Design and Townscape Guide - Refresh 2009 (Consultation Draft)

Ended on the 30 April 2009

Section Four - The Historical Environment

'The design of new buildings intended to stand along side historic buildings needs very careful consideration. In general it is better that old buildings are not set apart, but are woven into the fabric of the living and working community.' (PPG15: Planning and the Historic Environment)

'New buildings do not have to copy their older neighbours in detail. Some of the most interesting streets include a variety of building styles, materials and form of construction, of many different periods, but together forming a harmonious group.' (PPG15:Planning and the Historic Environment)

Policy Link - Core Strategy Policy KP2: Development Principles - 4
Core Strategy Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance - 7
Saved BLP Policy C2 - Historic Buildings
Saved BLP Policy C3 - Conversion of Historic Buildings
Saved BLP Policy C11 - New Buildings, Extensions and Alterations - v

191. The Borough's historic areas have special value for the community. They are visible links with our past, they are attractive contrasts to modern environments and they can help strengthen the local economy. So it is important to ensure that when changes are necessary, they protect the special character of the area and bring about improvements.

192. The Borough's historic environment comprises heritage assets: Listed Buildings, Buildings on the Local List (buildings of local historical and / or architectural interest), Conservation Areas, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and other sites included in the Southend Sites and Monuments Record. In addition to these, the Borough also includes some historic landscapes (a small section of ancient woodland adjacent to the Arterial Road, the southern edge of the Roach valley, Belton Hills, Leigh Marshes and the foreshore), but these are outside the scope of this Guide. Any development affecting the historic environment will need to take into account those aspects of acknowledged importance and be designed to respect, safeguard, restore or enhance its quality.

(2)4.1 Significance and Recording

193. Proposed development or other works affecting a heritage asset or its setting should be based on an understanding of the significance, condition and the needs of that asset. Proposals should normally provide for the preservation, repair or enhancement of those aspects of the asset which contribute to its significance. A development proposal may be required to include a Heritage Statement which should include an assessment of its significance in order to demonstrate that the proposal has recognised, addressed the needs of the asset and seeks to preserve and enhance its special historic character.

194. Where a proposed development, or other work, affects a heritage asset or its setting, a record of the asset may be required prior to development or works being carried out. This may be in the form of drawn elevations and plans, photographs, or a written report.

For further information on Heritage Statements see Section 6 Making an Application.

(2)4.2 Enabling Development

195. In a few cases, where substantial repairs and improvements are required to save historic buildings, it may be necessary for development proposal to include an additional element of building works which will fund the restoration of the historic asset. This is known as enabling development. Where this is proposed it should meet the following criteria:

  • The enabling development will not detrimentally affect the archaeological, architectural or historic interest of the heritage asset or its setting;
  • The proposal avoids harmful fragmentation of management of the heritage asset;
  • The enabling development will secure the long term future of the heritage asset;
  • The problem arises from the inherent needs of the heritage asset;
  • Sufficient financial assistance is not available from other sources;
  • The enabling development is the minimum necessary to secure the future of the heritage asset and its form minimises disbenefits;
  • The benefits of the enabling development outweigh any disbenefits.

196. In each case the Council will make an assessment as to whether the proposed enabling works are necessary and appropriate. English Heritage and The Council will only accept one application of enabling development and repetitive enabling development proposals are not considered appropriate.

4.3 Listed Buildings

Policy Link - Saved BLP Policy C2 - Historic Buildings

197. Listed Buildings are buildings of national importance which have special architectural or historic interest. They are designated by English Heritage. The Council is required to have special regard to the desirability of preserving Listed Buildings, their settings and any features of special architectural or historic interest. Owners of Listed Buildings have a responsibility of care for these buildings and Listed Building Consent is needed for all work which affects their special character.

198. Listed Buildings are graded to show their relative importance. The great majority are Grade II. Those with "more than special interest" or "exceptional interest" are Grade II* or I respectively.

199. About 150 of the most important historic buildings in the Borough are Listed Buildings. They represent a wide range of different periods, uses, styles and materials and each shows something of our history. Our Listed Buildings include examples of:

The earliest surviving buildings in the Borough:

  • The medieval timber-framed 13th century moated manor house of Southchurch Hall, the 13th century Church of St Laurence and All Saints in Eastwood and the 15th century Fox Hall farmhouse at Garons Park.

