Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) Preferred Approach 2015

Ended on the 15 February 2016

Part B: Development Strategy

3. Central Area Strategy

Central Area Strategy

27 The Central Area Strategy seeks to create a 'City by the Sea' - a change in the function and transformation in the quality of the Town Centre and Seafront and renewal of Southend Central Area.

28 Spatially, this concept embraces the vision of Southend as a prosperous regional centre defined by sustainable growth of its urban functions and the identification of Southend as a location of choice for businesses, residents and visitors. This will be achieved through the creation of Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites (see Map 2: SCAAP Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites).

29 The SCAAP seeks to establish Policy Areas which, to a varying extent, take on a new mixed sustainable character. Development within these Policy Areas will be appropriate to their context, either seeking to strengthen the competitive advantage of current uses, encourage a greater mix of uses or defining new roles contributing to the regeneration of opportunity sites and Southend Central Area as a whole.

30 The introduction of new residential uses as part of a broader mix is a key element in achieving a vibrant, thriving Town Centre.

31 The Policy Areas have been identified as follows:

  • High Street
  • London Road
  • Elmer Square
  • Queensway
  • Warrior Square
  • Clifftown
  • Tylers
  • Central Seafront
  • Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood
  • Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood

32 Within the Policy Area's there are also a number of Site Allocations, which comprise 'Opportunity Sites' and 'Major Planning Permissions' (with potential housing allocation). The approach for managing these sites, and wider policy areas, is set out in Part C: Policy Areas and Site Allocations.

(9) Question 5: Do you agree with the proposed Central Area Strategy set out above? Please explain your answer.


The 'City by the Sea' concept was proposed by the Central Area Masterplan (2008), and has been taken forward by the SCAAP. It is underpinned by the delivery of a step change in the function and quality of the Town Centre and seafront, embracing the vision of Southend as a prosperous regional centre defined by sustainable growth of its urban functions, including commerce, learning and culture, and the identification of Southend as a location of choice for businesses, residents and visitors. The previous iterations of the SCAAP referred to Quarters, Gateway Neighbourhoods and Proposal Sites. Following a review of the Plan, these terms have been revised and Quarters and Gateway Neighbourhoods are now referred to as 'Policy Areas', and Proposal Sites as 'Opportunity Sites'.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Southend Core Strategy DPD (2007)
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA.

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

Map 2 - SCAAP Policy Areas

Map 2 - SCAAP Policy Areas

4. Criteria Based Policies

4.1 Introduction


The SCAAP seeks to boost significantly the provision of dwellings and new jobs in the Southend Central Area.

The purpose of the SCAAP is to provide a more detailed plan of how and where regeneration and growth can sustainably be accommodated in the Central Area.

Between 2001 and 2014, 954 dwellings have been built within the Southend Central Area, and as of the end of March 2014 there were 1,447 dwellings identified by outstanding planning permissions.

Monitoring of employment data across the Borough suggests that job numbers have declined over the plan period. However, more recently, since 2010, job numbers have increased and efforts to boost job creation is underway.

The SCAAP seeks to maximise sustainable growth within the Central Area.

33 This section sets out the policy context for key uses and development within Southend Central Area. It includes a strategy and, where relevant, policies for the delivery and management of:

  • Retail
  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Culture, Leisure, Tourism and Recreational facilities
  • The Historic Environment
  • Open and Green Spaces
  • Key Views
  • Landmarks and Landmark Buildings
  • Flood Risk Management and Sustainable Drainage
  • Transport, Access and Public Realm
  • Infrastructure Provision (including education, health and social and community facilities)

34 A policy linkage box is provided at the end of each section or policy, setting out links between policies within the SCAAP and other key documents within the Council's local planning framework.

4.2 Retail

35 The retail sector is crucial to the health of the local economy in terms of its attraction to visitors, business and investment. The changing nature of High Streets, which are facing competition from internet shopping, out-of-town retail parks and neighbouring centres, has impacted the level of trade to the Town Centre and consequently there is a need to enhance and broaden its offer.

Southend Town Centre's Primary Shopping Area

36 The Primary Shopping Area of Southend's town centre (see Map 3 and Policies Map) is focused around a long linear High Street anchored by The Victoria shopping centre to the north and The Royals shopping centre to the south.

