Development Management - Proposed Submission
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Development Management - Proposed Submission
Appendix 6 - Proposals Map
Representation ID: 1207
Received: 03/06/2011
Respondent: Southend United Football Club
Agent: Savills
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The proposals map must be updated to show Fossetts Farm as a priority urban area to reflect its designation in the Core Strategy. The designation currently shown on the emerging proposals map must be deleted. The emerging Proposals Map shows land at Fossetts Farm with a combination of the following designations: protected green space, Green Belt and agricultural land. This does not correspond with the current position and is inconsistent with the designations of the site in the:
* adopted Core Strategy (2007), where Key Diagram identifies Fossetts Farm as a Priority Urban Area and the Core Strategies Inspectors Report which states that the relocation of Southend United Football Club's stadium to Fossetts Farm area is supported in principle;
* the Borough Local Plan Second Alteration (1999), which designated most of the site as safeguarded land outside of the Green Belt; and
* the inspectors report concerning Planning Permission (SOS/06/01300/FUL), that concluded (paragraph 10.24) that: 'the indication in the key Diagram is sufficient to show that none of the land south and west of the Fossetts Farm PUA carries a Green Belt notation';
The proposals map must be updated to show Fossetts Farm as a priority urban area to reflect its designation must be adopted in the Core Strategy. The designation currently shown on the emerging proposals map must be deleted. This will ensure that the proposals map is justified and effective in accordance with pps12.
The emerging Proposals Map shows land at Fossetts Farm with a combination of the following designations: protected green space, Green Belt and agricultural land.
This does not correspond with the current position and is inconsistent with the designations of the site in the adopted Core Strategy (2007). The Core Strategy Key Diagram identifies the site as a Priority Urban Area.
The Core Strategy Examination in Public Inspector's report states (paragraph 5.28):
'Another PC would add after point 4 of the policy that the relocation of Southend United Football Club's stadium to Fossetts Farm area is supported in principle. I endorse this given the long acceptance of this principle and that the FC itself has an important part in the town's identity and future '.
Furthermore the Proposals Map does not even take into account the changes brought into effect by the Second Alteration (1999) which designated most of the site as safeguarded land outside of the Green Belt (except for an 'anomalous' piece of land addressed in the Inspectors Report referred to below).
Planning Permission (SOS/06/01300/FUL) was granted by the Secretary of State on 30th June 2008 for a mixed use scheme on the site comprising of a Stadium, hotel, retail floorspace, residential units and associated development. The Inspector's report on the application, dated 31 December 2007, addresses the Green Belt issues on the site (paragraphs 10.19 - 10.31). The Inspector concluded (paragraph 10.24) that: 'the indication in the key Diagram is sufficient to show that none of the land south and west of the Fossetts Farm PUA carries a Green Belt notation'.
We assume that these are drafting errors, but it is critical that this is amended immediately to avoid any unintended future ambiguities. The current designations are unjustified and will cause the Council's policies to be ineffective and contrary to national policies in PPS12 and contrary to the adopted Core Strategy, which has been found sound.