The post-medieval rural period:

  • Suttons Manor, the 17th century Queen Anne Manor House, Shoeburyness, the fine 18th century Southchurch Lawn and, opposite, the modest 18th century Lawn Cottages in Wakering Road.

The town's early phase of development:

  • The Hope Hotel, the Georgian Royal Terrace and the mid Victorian Clifton Terrace.

And the modern era;

  • St. Margarets Church, Leigh (1931), the international style house at 62 Clatterfield Gardens (1934) and the most modern building to be listed - Westcliff Library (1960).

They were built for many different purposes and reflect the town's social history.

The current list is in Appendix10 Note: buildings may be added to or deleted from the list from time to time. The live list can be found on the Council's website

The Extent of Protection

200. Listing applies to the interior and exterior of the building and to objects fixed to it, such as fire places, panelling, skirtings and doors. It also includes free standing objects and structures within the building's "curtilage" (i.e. its grounds) which have been there since before 1st July 1948. Structures as well as buildings may be listed.

201. The setting of a listed building helps establish its character and may extend well beyond its curtilage. Where new development affects the setting of a listed building it must be designed to preserve or enhance this setting.

Works to a Listed Building 202. Work to demolish, alter or extend a Listed Building in any way which affects its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest must have Listed Building Consent before it is carried out. Repairs also need Consent if they alter the building's character. Even minor work like replacing cast iron guttering with plastic or changing internal doors is likely to need Consent.

203. It is a criminal offence to carry out work to a Listed Building without necessary Consent. Before carrying out work please check with the Council whether Listed Building Consent is necessary and obtain advice on its suitability and the information needed for an application.

204. Planning permission may also be required if the proposal involves a material alteration to the building's external appearance, a change of use or other forms of development.

In addition to the guidance elsewhere in this Document, works affecting listed buildings should comply with guidance contained in PPG15 (Planning and the Historic Environment) and any subsequent policy guidance. They should also take account of any other relevant guidance or advice from English Heritage and from statutory consultees.

205. Work to a Listed Building should follow these principles:

  • Proposals should preserve or restore the building's special architectural or historic interest. It is therefore important to understand what features give the building its interest.
  • It is important to retain and repair historic fabric as it gives authenticity to the building. This may include internal features like skirtings, doors, fireplaces, ceiling cornices, wattle and daub to walls, and stair banisters and handrails. Where the fabric has deteriorated, repair rather than replacement should always be the first option.
  • Necessary alterations to historic fabric should be reversible, as far as practical. For example, if fire proofing is needed, original ceilings, walls and doors may be retained behind fire-resistant fittings.
  • The historic plan form of the building (its internal layout) should be retained.
  • Additions and external alterations should preserve the scale and character of the building and should use appropriate traditional materials, techniques and designs. Extensions must be subservient to the host property.
  • The setting of the building should be preserved where this contributes its character.
  • Employ only suitably skilled designers and craftsmen.

(2)4.4 Buildings on the Local List

Policy Link - Saved BLP Policy C2 - Historic Buildings

206. The Local List is a non-statutory advisory list of buildings of local architectural or historic interest. The list is compiled by the Borough Council according to the following criteria. Buildings may be included if they:

  • Demonstrate the Borough's history, particularly during its main period of growth, including schools, churches, public buildings, leisure, entertainment and commercial buildings; or
  • Have architectural interest by virtue of being designed by a well known architect, being a good example of a particular style or period or contain notable architectural features; or
  • Have importance for the townscape.

The current list is in Appendix 11. It will be reviewed from time to time as part of the Local Development Framework process. The live Local List will be available on the Council's website

207. The purpose of the Local List is to identify buildings, structures and monuments of local architectural or historic importance and to take action as far as possible to preserve them. About 150 are on the Local List ranging from houses, shops and schools to transport structures and townscape features such as post boxes and shelters.

208. In addition to the guidance elsewhere in this Document, development proposals affecting a locally listed building, including its setting, should respect its local interest and seek to preserve or reinstate architectural features and materials contributing to its interest. The Local List is advisory only and does not give the Council additional powers. It is however, a material consideration in any planning application and therefore proposals should pay special regard to;

  • Preserving or restoring features which contribute to their character.
  • Maintaining their scale and proportions.
  • Preserving their setting.
  • Using appropriate materials.

