Community Infrastructure Levy - Draft Charging Schedule (Nov 2014)

Ended on the 15 December 2014

Appendix 2

Regulation 123 Infrastructure List (Draft)

Community Infrastructure Levy

Draft Regulation 123 Infrastructure List
Local Development Framework 2001-2021

Southend Borough Council, as CIL Charging Authority, is expected to publish a list of infrastructure that it intends could be funded, wholly or partly by the Community Infrastructure Levy. The Regulation 123 Infrastructure List sets out the projects that may be funded through CIL and includes infrastructure required for the delivery of the Council's adopted Development Plan Documents. However, the inclusion of a project or type of infrastructure on this list does not signify a commitment from the Borough Council to fund (either in whole or in part) the listed project or type of infrastructure through CIL; nor does the order of infrastructure items within the list imply or signify any order of preference or priority for CIL funding.

This list can be amended at any time but will be reviewed annually and any changes that the Council proposes to make to this list will be subject to public consultation in accordance with the regulations and government guidance.

If infrastructure is required to make a development acceptable in planning terms (see the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document for further details in relation to site specific infrastructure contributions) or arises directly from five or fewer developments, Section 106 (Planning Act) or Section 278 (Highways Act) arrangements may continue to apply in addition to CIL.

Planning obligations and highway agreements will still be required in accordance with Regulation 122 and 123 (Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended)) for obligations relating to infrastructure not listed below.

Project or Infrastructure Type Location Exclusions and Notes
Provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of Primary and Pre-School education facilities Borough-wide
Health and Social Wellbeing
Provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of Primary Healthcare facilities Borough-wide
Infrastructure to enable people to remain living independently Borough-wide
Refurbishment or redevelopment of Delaware and Priory House Delaware House and Priory House
Highways and Transport
A127 east-west strategic transport and freight corridor improvements (including Kent Elms, The Bell, Progress Road, Sutton Road, East/West Street, JAAP, etc.) A127/A1159 Strategic Corridor
Local public transport measures Borough-wide
Local walking and cycling measures to upgrade network Borough-wide
Local traffic management Borough-wide Excluding any instances where traffic management measures are required as a direct consequence of a development within the vicinity – these will continue to be secured through Section 106 planning obligations or Section 278 highway agreements
Coastal Flood Protection
Chalkwell Sea Wall flood defence works Chalkwell & Eastern Esplanades
Coast protection works East Beach Shoeburyness
Flood Defence Works Old Leigh
Lynton Road to Thorpe Bay YC Flood Defence Improvements Eastern & Thorpe Esplanades
Social and Community
Provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of libraries Borough-wide
Southend New Museum Western Esplanade
New allotment space Borough-wide Excluding replacement allotments required as a result of new development (i.e. to offset a loss that would otherwise result from the development), which will be secured though Section 106 planning obligations
New community centres Borough-wide Excluding replacement community centres required as a result of new development (i.e. to offset a loss that would otherwise result from the development), which will be secured though Section 106 planning obligations
Leisure and Recreation
Children’s Play Areas Sidmouth Avenue Play Area, Priory Park, Warrior Square Gardens If there is a planning requirement to provide a new play area on a site as a result of the need generated directly and solely by a development then this provision will be secured through a Section 106 planning obligation or planning condition.
Youth facilities including Multi-Use Games Areas, parkour and wheeled sports Priory Park, Southchurch area (Southchurch Park or Southchurch Park East)
Public Realm and Environment
Litter Bins (as outlined in the Southend-on-Sea Litter Bin Strategy, July 2011) Borough-wide Excluding any litter bin provision required on a site as part of a development – this will be secured through Section 106 planning obligation or planning condition.
Waste Transfer Station (WTS) – ‘Waste Solution’ Proposed WTS location – Central Cleansing Depot, Eastern Avenue,
Three Rivers Trail Borough-wide
City beach Phase Two Eastern Esplanade
Victoria Gateway Phase Two London Road
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