughs best used asset. It is noted that there are a number of projects and plans both adopted and in development in Southend that could have an effect on its shoreline and associated activities, including the Southend Shoreline Strategy (2018), Old Leigh Spatial Plan (draft) and the draft Shoeburyness Coastal Management Scheme Area. The PLA request to be consulted on these documents, as well as the Local Plan itself as they progress.

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