Development Management - Proposed Submission

Ended on the 29 April 2011

Appendix 2: Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy – Objectives

Objective Reference  
SO1 Deliver employment led regeneration, wealth creation and growth across Essex Thames Gateway sub-region.
SO2 Secure the regeneration of Southend as a cultural and intellectual hub and a centre of education excellence.
SO3 Create and maintain a balance between employment and housing growth in the future.
SO4 Secure sustainable regeneration and growth focused on the urban area.
SO5 Provide for not less than 13,000 net additional jobs in the period 2001 to 2021 within Southend.
SO6 Provide for 6,500 net additional dwellings in the period 2001 to 2021 within Southend.
SO7 Target future dwelling provision to meet the needs of local people including the provision of affordable housing.
SO8 Secure a thriving, vibrant and attractive town centre and network of district and local centres.
SO9 Secure a ‘step change’ in the provision of transport infrastructure as an essential concomitant to new development.
SO10 Maximise the effectiveness and integration of key transport corridors and interchanges as a principal focus for development in the urban area.
SO11 Secure the regeneration of London Southend Airport to enable it to reach its potential to function as a local regional airport providing for significant new employment opportunities and improved surface access subject to environmental safeguards.
SO12 Secure the sustainable use of the River Thames and its Estuary as an asset for transport, leisure and business.
SO13 Secure the social and physical infrastructure related to improving the health, education, lifelong learning and well-being of all sectors of the community.
SO14 Deliver high quality, well designed and attractive urban and natural environments which are safe, people friendly and distinctive, and which respect and enhance existing character and local amenity.
SO15 Secure effective and efficient sustainable development which prevents or minimises local contributions to, and the impact of, climate change, flood risk and the depletion of non-renewable resources, including the application of sustainable construction and operation in all development through the prudent use of natural resources, energy efficiency and low carbon emissions, and the maximum use of renewable and recycled resources.
SO17 Regenerate and bring back into productive and beneficial long-term use, including where appropriate use for biodiversity or other natural resource value, land which is contaminated or otherwise degraded.
SO18 Contribute to the creation of a ‘Green Grid’ of high quality, linked and publicly accessible open spaces and landscapes across the sub-region.
SO19 Secure delivery of strategic objectives through all relevant delivery bodies and their strategies.
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