New Local Plan

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New Local Plan


Representation ID: 3195

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

High street retail is dying, support out & edge of town rather than lose all retail spend

Full text:

High street retail is dying, support out & edge of town rather than lose all retail spend


New Local Plan

a. do you think a greater mix of uses should be allowed such as retail, cafes and bars

Representation ID: 3196

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

a) yes, definitely

Full text:

yes, definitely


New Local Plan

b. do you think the town centre should be refocused into specific themes, for example

Representation ID: 3197

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

b) no

Full text:



New Local Plan

5.3 Do you think the current town centre boundary (see SCAAP) should be amended Should we allow more residential uses on the periphery

Representation ID: 3198

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:


Full text:



New Local Plan

5.4 Do you think the Westcliif and Leigh shopping centres should continue in their current formats or do you think there should be changes

Representation ID: 3199

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Leigh yes but not Westcliff, the latter being more deprived in parts

Full text:

Leigh yes but not Westcliff, the latter being more deprived in parts


New Local Plan

5.5 Encourage and promote further enhancements to the public realm, such as improved paving, seating, tree planting and landscaping. What do you think the priorities should be and where

Representation ID: 3200

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Not sure

Full text:

Not sure


New Local Plan

6.1 Seek to make further improvements to the A127. What do you think these should be

Representation ID: 3201

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Increase capacity/another lane where possible

Full text:

Increase capacity/another lane where possible


New Local Plan

6.2 What do you think should be done to create improved access if a new settlement is built north of Fossetts Farm, Garon Park and Bournes Green Chase (see figure 9)

Representation ID: 3202

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Not sure, needs specialist reports

Full text:

Not sure, needs specialist reports


New Local Plan


Representation ID: 3203

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Not sure but Crossrail should extend to Southend Victoria

Full text:

Not sure but Crossrail should extend to Southend Victoria


New Local Plan

6.4 Provide for park and ride facilities to serve Southend. Where do you think these should be and in what format

Representation ID: 3204

Received: 08/03/2019

Respondent: Thorpe Bay Estate Company Ltd

Representation Summary:

Somewhere west of Rayleigh weir

Full text:

Somewhere west of Rayleigh weir

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