New Local Plan

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New Local Plan

OPTION 3 - Option 2 + working with neighbouring authorities to develop a comprehensive new settlement across Borough boundaries (strategic scale development)

Representation ID: 3185

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

This is the only option that can meet housing need & let Southend's own administration decide the best locations for new sites.
If an inspector finds the plan unsound due to insufficient dwelling provision, central government will decide the town's future, not local people

Full text:

This is the only option that can meet housing need & let Southend's own administration decide the best locations for new sites.
If an inspector finds the plan unsound due to insufficient dwelling provision, central government will decide the town's future, not local people


New Local Plan

1.5 Please let us know if you believe there is another option on how Southend should develop in the future.

Representation ID: 3186

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

No, option 3 is the best option by far. Infrastructure needs improvement generally & CIL & S106 contributions provided by option 3 will help Southend achieve the improvements needed

Full text:

No, option 3 is the best option by far. Infrastructure needs improvement generally & CIL & S106 contributions provided by option 3 will help Southend achieve the improvements needed


New Local Plan

3.7 Do you have any other issues/comments you would like to raise

Representation ID: 3187

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Retailers generally are suffering due to the internet. There needs to be encouragement & support for other uses (leisure/restaurant/housing) in and around the High Street.
The new stadium/retail/leisure/residential scheme at Fossetts Farm should be supported to keep jobs/investment in Southend, even if it is on the fringe on town rather than centre

Full text:

Retailers generally are suffering due to the internet. There needs to be encouragement & support for other uses (leisure/restaurant/housing) in and around the High Street.
The new stadium/retail/leisure/residential scheme at Fossetts Farm should be supported to keep jobs/investment in Southend, even if it is on the fringe on town rather than centre


New Local Plan

4.1 Allocate and promote new sites for additional tourism/leisure developments in the central seafront area or elsewhere in the Borough. Where do you think these should be focussed

Representation ID: 3188

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Near seafront & High Street

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Near seafront & High Street


New Local Plan

4.2 Promote further hotel and tourist accommodation. Should this continue to be directed to areas in the town centre, seafront and airport or should other areas be promoted

Representation ID: 3189

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:


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New Local Plan

4.3 Promote the second phase of City Beach and enhanced public realm areas. Should priority for City Beach be given to the areas east of the Pier adjacent the Kursaal or west of the Pier

Representation ID: 3190

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

East of the pier is more deprived

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East of the pier is more deprived


New Local Plan

4.4 Improve accessibility to the central seafront areas for all users. How best do you think this could be achieved

Representation ID: 3191

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Not sure

Full text:

Not sure


New Local Plan

4.5 Seek further enhanced links between the central seafront and town centre to improve services and facilities. How best do you think this could be achieved

Representation ID: 3192

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Not sure

Full text:

Not sure


New Local Plan

4.6 Continue to safeguard Key Visitor Car Parking in line with the provisions of the Southend Central Area Action Plan

Representation ID: 3193

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:


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New Local Plan

4.7 Do you have any other issues/comments you would like to raise

Representation ID: 3194

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Everyone I've ever met (I'm 60 this year) that has been to Southend loves the seafront. Keep parking & the route from both town centre rail stations as simple & accessible as possible

Full text:

Everyone I've ever met (I'm 60 this year) that has been to Southend loves the seafront. Keep parking & the route from both town centre rail stations as simple & accessible as possible

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