Core Strategy - Adopted December 2007

Section 11 – Monitoring and Review

11.1 In line with Part 2 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act the Borough Council will prepare a Southend Annual Monitoring Report (SAMR). This Annual Monitoring Report will include an assessment of the extent to which national targets and the strategic objectives and policies in this Core Strategy Development Plan (and other local development documents as and when appropriate) are being achieved.

11.2 In addition the SAMR will include an assessment of local development document preparation against the milestones and timescales set out in its Local Development Scheme (LDS). The Southend LDS will be monitored on an annual basis, assessing change and progress that has taken place each year between 1st April and 31st March, and reviewed as appropriate.

11.3 It is anticipated that the SAMR will be submitted to Government for information by the end of December each year and will be made publicly available at approximately the same time.

11.4 To monitor the performance of the Core Strategy Development Plan Policies and assess whether or not the Plan's aim and strategic objectives are being achieved, the Borough Council will have regard to:

  1. contextual information relating to socio-economic issues and built/environmental assets at both the local and sub-regional level (specific information that will be collected will include: GVA (Gross Value Added); unemployment levels; average wages; workforce profile; commercial land/rental value; yields and floorspace; relevant land use/land availability data and take up rates);
  2. Government Core Output Indicators and targets as published in associated national guidance;
  3. relevant indicators and targets in the Local Strategic Partnership's Community Plan; and
  4. local output indicators and targets that reflect the aim, strategic objectives and specific requirements of policies in this Core Strategy (as set out in the monitoring and implementation frameworks at the end of Sections 3-11 of this document).

11.5 The performance indicators and targets, together with relevant contextual output indicators, setting out how progress on delivery will be measured, are contained in the monitoring frameworks incorporated in each relevant section of the Core Strategy above. In addition details of the delivery and implementation of the public/private utility projects/schemes (set out in the form of tables in this Section after Policy CP9), will assist in the monitoring process in relation to:

  • Flood defences (Policy KP1);
  • Transport and Accessibility (Policy CP3);
  • Community Infrastructure (Policy CP6);
  • Sport, Recreation and Green Space (Policy CP7).

Jobs and housing will be delivered predominantly by the private sector and delivery will be monitored on at least an annual basis having regard to indicators and targets. All this information will form an integral part of the Southend Annual Monitoring Report.

11.6 Analysis and assessment of monitoring data will be undertaken with particular regard to:

  1. its impact on the contextual profile of the town
  2. the spatial dimensions of policies and their associated targets
  3. the chronological and inter-connected nature of targets set for the provision of jobs, dwellings and transport infrastructure.

11.7 This analysis and assessment, together with any action identified to be necessary in the light of it, will also be undertaken in accordance with Policy IMP2 of the East of England Plan to track the delivery of development and the related components of sustainable communities. Policies CP1, CP3 and CP8 above contain provisions to ensure the close co-ordination of jobs, dwellings and infrastructure. Where monitoring indicates that the strategic objectives of job-led growth and the prior or parallel provision of infrastructure are not being achieved, there will be a re-appraisal of the phasing and release of further development – and in particular housing development – accordingly.

11.8 A full review of this Core Strategy will be completed in five years time to align with the review process of the East of England Plan (Regional Spatial Strategy). The review of the East of England Plan is programmed for completion in the spring of 2011 and will roll forward the regional spatial strategy to cover the period to 2030. More frequent partial alterations of specific policies and issues will be undertaken as necessary having regard to changing national and regional policies and local circumstances, and the findings of the regional and local Annual Monitoring Reports.

Policy CP9: Monitoring and Review

The Borough Council will undertake regular monitoring to:

  1. appraise the impact of the Plan and measure the effectiveness of its policies and proposals, using the monitoring and implementation frameworks set out in this document, particularly with regard to ensuring a job-led regeneration of the town with the necessary supporting infrastructure
  2. appraise the performance of plan preparation with reference to the Local Development Scheme
  3. indicate the need for policy revision, in particular re-appraisal of the phasing and release of further housing or other development, and/or where there may be a need for additional Supplementary Planning Documents and/or Area Action Plans.

Core Policy CP9: Monitoring and Review


Jobs and Dwellings Target

Infrastructure requirements

Local Development Framework




2001 - 2011

Not less than 6,500 net additional jobs and 3,350 net additional dwellings

Amount of commensurate contributions made to the community facilities' needs and priorities identified in Policy CP5 (Targets to be set within Planning Obligations and Vehicle Parking Standards DPD)

Amount of commensurate contributions made to the sport, recreation and open space needs and priorities identified in Policy CP7 (Targets to be set within Planning Obligations and Vehicle Parking Standards DPD)

Total number of key transport infrastructure schemes completed within the plan period as described in Policy CP3 and Draft East of England Plan Policy TG/SE3 and Policy T17 (Table 8.3)

Percentage of required LTP / Major Scheme funding received

Amount of commensurate contributions made to the transportation infrastructure needs and priorities identified in Policy CP3 (Targets to be set within Planning Obligations and Vehicle Parking Standards DPD)

Preparation milestones in LDS met for

- DPD1 Core Strategy

- DPD2 Planning Obligations and Vehicle Parking Standards

- DPD3 Town Centre Area Action Plan

- DPD4 Seafront Area Action Plan

- SPD1 Design and Townscape Guide

- SDP2 Sustainable Transport

- SDP3 Green Space and Green Grid Strategy

- SPD4 Shoeburyness New Ranges

- DPD5 Criteria Based Policies and Site Allocations

2011 - 2021

Not less than 6,500 net additional jobs and 3,150 net additional dwellings

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