Development Management Document - Adopted July 2015

Appendix 10: List of Abbreviations

BREEAM - Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology

CFMP - Catchment Flood Management Plan

CHP - Combined Heat and Power

CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy

CSH - Code for Sustainable Homes

DEFRA - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

DPD - Development Plan Document

ELR - Employment Land Review

EPA - Environmental Protection Act

EPOA - Essex Planning Officers Association

HA - Hectare

HMRC - HM Revenue & Customs

IDBR - Interdepartmental Business Register

LEA - Local Economic Assessment

LDF - Local Development Framework

LDS - Local Development Scheme

LPA - Local Planning Authority

LPD - Litres per Person per Day

LTP - Local Transport Plan

MRO - Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul

NPPF - National Planning Policy Framework

PAYE - Pay As You Earn tax

PPG - Planning Policy Guidance

PPS - Planning Policy Statement

SAC - Special Areas of Conservation

SAMR - Southend Annual Monitoring Report

SCAAP - Southend Central Area Action Plan

SFRA - Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

SHMA - Strategic Housing Market Assessment

SMEs - Small and Medium Enterprises

SPA - Special Protection Area

SPD - Supplementary Planning Document

SQM - Square Metres

SSSI - Site of Special Scientific Interest

SuDS - Sustainable Urban Drainage System

TE2100 - Thames Estuary 2100

TGSE - Thames Gateway South Essex

VAT - Value Added Tax

WwTWs - Wastewater Treatment Works

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