209. This does not mean that the building has to be preserved exactly as it is, but that any alterations should be carried out in a sympathetic manner.

Works to Locally Listed Buildings

210. The following principles should be followed when considering work to a Locally Listed Building:

  • Regular maintenance is essential. It will safeguard historic fabric and avoid the need for more costly repairs later on.
  • Proposals should preserve or restore the building's architectural or historic character. The starting point should be to understand what features give the building its interest.
  • It is important to retain and repair historic fabric as it gives authenticity to the building. This may include internal features like skirtings, doors, fireplaces ceiling cornices, historic plaster, and stair banisters and handrails. Where the fabric has deteriorated, repair rather than replacement should always be the first option.
  • Necessary alterations to historic fabric should be reversible, as far as practical. For example, if fire proofing is needed, original ceilings, walls and doors may be retained behind fire-resistant fittings.
  • The historic plan form of the building (its internal layout) should be retained.
  • Additions and external alterations should preserve the scale and character of the building and should use appropriate traditional materials and designs.
  • The setting of the building should be preserved where this contributes its character.
  • Employ only suitably skilled designers and craftsmen

(4)4.5 Conservation Areas

Policy Link -

Saved BLP Policy C4 - Conservation Areas

Saved BLP Policy C5 - Leigh Old Town

211. The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 Section 69 imposes a duty on local planning authorities to designate as conservation areas any 'areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance'. To this end a variety of historic areas in the Borough have been given protection through their designation by the Council as Conservation Areas. Additional planning controls apply to each conservation area and permission is normally only given if proposed development preserves or enhances its character. Demolition of buildings and work to trees are also controlled.

212. Our Conservation Areas are a microcosm of the town's history and include parts of:

The Borough's two main Medieval Settlements:

  • The fishing village of Leigh maintains its character as a working marine village, whilst the former village of Prittlewell centred on the 15th century parish church has been badly affected by development and is now greatly in need of enhancement.

The Seafront:

  • Conservation Areas along the seafront represent development of Southend as a resort from the late 18th century onwards and show good examples of seaside architecture.

The earliest of Southend's Residential Development:

  • Clifftown contains the first two major attempts to develop Southend with the Georgian Royal Terrace and the unique mid-Victorian Cliff Town Estate designed by Banks and Charles Barry Junior in response to the completion of the railway to London;
  • Shorefields contains interesting architecture as Clifftown spread westwards;
  • Milton, north of the railway, demonstrates the transition in residential architectural styles and materials at the start of Southend's development boom between 1880 and 1910;
  • Warrior Square is the only late Victorian residential square in Southend.

The Victorian Garrison at Shoeburyness

  • With much unspoilt architecture, Shoebury Garrison has a range of different types of military buildings including a chapel, barrack blocks, clock tower and hospital, and a wonderful setting overlooking the sea.

Post World War I 'Homes for Heroes' housing at Chapmanslord Conservation Area

  • An estate developed by the Chapmanslord Housing Society during the early 1920s as part of the Government's 'Homes for Heroes' campaign. The estate has a distinctive and attractive character and is an example of early 20th century Garden City planning which combines Arts and Crafts architecture with a more buildings of a more 'cottage' character.

Further details of the special historic and architectural character of the Borough's Conservation Areas is given in the respective Conservation Area Character Appraisal which can be found on the Council's website For details of which appraisals have been completed see Appendix 12.

The Protection and Enhancement of Conservation Areas

213. A Conservation Area is "an area of special architectural or historic interest" with a character which is "desirable to preserve or enhance" (Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act, 1990). Its special character will come from a range of factors like the design of its buildings, their materials and setting, street alignment, street furniture, public and private open spaces, trees and landscape.

214. The Council will therefore seek to preserve and enhance the aspects of the townscape that make a significant contribution to the special qualities of conservation areas such as:

  • The layout, density and scale of buildings and streets in the area;
  • The relationship of open spaces, gardens and trees to buildings and streets in the area;
  • The original design, detailing and materials of the area's buildings, structures and streets;
  • Unique features of the area such as vistas, views and focal points.