37 New retail development should complement and strengthen the offer of the town centre, in accordance with Core Strategy Policy CP2: Town Centre and Retail Development, reinforcing northern and southern pedestrian circuits around the two main shopping centres.

38 Opportunities for additional retail floorspace will be expected to arise from some incremental increases in existing floorspace through extending shop units or creating larger trading areas through internal unit reconfiguration. Additionally, consideration of vacant floorspace, particularly in the Victoria's shopping centre which suffers from high vacancy rates, should be made.

39 Public realm enhancements throughout the town centre, particularly within areas that have existing poor quality environments, would be expected to increase footfall and assist with letting vacant units. A schedule of access and public realm improvements is set out within the development principles of each Policy Area.

40 The following Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites are located/partly located within the Town Centre Primary Shopping Area and have the potential to deliver additional retail floorspace where opportunities arise:

P1 High Street, including Opportunity Sites 1 and 2;

P2 London Road;

P4 Queensway and Opportunity Site 4, along Southchurch Road;

P6 Clifftown for small scale niche retail;

P7 Tylers, including Opportunity Site 6, focusing on convenience retail.

41 Outside the Town Centre Primary Shopping Area, the Council may be prepared to permit additional small-scale convenience retail provision to meet the needs of residents. Details are contained in each of the relevant Policy Areas.

42 Development Management Policy DM13 (Shopping Frontage Management outside the Town Centre) identifies 3 discreet areas of Secondary Shopping Frontage within the central area, which act as local centres and are located outside the Town Centre Primary Shopping Area. The boundaries of these are defined on the Policies Map.

Street Markets

43 Southend Town Centre has the right characteristics to sustain a market. It has an adequate sized population, limited geographical competition as well as demand from market operators. These factors alone, however, will not guarantee a successful and viable market. Very careful consideration will need to be given to where the market is located, how it will be managed and what type of market might be appropriate. Street stalls can also add diversity, though they need to be well designed and well sited, so that there is no adverse impact on retail frontages, pedestrian movement or the streetscene. A weekly market is currently operating within the High Street Policy Area, along the main thoroughfare.

Policy DS1: Maintaining a Prosperous Retail Centre

  1. The extent of the Primary Shopping Area is defined on the SCAAP Policies Map.
  2. Proposals for retail development inside or outside the Primary Shopping Area will be determined in accordance with Policy CP2: Town Centre and Retail Development of the Southend-on-Sea Core Strategy DPD.
  3. New retail development should be well integrated and closely linked with the Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontage, as defined on the Policies Map, in terms of proximity, continuity of function and ease of access.
  4. Policy Options for managing Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontages are presented in Policy Option DS1a, DS1b and DS1c, as set out below. A final approach will be inserted herein in the next version of the SCAAP.
  5. All proposals in the town centre secondary shopping frontage, as defined on the Policies Map, must ensure:
    1. an active frontage appropriate to a shopping area is included; and
    2. it would not be detrimental to those living or working nearby, for example by causing undue noise, odour and disturbance.
  6. All new shop frontages will be of a high standard of design that is compatible with the architectural style and character of the building and surrounding area. The design of new shop fronts should have regard to the Design and Townscape Guide SPD and address the following design principles:
    1. The loss of traditional features and shop fronts which make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the building or surrounding area will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that the benefits of a proposal significantly outweigh their loss;
    2. Blank frontages will be resisted on principal elevations and opportunities for exposing upper floor windows maximised.
  7. Where an empty unit has little prospect of being occupied within a primary or secondary shopping frontage in the short term, the Council will encourage the landowner/landlord to display local art within the windows to create visual interest from the public realm.
  8. Proposals for the use of upper floors in Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontages for retail, residential, leisure, office or other complementary uses which help to maintain or enhance the character and vitality of the centre will be supported. Where upper floors are currently in retail use, developers should seek to retain retail uses where viable and appropriate.
  9. The Council will seek to maintain and enhance market provision within the Town Centre Primary Shopping Area, and will work with the private sector to promote the establishment of a new well designed street market within the pedestrianised London Road Policy Area. Proposal for street markets development elsewhere within the Town Centre Primary Shopping Area will be considered on their merits.

