Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP)

Ended on the 6 March 2009

(3) 9. Funding and Programming

As mentioned earlier in the document, there are currently no additional funds available from Government to deliver the Core Actions set out in the SoA. It will therefore be necessary to fund delivery of these actions from a range of other sources, namely;
  • Existing management and maintenance budgets
  • Renaissance Southend Limited (RSL) as part of their development plan and possible grants
  • Thames Gateway Projects (e.g Greengrid)
  • Section 106 Agreements
  • Deliverables set out in LTP2 e.g.
    • Walking and Cycling Strategy
    • Health Strategy
    • Safer Journeys to School Project
Cycling England Demonstration Town PriojectThe following table outlines how the Core Actions will be programmed for budgeting and delivery.
Core Action Proposal Outcomes
A1 (Statutory Duty) Process Modification Orders Outstanding applications will be determined and the statutory duty met
A2 (Statutory Duty) Research anomolies. Outstanding anomalies will be resolved and the statutory duty met.
A3 (Statutory Duty) Process applications made under section 53 Highways Act 1980. Outstanding applications will be determined and the statutory duty met
A4 Consolidate DMS. A consolidated DMS will provide an up to date record of the PROW network within the borough.
B1 (Statutory Duty) Maintain a network that is adequately signed, free from obstructions and well maintained. The network will become more visible and attractive to the public and meet the objective of improving health and fitness through an increase in use. The statutory duty will be met.
B2 (Statutory Duty) Regularly survey the network. Undertaking regular surveys, and benchmarking against recognised standards will ensure a proactive approach is taken toward maintaining a network that is adequately signed, free from obstructions and well maintained.
C1 Provision of more cycle routes within the borough, including conversion of FP's to cycle track where applicable. This Core Action will assist in meeting the proposed increase of 5% for cycle use within the borough as set out in LTP2.
C2 Provision of more bridleways within the borough, including upgrade from FP where applicable. This Core action will provide more opportunities for people to take regular exercise in order for them to lead a more healthier lifestyle.
D Make the network more accessible for all, where practicable. This will meet the requirements of DDA , DES and provide access for the broader community.
E Improve cross-boundary links for all modes of transport. This Core action will meet the Council's objectives as set out in the Walking and Cycling strategies.
F Improve provision of information for PROW to the public. The public will be made more aware of the benefits of the PROW network which will contribute to the objective to lead healthier lifestyles.

Following approval of the ROWIP and SoA, a more detailed Project Plan and methodology will be prepared for delivery of each of the core actions outlined above and will include timescale, estimates, resources and funding sources as far as possible. This will then form part of the council budget setting process.

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