215. This means that the following general principles for development in Conservation Areas will normally be required:

  • Existing features of the area and of its buildings which contribute to its character and appearance should be retained;
  • Original external features of buildings should, where practical, be repaired rather than replaced;
  • Where possible, opportunities should be taken to enhance the area by reinstating original designs, materials and features which have previously been altered unsympathetically.
  • New buildings, extensions and alterations visible from public places should positively enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

216. Views into and out of an area, focal points, road and building alignments, street furniture and surface materials and other aspects of the townscape may also contribute to an area's character and it is important that these aspects are maintained in any proposals.

217. In addition to the guidance in this Document, development affecting a building or site in a conservation area should comply with guidance contained in Planning Policy Guidance Note 15: Planning and the Historic Environment, and any subsequent policy guidance. It should also take account of any relevant character appraisal and demonstrate how it preserves or enhances the appearance or character of the area. In addition, account should be taken of any relevant guidance or advice from English Heritage.

218. Appropriate contemporary design can positively enhance the character and quality of conservation areas. Unless perfect replicas are produced including utilising traditional materials and construction techniques, pastiche designs can be detrimental the quality of a conservation area.

219. Character appraisals and proposals for the management of all existing and proposed conservation areas will be adopted and reviewed from time to time taking account of guidance from English Heritage. These will define the special interest of each conservation area and identify aspects of the area which the Council will seek to preserve, reinstate or enhance.

Appendix 12 contains a list of current Conservation Areas and Conservation Area Appraisals. The Appraisals can be found on the Council's website

Works to Buildings in Conservation Areas

220. In order to maintain the special character of conservation areas it is important that works to the buildings have regard to the following basic principles:

  • Maintenance - regular maintenance is needed to protect original features. But if more extensive work is found necessary, repair rather than replacement should be the first option and will often be better value.
  • Materials and Designs - when considering alterations or repairs to the property original materials and designs should be respected. The type of materials used for historic buildings and their designs reflect their age. So it is important to ensure these are retained whenever possible and that only sympathetic alterations are carried out.
  • Enhancement - take the opportunity to enhance the property when considering alterations, by restoring any missing features and improving poorly designed alterations of the past.

221. There are a number of key building features of particular significance to the character of conservation areas and it is important that these are preserved and respected. Where necessary the Council has introduced Article 4 Directions to give greater protection to these features. See Section 4.8 and Appendix 15.


222. Traditional windows, especially timber sliding sashes, are vital for the character of Conservation Areas. Original windows can be given a new lease of life by overhauling them and installing draft proofing brushes in the sash rebates. Secondary glazing is also acceptable if it is unobtrusive.

223. If replacement or reinstatement is necessary, purpose-made windows to match the original materials and external appearance should normally be installed. For most buildings, double glazing within timber frames is acceptable if the external appearance is unaltered and the metal frames and seals are not visible. Non-traditional materials, especially plastic, cannot match traditional timber windows and are normally not acceptable.

224. To safeguard the building's character, new windows should normally:

  • Be of good quality softwood or hardwood from renewable sources;
  • Be painted (not stained);
  • Copy the original pattern of glazing bars and horns, if any - glazing bars should be built into the window and not stuck on to the glass;
  • Use the original method of opening;
  • Retain or restore the dimensions of the original window opening and the position of the frame within the opening - most openings are well-proportioned and most frames in older brick buildings are well set back from the face of the wall to give weather-protection, shadow and character;
  • Give adequate ventilation;
  • Retain decorative surrounds - they give elegance and distinction to many Victorian and Edwardian buildings.

Doors and Porches

225. Original front doors of period buildings are well proportioned and have good detailing. They tend to be larger than standardised modern doors, sometimes have a fanlight or original decorative stained glass that help to give the property distinction. Original front doors should normally be retained and repaired when necessary. If this proves impossible, the new door should be similar in design and dimensions to the original, and should not have an over emphasis on glass. Original decorative surrounds to porches and doors should be retained.

226. Recessed porch areas give shadow and interest to the face of many buildings and should not normally be enclosed with doors or new porches. New porches will only be acceptable where they compliment the original design of the facade and use traditional materials. Where a house is being converted to flats, the original entrance door should be retained or restored. Entrance doors to individual flats should be contained within the building behind the original entrance.