(38) Question 6: Do you agree with the proposed approach to maintaining a prosperous retail centre? Please explain your answer.

Town Centre Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontages

44 Town Centre Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontages, as defined on the Policies Map (and outlined on Map 3 below), perform a vital role by managing the shopping function of the town centre to ensure its vitality and viability is not significantly harmed.

45 To ensure that a healthy balance of uses is maintained, the Council will actively manage the concentration of different Use Classes (under the Use Class Order) within the Primary Shopping Frontages as depicted on the Policies Map. By designating and protecting key frontages it is possible to control the proportion of retail and non-retail uses to ensure that the town centre remains an attractive place to shop.

46 Table 1 below presents a number of Use Classes. The current Borough Local Plan Policy S4 (Non-Retail Uses) includes a criteria that controls the length of Primary Shopping Frontage, so that at least 80% of it, measure in terms of length, remains in retail use (Class A1).

Table 1: Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended)

Use Class

Use/Description of Development

A1: Shops

The retail sale of goods to the public: Shops, Retail warehouses, Hairdressers, Undertakers, Travel and ticket agencies, Pet shops, Sandwich bars, Showrooms, Domestic hire shops, Dry cleaners.

A2: Financial &



Financial services: Banks, Building societies, Bureau de change Professional services: Estate agents, Employment agencies.

A3: Restaurants & Cafés

Places where the primary purpose is the sale and consumption of food and light refreshment on the premises

A4: Drinking


Premises where the primary purpose is the sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks on the premises: Public house, Wine bar or other Drinking establishment.

A5: Hot Food


Premises where the primary purpose is the sale of hot food for consumption off the premises

* It should be noted that betting shops and pay day loan premises are now covered by the Sui Generis Use Class

47 Table 2 below outlines the findings of a recent town centre survey undertaken in September 2015. Although the proportion of frontage in retail use was 78%, approximately 19% [3]of the units within the primary shopping frontage were vacant (14% in terms of length of frontage), higher than the average national town centre vacancy rate of 10.4% (Jan 2015).

Table 2: Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontage Survey Results (Sept 2015)

Percentage of frontage classified as A1 Retail

Percentage of frontage classified as A3

Percentage of frontage outside of A1 and A3

Proportion of units vacant




18.6% [4]

48 The vacancy level in the Town Centre primary frontages is higher than the national average. As such there may be a need for the town centre to diversity its offer, whilst maintaining its retail function, to ensure it remains attractive and competitive, and enable vacant units to be re-let effectively. However, too high a proportion of non- A1 retail uses can change the character of a retail area, which could lead to its further decline as a place to shop and potentially reduce footfall.

49 Secondary shopping frontages located within the town centre, as defined on the policies map, are often located just off the high street, and allow for a greater number and diversity of uses and provide a supporting function to primary frontages.

50 This version of the SCAAP presents three options for managing Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontages as set out by Policy Option DS1a, DS1b, DS1c, in order to gain further opinion from stakeholders and residents on how best to manage the uses within the core town centre.

51 Policy Option DS1a is most similar to the approach presented in the previous version of the SCAAP (2011). It seeks to ensure that within the town centre 70% or more of primary shopping frontage is occupied by retail use (Class A1), whilst allowing flexibility where units are vacant. It also seeks to ensure that A1 units are not isolated, but does not explicitly define this.

Policy Option DS1a Maintaining a Prosperous Retail Centre (Managing Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontages)


Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontages

  1. Within the Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontage proposals for Class A1 retail use will be supported and its loss will be resisted. The change of use of ground floor Class A1 units to other Class A uses will only be considered if the proposed use:
    1. will not result in the proportion of primary shopping frontage (measured in terms of length of frontage) remaining in retail use (class A1) falling below 70% within the town centre as a whole. Where retail use (class A1) already falls below 70% of the primary shopping frontage length, no further loss of Class A1 will be allowed, exceptions to this will be considered if the proposal uses vacant units (having regard to their number within the primary shopping frontage and the length of time they have been vacant and actively marketed); and
    2. will likely maintain or increase pedestrian footfall along the frontage and would not lead to the isolation of A1 retail uses; and
    3. an active frontage appropriate to a shopping area is included
    4. is not detrimental to those living or working nearby, for example by causing undue noise, odour and disturbance.

