Planning Obligation - A Guide to Section 106 and Developer Contributions
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Planning Obligation - A Guide to Section 106 and Developer Contributions
Representation ID: 349
Received: 12/01/2010
Respondent: English Heritage
Section 106 agreements are commonly required to secure archaeological investigation and recording, public access to and interpretation of historic sites. Enhancement and management of the public realm in historic areas and the repair and management of historic buildings affected by development are also often covered by legal agreements.
Planning Obligation - A Guide to Section 106 and Developer Contributions
Representation ID: 350
Received: 12/01/2010
Respondent: English Heritage
The draft SPD deals with the historic environment as part of 'Public Art and Public Realm' on page 19. This is a slightly awkward approach, and it would be clearer if a separate section, and title, could be introduced for the historic environment, in the same way as for the natural environment. If this is not possible, the title should be changed to 'The historic environment, public art and the public realm'.
Planning Obligation - A Guide to Section 106 and Developer Contributions
Representation ID: 351
Received: 12/01/2010
Respondent: English Heritage
The aim within the natural environment section to offset/compensate/ mitigate for the loss of, or impact on, the resource, should be expressed for the historic environment. While historic assets once destroyed cannot be replaced, where damage is exceptionally justified compensation or mitigation is necessary.
Planning Obligation - A Guide to Section 106 and Developer Contributions
Representation ID: 352
Received: 12/01/2010
Respondent: English Heritage
Based on the current wording in para 2.28, bullet 5 should be strengthened at the end as follows: '...and monuments, including provision for public access and interpretation, and future management of historic assets where appropriate.'
Planning Obligation - A Guide to Section 106 and Developer Contributions
Representation ID: 353
Received: 12/01/2010
Respondent: English Heritage
Appendix 1
As the document progresses it is likely that PPS15 will replace PPGs 15 and 16. While this remains a draft we recommend, however, that the references to the current PPGs are retained.