227. Balconies are attractive features of some of the Borough's Conservation Areas and should not be altered. Unfortunately, some have been enclosed by a variety of windows and additions and the character of each property has been impaired. If repairs are needed, consider reinstating the original style of balcony. The old patterns of iron railings are often available and reinstatement would greatly add to the character of the property. Some balconies in Clifftown have successfully been restored in this way.

Outside Walls and Decoration

228. Yellow stock brick and soft red brick are typical local materials and give attractive "warm" tones and texture to facades. They are sometimes combined for decorative effect. Alternative original facing materials can be found in some of the Boroughs Conservation Areas; Traditional weatherboarding can be found in some of the Leigh Conservation Areas and the properties in Chapmanslord Conservation Area have a substantial amount of rendering. In all cases it is important for the special character of these areas that the original external materials are retained.

229. Original facing brickwork, therefore, should not normally be rendered or painted. If it suffers from damp, dirt or deterioration, alternatives should first be considered, such as cleaning with an appropriate solvent, repointing and treating it with a transparent microporous solution. Render and cement-based masonry paints might increase problems of damp by trapping moisture within the brickwork. If brickwork has already been painted, it may be possible to clean it off, but ensure first that the proposed method will not damage the face of the bricks.

230. Repointing also needs care. It should match the colour and style of the original and not extend over the face of bricks or make joints appear wider. To achieve this it may need to be slightly recessed. The mortar mix needs to include lime and be the right strength for the bricks - too strong a mix will force damp into the bricks and damage their surface.

231. Decorative features, like brick arches to openings, mouldings to window and door surrounds, string courses, friezes, cornices and stone or terracotta panels, which add interest to buildings should be retained.

232. Where terraces and pairs of semi-detached buildings have painted facades, a co-ordinated colour scheme would enhance the appearance. Uniform colours should also be used for walls, windows, gutters, pipes and decorative features but varied colours for front doors can add interest to the street. The chosen colours should not dominate the appearance of the building or clash with neighbouring buildings. The mortar pointing between bricks should not be painted a different colour.

Roofs and Chimneys

233. Welsh slate is widely used for 18th and 19th century buildings; clay tiles (usually plain) are typical of later buildings. Both are natural materials which weather well to produce attractive roof surfaces. They give unity to terraces semi-detached buildings and help establish the character of the Area. Finials and decorative ridge tiles are also important features of some older buildings.

234. Re-roofing should put back the original materials and designs. For slate roofs, it may be possible to re-use some of the existing slates to help keep costs down. In some instances, good quality artificial slate may be an acceptable alternative for a detached building or where adjoining buildings are re-roofed together.

235. Stacks and pots usually emphasise the roofline and in most cases should not be removed. Some stacks have intricate detailing which adds to the character of the property and should be retained.

Hardstandings and Boundaries

236. In the Borough's Conservation Areas there is generally a good balance between the visual "hardness" of buildings and streets and the "softness" of gardens and planted open areas. Front gardens, in particular, should be maintained as planted areas wherever possible.

237. Hardstandings in front gardens harm the appearance of individual properties and the Area's character if badly designed. They will only be acceptable if no reasonable alternative to parking is possible, and there is adequate space in the garden to allow a good design incorporating a suitable surface, landscaping and partial enclosure of the frontage with a traditional boundary wall or railings. It should not involve the loss of mature trees.

238. The appearance of many older properties has been eroded by the loss of traditional front boundaries - usually brick walls and stone copings (sometimes topped by iron railings), between substantial brick piers and iron gates. Their restoration would greatly enhance Conservation Areas and is encouraged - advice on original designs can be given.

Gardens and Landscaping

239. Gardens and landscaping play a vital role in determining the character of many urban conservation areas. Established tree planting in the pavements and the front and side gardens of properties make a significant contribution to the streetscene and enhance the setting of the building. Rear gardens, although less visible, also have a clear role to play as they determine the grain of the historic street pattern. Development will be expected to respect these important characteristics by preserving and enhancing gardens and landscaping wherever possible.


240. Some of the Borough's Conservation Areas include commercial properties and it is the quality of the shopfronts that give these areas their special character. Whilst commercial properties in Conservation Areas need to cater for modern commercial requirements, care is needed to ensure their external appearance is compatible with the character of the building and Conservation Area.

