Development Management - Proposed Submission
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Development Management - Proposed Submission
Policy DM14 - Shopping Frontage Management
Representation ID: 1188
Received: 29/04/2011
Respondent: Broadway Estates Ltd
Agent: Hobbs Parker Property Consultants LLP
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The designation of the northern and southern frontage of Southchurch Road as a primary shopping frontage on the Proposal Map is opposed, as these frontages do not fulfill this function.
We object to Policy DM14 - Shopping Frontage Management, paragraphs 5.29 to 5.31; and the Southend Town Centre Proposals Map
The designation of the northern and southern frontage of Southchurch Road as a primary shopping frontage on the Proposal Map is opposed.
At 5.29 it is stated "the primary frontages in Southend on Sea perform a vital retail function for the areas that they serve. It is important that the retail character and function of these frontages is not eroded as they are important for local economic vitality."
The southern frontage of Southchurch Road in the vicinity of No. 4 is dominated by non retail uses, it simply does not fit the description of primary frontages set out in paragraph 5.29.
Whilst the text at 5.29 goes on to state "The primary frontages are considered to be appropriate locations for a range of non-retail uses including banking, insurance, food and drink. These uses are complimentary to the retail function of the frontage adding to their attraction and encouraging multi-purpose journeys."
The domination of this street frontage by non-retail uses defines its primary character, the predominant food and drink (A3 uses) do not compliment the character of this frontage, they determine it.
It is recognised that on the map Southchurch Road provides a potential pedestrian route between the Victoria Plaza development and Southend High Street, however in reality pedestrian movement from the north side to the south side of the road in the vicinity of No. 4 is significantly hampered by the presence of the wide roadway set below street level which is an obstruction to the pedestrian route.
Recent marketing exercises for No. 4 have demonstrated that there is no demand for either A1 or A3 uses of this property. The unit has been on the market for nearly 4 years and has been subject to extensive marketing exercises with 2 agents. The agents recognise that the Southchurch Road is a busy parade but it includes restaurants, bars, take aways and offices as well as retail occupiers. Southchurch Road simply does not compete with the main Southend High Street in the eyes of national retailers and this is evident in the complete lack of interest from either A1 or A3 tenants.
The continued designation of this section of the street as primary frontage will serve to extend the vacancy of this property and prevent an economic use other than the temporary charity shop lets which are all that can be secured in the current circumstances.