Development Management - Proposed Submission

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Development Management - Proposed Submission

Policy DM10 - Employment Sectors

Representation ID: 1210

Received: 03/06/2011

Respondent: Sainsbury's Supermarkets LTD

Agent: Indigo Planning Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

We do not consider that Policy Table 6, entitled 'Employment Sectors' is sound. Policy Table 6 outlines a range of employment sectors but fails to include retail in this. This is not consistent with national policy guidance set out in pps4, which confirms at Paragraph 4 that retail development as a main town centre use is considered to be Economic Development and provide sustainable economic growth. We consider that Table 6 should be amended to include retail development.

Full text:

We do not consider that Policy Table 6, entitled 'Employment Sectors' is sound. Policy Table 6 outlines a range of employment sectors but fails to include retail in this. This is not consistent with national policy guidance set out in pps4, which confirms at Paragraph 4 that retail development as a main town centre use is considered to be Economic Development and provide sustainable economic growth.

In order to make policy table 6 and policy dm10 sound, we consider that Table 6 should be amended to include retail development. This would make the DPD sound as it would be consistent with national policy set out in Paragraph 4 of PPS4.


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