52 Policy Option DS1b provides a more flexible approach, ensuring that within the town centre the majority of primary shopping frontage is occupied by retail use (Class A1), whilst allowing flexibility where units are vacant. It also seeks to ensure that A1 units are not isolated by explicitly outlining that no more than 2 consecutive units can be non-retail (Class A1).

Policy Option DS1b Maintaining a Prosperous Retail Centre (Managing Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontages)


Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontages

  1. Within the Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontage proposals for Class A1 retail use will be supported and its loss will be resisted.
  2. Proposals for non-A1 use at ground floor will be considered if:
    1. the use falls within Class A2, A3, A4 or A5; and
    2. it would not result in more than two consecutive units in non-A1 use; and
    3. the town centre primary shopping frontage taken as a whole, measured in terms of length of frontage, still remains predominately in retail use (Class A1). Where Class A1 already falls below 50% of the primary shopping frontage length, no further loss of Class A1 will be allowed, exceptions to this will be considered if the proposal uses vacant units (having regard to their number within the primary shopping frontage and the length of time they have been vacant and actively marketed); and
    4. an active frontage appropriate to a shopping area is included; and
    5. it would not be detrimental to those living or working nearby, for example by causing undue noise, odour and disturbance.

53 Policy Option DS1c provides the most flexibility in that there is no stated minimum target for retail frontage. The option does however, seek to support and maintain retail use in the first instance, ensure that the use is not outside of the "A" class, and that A1 units are not isolated by explicitly outlining that no more than 2 consecutive units can be non-retail (Class A1).

Policy Option DS1c Maintaining a Prosperous Retail Centre (Managing Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontages)


Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontages

  1. Within the Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontage proposals for Class A1 retail use will be supported and its loss will be resisted.
  2. Proposals for non-A1 use at ground floor will be considered if:
    1. the use falls within Class A2, A3, A4 or A5; and
    2. it would not result in more than two consecutive units in non-A1 use; and
    3. an active frontage appropriate to a shopping area is included; and
    4. it would not be detrimental to those living or working nearby, for example by causing undue noise, odour and disturbance.

(8) Question 7: Which of the three Policy Options do you prefer? Please specify why you consider that this approach is best suited for managing primary shopping frontages within the town centre. Or do you consider there is an alternative approach that best delivers vitality and viability of the town centre?


Core Strategy Linkages


Strategic Objective 3

Strategic Objective 5

Strategic Objective 6

Strategic Objective 8


Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy CP2: Town Centre and Retail Development

Southend Central AAP


Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 8


PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

PA2: London Road Policy Area Development Principles

PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

PA7: Tylers Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


The approach to retail development within Southend Central Area has been reviewed in light of additional evidence, taking into account changes to national planning policy and guidance, and changes to permitted development rights. Policy DS1: Maintaining a Prosperous Retail Centre supersedes Policy DS1: New and Enhanced Shopping Facilities, Policy DS2: Shopping Frontages and Use of Floors Above Shops, and Policy DS3: Retail Markets from the (Superseded) Proposed Submission version of the SCAAP (2011).

It is considered that the preferred approach set out in Policy DS1 provides a positive framework that promotes a competitive Town Centre, supporting its vitality and viability by encouraging economic activity and providing the flexibility to accommodate complementary town centre uses where these contribute to this vitality and viability, provide active uses, and do not lead to an over concentration of non-A1 retail uses.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework
  • Southend Core Strategy DPD (2007)
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • Southend Retail and Town Centre Study (2011)
  • The Management of Designated Shopping Frontages in Southend-on-Sea -Technical Report (2013, 2015)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • The conclusions of the Sustainability Appraisal and HRA.

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website

Map 3 - SCAAP Town Centre and Frontages

Map 3 - SCAAP Town Centre and Frontages

4.3 Employment

54 The employment base of Southend as a whole has become increasingly diverse. The creative and cultural sectors, aviation and medical technologies are all growing and offer further potential for the future. The Town Centre is a sustainable location for significant employment growth. This growth is concentrated in service sectors that require flexible and good quality offices such as those for finance and business services and knowledge based creative industries.

