New Local Plan

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New Local Plan

6.5 How do you think technologies such as the internet, electric and driverless cars will affect how we travel by 2038

Representation ID: 3205

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

I think it will be catastrophic

Full text:

I think it will be catastrophic


New Local Plan

6.6 Do you have any other issues/comments

Representation ID: 3206

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Roads are busy now before more housing & jobs. Being bounded by sea to South & East, Southend & South Essex generally needs massive central Government support to keep people & commerce moving.
The new Thames crossing should be a big help

Full text:

Roads are busy now before more housing & jobs. Being bounded by sea to South & East, Southend & South Essex generally needs massive central Government support to keep people & commerce moving.
The new Thames crossing should be a big help


New Local Plan

12.1 Continue to work in partnership with the private, public and voluntary sector plus neighbouring authorities to secure funding for key infrastructure projects

Representation ID: 3207

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:


Full text:



New Local Plan

12.2 Set out priorities for project delivery. What do think these priorities should be and how should any phasing be applied

Representation ID: 3208

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Housing & airport expansion. Jobs will follow

Full text:

Housing & airport expansion. Jobs will follow


New Local Plan

12.3 Increase the Community Infrastructure Levy tariffs to fund future projects

Representation ID: 3209

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

No, increase will make schemes unviable or border line & will hinder delivery

Full text:

No, increase will make schemes unviable or border line & will hinder delivery


New Local Plan

12.4 Through Garden Communities key principles ensure land value capture and long term stewardship for the benefit of the community, to provide and coordinate the necessary infrastructure

Representation ID: 3210

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Garden communities are the only way Southend can meet their housing delivery targets

Full text:

Garden communities are the only way Southend can meet their housing delivery targets


New Local Plan

12.5 Do you have any other issues/comments

Representation ID: 3211

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

The Local Plan is ambitious but deliverable, please make sure it is sound & is not taken out of Southend's hands

Full text:

The Local Plan is ambitious but deliverable, please make sure it is sound & is not taken out of Southend's hands

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