241. Original shopfronts are particularly important and the Council will seek to retain these wherever they exist. Whilst it may be possible to construct a new shopfront in a traditional design with traditional materials it does not have the same integrity and character as the original. Where they survive, original shopfronts tend to have significantly more character than replicas and are usually valued by the local community.

242. In addition, decorative features on the surrounds of shopfronts such as columns, pilasters and cornices are key to the character of the conservation area and must also be retained. They should not be obliterated by new frontages or fascias.

243. Where original shopfronts no longer remain, replacement frontages should be designed to respect the historic character of the area and use traditional materials. Where unsympathetic shopfronts exist, significant improvements in the design of replacement frontages will be required.

Further information on shopfront design can be found in Section 5.3.6

4.6 Frontages of Townscape Merit

Policy Link - BLP Saved Policy C6 - Frontages of Townscape Merit

244. The street frontages of some buildings not subject to other conservation control can, nevertheless, contribute significantly to the quality of the local townscape by their architectural character as a group and their prominence in the streetscene. Such frontages are identified by the Council as Frontages of Townscape Merit. They are situated in parts of the town centre and Hamlet Court Road. The Council intends that such frontages are retained and that their architectural character is respected by proposals for fascias, shopfronts and other alterations.

A list of the Frontages of Townscape Merit can be found in Appendix 13

4.7 Archaeology

'The main body of this guidance underlines the importance of early consultations between developers and local planning authorities with a view to establishing the existence and importance of any archaeological remains on a development site and to ensuring that they are considered as an integral part of the planning application.' (PPG16: Planning and Archaeology)

Policy Link - Saved BLP Policy C1 - Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites

245. Concern for our heritage is not just about our visible historic buildings and areas. Hidden features below ground, in our landscapes and in some of our historic buildings hold evidence of our past and how our own society has developed. It is important that such evidence is protected and investigated wherever possible, and that comprehensive archaeological records are maintained.

246. The Southend Sites and Monuments Record (SMR) is a record of archaeological information in the Borough. It is maintained by the Borough Council and is continually enhanced as new information becomes available. It will be used to assess the need for archaeological work to be commissioned by the developer prior to determination of the planning application, prior to the start of development and during development.

247. Archaeological sites of national importance are given statutory protection by English Heritage as 'scheduled ancient monuments'.

The sites that are currently scheduled in the Borough are listed in Appendix.14

248. Other sites in the Borough have known or potential archaeological significance. Sites of high archaeological potential are identified in the SMR. These are relatively large scale sites which are substantially undisturbed by previous development or use and are within the vicinity of significant archaeological evidence. Smaller sites may also have archaeological potential as demonstrated by previous archaeological work or known historic settlement or use in the vicinity.

249. In addition to the guidance elsewhere in this Document, proposed development affecting scheduled ancient monuments and other sites of known or potential archaeological significance should comply with the guidance in Planning Policy Guidance 16: Archaeology and Planning and any subsequent policy guidance. Where such a site is likely to be affected by the proposed development, an archaeological site evaluation will be required either prior to a decision on the planning application (in cases where preservation in situ may be required) or prior to the start of the development (in other cases). Results of the evaluation will inform the need for mitigation, in order to preserve remaining archaeological evidence, and for any further archaeological work prior to or during development. Records of all archaeological work commissioned by the developer should be provided to the Southend SMR in an appropriate format.

(1)4.8 Control of Permitted Development

Article 4 Directions

Policy Link - Saved BLP Policy C12 - Undercliff Gardens

250. Under current planning law certain types of relatively minor development come within the definition of 'permitted development' and may be carried out without planning permission from the Borough Council. In some situations such development might seriously harm the townscape, the historic environment or the amenity of nearby properties. The Borough Council will keep under review the need to restrict permitted development by making Article 4 Directions. Such Directions already apply in some conservation areas and in Undercliff Gardens / Grand Parade. If you live in an area covered by an Article 4 Direction, you should contact The Council prior to carrying out any works.

See Appendix15 for a List of current Article 4 Directions. The content of the Article 4 Directions can be found on the Council's website

Section Four Checklist

Has the special historic character of the conservation area and / or building been preserved and enhanced?

Where applicable, has the development respected the special historic character of the listed building and its setting?

Have traditional materials and building techniques been used where appropriate?

Have the archaeological implications of the development been considered?

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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