55 It is recognised that delivery of the Core Strategy employment target (7,250 additional jobs to be delivered in the Town Centre and Central Area between 2001 - 2021 [5] ) is challenging, particularly following the impacts of the global economic downturn. In fact, monitoring of employment data across the Borough suggests that job numbers have declined over the plan period. However, more recently, since 2010, job numbers have increased and efforts to boost job creation is underway. Clearly the Borough-wide employment targets as set out in the Core Strategy will be reviewed as part of preparing a new Southend Local Plan. Nevertheless, the SCAAP will seek to maximise employment opportunities and the SCAAP is seen as an important catalyst in helping to deliver new jobs and housing within the central area.

56 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) have been set up to promote economic development through a strategic approach to planning, transport and infrastructure delivery. LEPs are business-led partnerships responsible for growing the economy and creation of new jobs, whilst also seeking to remove barriers to growth. Southend-on-Sea is covered by the South East LEP.

57 The Southend City Deal provides support for small and medium-sized businesses, seeks to create new jobs, and attracts inward investment. An incubator system of one-on-one support ('The Hive'), based in the former Central Library on Victoria Avenue (in the Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area), will help to improve business performance, safeguard jobs, and form part of the regeneration of Victoria Avenue.


58 The market for office space within the Central Area is oversupplied with outdated office stock, particularly within Victoria Avenue Office Area (Opportunity Site 11). Much of this stock is too large, underused/vacant, and unlikely to meet the changing requirements of small to medium sized occupiers; the focus of demand for office space in Southend. Providing a range of flexible, good quality, offices as part of mixed use developments will help to create viable proposals and a better balance of space than currently on offer.

59 It is anticipated that flexible, good quality office development will, in the main, take place through redevelopment within Warrior Square Policy Area, Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area and future potential at London Road Policy Area. The policies for these areas, and relevant Opportunity Sites, which identify suitable locations for office development are set out within Part C: Policy Area and Site Allocations of this plan.

Southend as a Knowledge-Based Employment Centre

60 With the assistance of the university campus, Southend has significant potential to become a knowledge-based employment centre, utilising links with the A127 strategic corridor, London Southend Airport and the associated business parks, provision for which is made within the London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP).

61 Southend has a high level of business start-ups. To date, business survival and therefore growth has struggled. Providing the support and infrastructure required to sustain and grow local businesses will be a crucial component in addressing this, and such activity will be supported by the Southend City Deal incubator hub (the Hive) at Victoria Avenue.

Southend's Cultural and Creative Industries

62 The Southend Cultural Strategy 2012-2020 sets out the vision for Southend: ' To be recognised as the cultural and leisure capital of the East of England'. The town has a significant concentration of creative and cultural businesses located across the Borough, particularly in the Town Centre.

63 The Local Economic Assessment (2013) outlines that whilst the creative and cultural industries have significant employment and wealth generating capacity, they also have the ability to create a step change in the economy, attracting new, ambitious people to Southend.

(6) Question 8: Do you agree with the proposed approach to employment development as set out within the plan? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy DPD


Strategic Objective 1

Strategic Objective 2

Strategic Objective 3

Strategic Objective 4

Strategic Objective 5


Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy

Policy CP1: Employment Generating Development

Development Management DPD


Policy DM10: Employment Sectors

Policy DM11: Employment Areas

Southend Central AAP


Objective 1

Objective 9


Policy PA2: London Road Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


It is considered that policy related to employment generating development is addressed by the Core Strategy, Development Management Document and within the Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites within this Plan. The employment section of the SCAAP has therefore been rationalised, including removal of the policy itself (former Policy DS4: Employment development within the central area), in order to avoid duplication and to keep the plan concise and effective.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Southend Core Strategy DPD (2007)
  • JAAP (2014)
  • Employment Land Review (2010)
  • The Southend Retail and Town Centre Study (2011)
  • Local Economic Assessment (2013)
  • Southend Cultural Strategy 2012-2020
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA.
  • Annual Monitoring Reports

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

4.4 Housing

64 There are a number of existing residential areas in the Central Area. However, when compared to the rest of the Borough, the core town centre has relatively few residential properties.

