Development Management Development Plan (DPD)

Ended on the 9 August 2010

Appendix 2: National Development Management Policies

Planning Policy Statement 4

Policy EC10: Determining planning applications for economic development
Policy EC11: Determining planning applications for economic development (other than main town centre uses) not in accordance with an up to date development plan
Policy EC12: Determining planning applications for economic development in rural areas
Policy EC13: Determining planning applications affecting shops and services in local centres and villages
Policy EC14: Supporting evidence for planning applications for main town centre uses
Policy EC15: The consideration of sequential assessments for planning applications for main town centre uses that are not in a centre and not in accordance with an up to date development plan
Policy EC16: The impact assessment for planning applications for main town centre uses that are not in a centre and not in accordance with an up to date development plan
Policy EC17: The consideration of planning applications for development of main town centre uses not in a centre and not in accordance with an up to date development plan.
Policy EC18: Application of car parking standards for non-residential development
Policy EC19: The effective use of conditions for main town centre uses

PPS5 Planning for the Historic Environment

Policy HE6: Information requirements for applications for consent affecting heritage assets
Policy HE7: Policy principles guiding the determination of applications for consent relating to all heritage assets
Policy HE8: Additional policy principle guiding the consideration of applications for consent relating to heritage assets that are not covered by policy HE9
Policy HE9: Additional policy principles guiding the consideration of applications for consent relating to designated heritage assets
Policy HE10: Additional policy principles guiding the consideration of applications for development affecting the setting of a designated heritage asset
Policy HE11: Enabling development
Policy HE12: Policy principles guiding the recording of information related to heritage assets
Planning Policy Statement 25 Supplement: Development and Coastal Change DCC4: Evidence requirements for validation of planning applications in the Coastal Change Management Area
DCC5: Policy principles guiding the consideration of applications for development in Coastal Change Management Areas

Draft Planning Policy

Consultation paper on a new Planning Policy Statement: Planning for a Natural and Healthy Environment (March 9th 2010)

Policy NE8: Policy principles guiding the determination of applications in relation to the natural environment
Policy NE9: Policy principles relating to the maintenance of an adequate supply of open space, green infrastructure, sports, recreational and play facilities
Policy NE10: Policy principles guiding the determination of applications affecting playing fields
Policy NE11: The consideration of applications for floodlighting for sports and recreational facilities
Policy NE12: Proposals for sport and recreation requiring natural features and water
Policy NE13: Sport and recreation provision in nationally designated areas
Policy NE14: Proposals for major sports development and mixed use sport and recreational facilities

PPS: Planning for a Low Carbon Future in a Changing Climate: Consultation

Policy LCF12: General approach
Policy LCF13: Designing for a low carbon future in a changing climate
Policy LCF14: Renewable and low carbon energy generation
Policy LCF15: Safeguarding renewable and low carbon energy supplies

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