Core Strategy - Adopted December 2007

Appendix 1

Background Documents and Technical Studies

  1. In preparing the planning policies within this Core Strategy DPD the Council has taken into account relevant regional and local strategies and plans and a range of background technical studies. Some of this work has been undertaken by the Council, or on its behalf, and will be published in the form of background technical documents.
  1. Background strategy documents to which the Council has had regard when developing this Core Strategy DPD include:
    1. Draft East of England Plan – Secretary of States Proposed Changes December 2006
    2. East of England Regional Economic Strategy, EEDA
    3. Single Programme Document 2000 – 2006, European Union Objective 2 Programme for the East of England, 2000
    4. Essex Shoreline Management Plan, Mouchel Consulting Limited, April 1997
    5. Southend-on-Sea Shoreline Strategy Plan, Mouchel Consulting Limited and Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, February 1998
    6. A Vision for the Future, Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership, 2002
    7. Delivering the Future, Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership, July 2003
    8. Community Plan "Southend – setting the standard", Southend Together Local Strategic Partnership, March 2003 and Updated Action Plans 2004 - 2006
    9. Renaissance Southend Urban Regeneration Company -Submission to ODPM and DTI, EEDA (supported by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council) 2004
    10. Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Corporate Plans 2004-2007 and 2006-2009
    11. Housing Strategy Statement Update, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, 2003-2006
    12. "Making Culture Count", A Cultural Strategy for the Borough of Southend-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, 2003
    13. Local Biodiversity Action Plan, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, July 2003
    14. Southend-on-Sea Local Transport Plans 2001/2 - 2005/6 (LTP1) and 2006 – 2011 (LTP2), Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, July 2000 and March 2006
    15. Southend on Sea Local Transport Plan - 5th Annual Progress Report – Southend on Sea Borough Council, July 2005
    16. Southend on Sea Cycle Network Appraisal: Final Report, Transportation Planning (International), January 2003; Local Transport Plan and Annual Progress Report Cycle Network Review, Implementation Programme and Funding Opportunities, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, March 2004
    17. Southend-on-Sea Borough Local Plan Review: Issues Report, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, March 2001
    18. Southend-on-Sea Gateway Town Centre Strategy 2002-2012, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council Scrutiny Committee Report, December 2001
  1. In addition, there is a range of studies and strategies that have been or are being undertaken by other organisations and/or not produced specifically for planning purposes that will be of relevance to LDD preparation locally. Examples include: Leigh-on-Sea Town Council's Town Plan 'A Vision for Leigh' 2003, the Thames Gateway South Essex Strategic Framework Document, and associated work such as the Thames Gateway South Essex Green Grid Strategy.
  1. Technical Studies and Reports will be made available to consultees for information purposes:
    1. Consultation Framework Document "Town Centre Study and Master Plan Framework", Buro Happold/DTZ Pieda, 2003
    2. Housing Needs Report 2003 - Fit for Purpose: Department of Social Care, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, 2004
    3. Southend-on-Sea Housing Needs Survey - Update Report, Fordham Research, June 2004
    4. Southend-on-Sea Urban Housing Capacity Study – Final Report, Atkins, August 2003
    5. Southend-on-Sea Retail Study, CB Richard Ellis, September 2003
    6. A Study of Playing Pitches in Southend-on-Sea – Final Report, Leisure and the Environment, August 2004
    7. A Study of Open Space and Recreation in Southend-on-Sea – Final Report, Leisure and the Environment, August 2004
    8. Southend-on-Sea Key Worker Study – Final Report, Fordham Research, August 2004
  1. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that each report is factually accurate, the contents, opinions, conclusions and recommendations are those of the consultant who carried out the study and they do not necessarily represent the views of the Borough Council. They are made available on the basis that as background technical documents they form part of the evidence base for the policies included within the Local Development Framework for Southend.

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