Planning Obligations - A Guide to Section 106 and Developer Contributions 2014 (SPD2)

Ended on the 15 December 2014

Appendix 1:

List of relevant national and local planning policies and other guidance

(Note: This is a non-exhaustive list that was last updated on 19th September 2014)

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012

National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) 2013

Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended)

South East LEP: Growth Deal and Strategic Economic Plan March 2014

Thames Gateway South Essex: Fundamental Review of Strategic Housing Market Assessment Review 2013 – Report of Findings December 2013

Environment Agency Medium Term Plan (MTP)

Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan (SMP)

Essex Waste Partnership, Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Essex (2007 to 2032)

Local Transport Plan Strategy (LTP3) and Implementation Plan, 2011/2012-2026

South East Local Enterprise (SELEP) Strategic Economic Plan (SEP)

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (2014) Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Southend on Sea Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Update Report 2013

Southend on Sea Borough Local Plan (1994)

Southend on Sea Core Strategy (2007)

Southend on Sea Design and Townscape Guide (2009)

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (2004) Open Space and Recreation Assessment in Southend-on-Sea Borough

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (2004) A Study of Playing Pitches in Southend-on-Sea Borough

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (2005) Green Spaces Strategy: Draft, Executive Summary, Leisure, Culture & Amenity Services Department

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (2006) Public Art Strategy – Summary and Recommendations

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (2007) Southend-on-Sea Play Strategy

Southend on Sea Borough Council (2013) Corporate Plan and Annual Report 2013

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (2013) Culture-on-Sea: A Cultural Strategy for Southend-on-Sea, 2012-2020

SOSBC (2013) Southend-on-Sea Sport & Leisure Strategy, 2013-2020

Sport England (2013) Planning Pitch Strategy Guidance: An approach to developing and delivering a playing pitch strategy

Sport England Sports Facilities Calculator: sports facility calculator

Sport England Facilities Costs, Q4 2013: facility costs

Sport England guidance document on football pitches: football pitches

Source: Sport England guidance document on rugby pitches: rugby union pitches

Sport England Strategic Facilities Fund: strategic facilities fund

Thames Estuary 2100 Plan

Thames Gateway South Essex (2005) Thames Gateway South Essex Green Grid Strategy

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