Southend-on-Sea Streetscape Manual

Ended on the 19 August 2013

Appendix Two Materials and Street Furniture Update Form

Departures from the furniture and/or materials specified within the Streetscape Manual will need to be justified and agreed by the Council’s Head of Planning and Transport. If you are proposing to use an alternative product it is advised that you contact the Council’s Strategic Planning team in the first instance on 01702 215004 ext. 5364.

If you are proposing an alternative product you should complete the following form in full and return it to Strategic Transport & Planning Policy Southend Borough Council, Floor 12, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, SS2 6ZF.

We aim to consider your proposals within 14 days. Alternative products should not be used without prior agreement from the Council.




Email / Contact Number:

AGENT (if applicable)



Email / Contact Number:

LOCATION/ADDRESS: (please include a red line plan outlining the site area)

PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE FURNITURE/MATERIAL: (please provide details on product type and specification)

REASON FOR PROPOSED CHANGE: (please provide detailed information on why the product specified within the streetscape manual is not considered appropriate in this location)

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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