Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

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Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

5. Do you agree with the suggested option?

Representation ID: 942

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Issue DM1 Design of Developments
Context, p16/17
English Heritage welcomes the Borough Wide Character Study that is being commissioned. We would be pleased to advise on the brief or, if the study is already underway, to comment on the draft report.

We agree with the statement that the density of new schemes should arise from the design rather than be imposed as a constraint at the beginning.

We note on page 17 that you encourage pre-application discussion involving the local planning authority and the local community. Engagement with other stakeholders and environmental bodies, including English heritage should also be encouraged, where appropriate.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

5. Do you agree with the suggested option?

Representation ID: 943

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Design of developments - suggested option, p17.
English Heritage supports the criteria listed, especially ii) historic development and local vernacular and iii) urban grain and morphology. However, these need to be identified and understood as part of a character study exercise.

Design of developments - alternative options 1to 4, p18
English Heritage agrees that these options are not appropriate in Southend.

Relevant Local Plan saved policies, p19
Under saved policies, we consider the heritage policies C1, C4, C5 and C6 should be mentioned.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

8. Do you agree with the suggested option?

Representation ID: 944

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Issue DM2- Tall Buildings, p20

English Heritage and CABE have produced guidance on Tall Buildings and this is referred to (though English Heritage should be referenced). The context section appears to embody much of our advice, however; we do suggest in 1.2 of our publication that the existence of a tall building in a particular location will not, of itself, justify its replacement with a new tall building on the same site, or in the same area. The same process of analysis and justification should be required as for new sites.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

8. Do you agree with the suggested option?

Representation ID: 945

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Tall Buildings - suggested option, p20/21
WE have some concerns that this appears to look positively on tall buildings overall. The Borough Wide Character Study should inform this policy, and may suggest that no new tall buildings can be assimilated by the borough's townscape. The potential impact on heritage assets should be carefully assessed, and this should be a clear caveat within the policy.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

11. Are there any other issues relating to tall buildings that the Council should consider?

Representation ID: 946

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Tall Buildings - alternative options, p21/22
These appear to be inconsistent with a well-reasoned policy. We refer to paragraph 4.1 of the joint EH/CABE advice with regard to the definition of a tall building.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

12. Do you agree with the suggested option?

Representation ID: 947

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Issue DM3 - Intensification of Existing Residential Sites and Areas, p22
The second paragraph on page 23 refers to the cumulative impacts on climate change, surface water flooding and biodiversity. Historic environment should also be included within this list.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

22. Are there any other issues relating to low carbon development that the Council should consider?

Representation ID: 948

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Issue DM4 - Low Carbon Development and Efficient Use of Resources, p26
We do, in general, support the principles behind this policy, but the background text to this policy deals exclusively with new developments. This policy should also recognise the embodied energy within existing buildings, and should not be used to justify demolition of buildings that make a positive contribution to their surroundings. In this context, the advice in PPS5 HE1.1 is relevant, including the need to seek the reuse and, where appropriate, the modification of heritage assets so as to reduce carbon emissions and secure sustainable development. English Heritage's guidance 'Energy Conservation in Traditional Buildings' (available on the HELM website) provides further advice on sympathetic adaptation of the existing building stock.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

23. Do you agree with the suggested option?

Representation ID: 949

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Issue DM5 - Southend-on-Sea's Historic Environment, p30.
We are pleased to see the emphasis that new development should preserve and enhance conservation areas and historic buildings. We also welcome the acknowledgement of the economic benefits of the historic environment.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

25. Are there other historical issues that the Council should consider?

Representation ID: 950

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

In the 2nd paragraph, p30 you refer to historic buildings 'scheduled in the Council's local list'. To avoid any confusion with Scheduled Monuments, you may wish to substitute 'scheduled' with 'identified', or 'set out'. You should also include reference to unscheduled archaeological sites, and direct developers to the Borough Historic Environment Record.


Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

23. Do you agree with the suggested option?

Representation ID: 951

Received: 19/10/2010

Respondent: English Heritage

Representation Summary:

Historic Environment - suggested option, p30
English Heritage urges the Borough to take adequate steps to ensure that they have evidence about the historic environment and heritage assets in their area and that this is publicly documented as required by PPS5, policy HE2.1.

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