Development Management - Proposed Submission

Ended on the 29 April 2011

(1)Appendix 1: Monitoring Framework

Monitoring and review are key aspects of the development plan system with its emphasis on delivery of sustainable development and sustainable communities. Local Development Frameworks should be regularly reviewed and revised to ensure that components of the framework are updated to reflect changing circumstances nationally, regionally and locally.

The Southend-on-Sea Development Management DPD reflects the spatial vision and objectives of the Core Strategy DPD and includes more detailed local policies for the management of development. It is therefore a key element in achieving the vision and objectives of the Core Strategy DPD and contributes to achieving the aims of the Southend-on-Sea’s Community Strategy, ‘Southend Together’.

The Development Management DPD will be delivered through the Council’s decisions on planning applications. The Council will use the policies in this document, alongside those in the Core Strategy DPD and other relevant Local Development Framework documents, when it determines applications for planning permission in the Borough. Account will also be taken of the Council’s other planning documents such as planning briefs and frameworks and conservation area statements, appraisals and management plans, when assessing planning applications. Monitoring of the policies of these documents will evaluate progress being made towards delivering the spatial vision and objectives through the implementation of policies. The results of such monitoring will provide the basis for a review to be undertaken.

In accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Council annually produce the Southend Annual Monitoring Report (SAMR), which contains an assessment of Local Development Document preparation against milestones set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS), and the extent to which policies set out in Local Development Documents are being achieved and targets being met. The SAMR will be the main mechanism for assessing the LDF's performance and effect. As well as linking with spatial objectives and policies, indicators in the SAMR will also link to sustainability appraisal objectives in order to identify the significant effects of policy implementation.

In addition to those core and local indicators already set out in the SAMR, the following indicators will be subject to annual review to ensure effective monitoring. These are new local output indicators.

Key Indicators Target / Direction Indicator Core Strategy Objective LDF Policy
Code for Sustainable Homes Maximise the environment performance of new residential buildings Number of new dwellings built to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3, 4 etc as a proportion of total new build SO15 KP2, CP4 and DM2
BREEAM Maximise the environment performance of new non-residential buildings Floorspace built to BREEAM SO15 KP2, CP4 and DM2
Water Efficiency Maximise the water efficiency of new buildings Number of new dwellings that limit water consumption to at least 105 l/p/d SO15 KP2, CP4 and DM2
Retrofitting of existing buildings Maximise the environment performance of existing buildings Number of existing dwellings that incorporate energy and water efficiency measures as part of a planning application. SO15 KP2, CP4, and DM2
Protection of family housing stock in the Borough Increase in family homes Number of family homes lost;
Number of family homes gained;
Net +/- family homes
SO4, SO7 and SO14 KP2, CP4 and DM4
Protection of bungalow stock in the Borough Increase in number of bungalow homes Number of bungalows homes lost;
Number of bungalow homes gained;
Net +/- bungalow homes
SO4, SO7 and SO14 KP2, CP4 and DM4
Protection and enhancement of Listed Buildings 'at
0% of new developments to result in loss of Grade I and II* and scheduled monuments at risk and other important historic assets. Year on year reduction in number of buildings on Buildings at Risk register. Number of planning applications affecting an historic asset SO14 KP2, CP4 and DM5
Protection and enhancement of Conservation areas   % of Conservation
Areas covered by an up
to date Character
SO14 KP2, CP4 and DM5
Mix of affordable housing tenure to meet local needs Alignment of affordable housing provision to meet needs of the Borough Total Number of Affordable Dwelling completions by Tenure SO7 CP8 and DM7
Standard of internal accommodation in new dwellings All residential development to have a high standard of internal accommodation Total number of dwelling completions by number of bedrooms and floor area meeting and/or above policy standards SO7 CP8 and DM7
Maintain and improve the vitality and viability of Primary frontages Maintain at least 70% A1 Retail street frontage in the Primary Frontage Percentage Class A1 Retail street frontage in the Primary Frontage SO1 and SO8 KP1, CP1, CP2 and KP13
Parking standards for new developments Zero % of planning applications contrary to parking standards Number of planning permissions contrary to parking standards SO9 and SO10 KP2, CP3 and DM16
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