65 Delivering new homes within Southend Central Area will contribute to creating sustainable communities that will add critical mass to support the vitality and vibrancy of the town centre, throughout the day and evening economy.

66 New housing development within the Central Area will be encouraged to provide a mix of housing types and sizes, including affordable housing, in accordance with Core Strategy CP8 (Dwelling Provision) and Development Management Policies DM7 (Dwelling Mix, Size and Type), DM8 (Residential Standards), DM9 (Specialist Residential Accommodation), although care will be taken to ensure a balanced housing offer, taking into account the existing tenure mix of a particular area.

Quantum of Residential Development

67 The Core Strategy requires at least 2,474 [6] net additional new dwellings to be provided within Southend Central Area, during the period from 2001 to 2021. According to the Southend Annual Monitoring Report (AMR), between 2001 and 2014, 954 dwellings have been built within the Southend Central Area, and as of the end of March 2014 there were 1,447 dwellings identified by outstanding planning permissions.

68 The SCAAP is considered to be an important catalyst and driver for investment and for the delivery of the remaining proportion of regeneration and growth in the Southend Central Area to meet or exceed Core Strategy targets up to 2021.

69 It is acknowledged that further work is being jointly undertaken to establish an objectively assessed need, in terms of jobs and housing, for Southend and surrounding housing market area. Following this, preparation of a Southend Local Plan will commence. This will set out new growth target replacing those of the adopted Core Strategy, including a review of unimplemented development sites within the SCAAP.

70 All Policy Areas may offer potential for residential development where appropriate. Appendix 6 shows the amount of dwellings identified to be delivered by 2021 within the SCAAP area and relationship with the Core Strategy targets, further details are also included within each Policy Area, Part C: Policy Areas and Site Allocations and Table 5.

71 Within the Central Area there are also a number of existing planning permissions for housing (Appendix 7). As they have planning permission these may be considered as deliverable and suitable sites in line with NPPF. There is potential for these sites to be included as allocations within the SCAAP.

72 Appendix 7 (Planning Permissions with Potential Housing Allocation) in reference to Map 4 illustrate planning permissions over 10 residential units (major application). The base date of these planning permissions is April 2014. The next version of the SCAAP, to be published in 2016, will roll forward the planning permissions base date to 2015.

(1) Question 9: Do you think it would be relevant and effective to allocate major residential planning permissions (10 units or more) within the SCAAP as illustrated in Appendix 7, Table 5, Map 4 and within the Policy Areas and Site Allocations section?

Additionally, should smaller sites be considered?

Student Accommodation

73 The University of Essex and South Essex College have a strong presence within the Central Area, reinforced in recent years by the delivery of phase 1 of Elmer Square with The Forum opening in 2013. The Core Strategy makes provision for the regeneration of the town centre and central area led by the development of the university campus, and it is anticipated that the higher and further education sector will continue to expand, with increases in student numbers.

74 There will be a need to provide student accommodation, much of which could be within Southend Central Area. The provision of student accommodation can often be met through purpose built development, such as the existing University Square development within the town centre, or through the private rented sector. The Council will support the provision of well-designed student accommodation in Southend Central Area as these will often provide sustainable locations for students, with easy access to university and college buildings. It will also help to contribute to the aim of increasing the residential population in Southend Central Area.

75 The University of Essex has an accreditation scheme that all approved private landlords must meet, and this provides a measure to ensure student accommodation is of high quality and meets the needs of students. Development Management Policy DM8: Residential Standards sets out the internal space standards that all non-self-contained accommodation, such as student accommodation, will be required to meet.

(15) Question 10: Do you agree with the proposed approach to residential development within Southend Central Area? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy DPD


Strategic Objective 6

Strategic Objective 7

Strategic Objective 14


Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy

Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy KP3: Implementation and Resources

Policy CP8: Dwelling Provision

Development Management DPD


Policy DM7: Dwelling Mix, Size and Type

Policy DM8: Residential Standards

Policy DM9: Specialist Residential Accommodation

Southend Central AAP


Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 8

Objective 10


Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA2: London Road Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA7: Tylers Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


It is considered that housing development is addressed by the Core Strategy, Development Management Document and within the Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites within this Plan. The housing section of the SCAAP has therefore been rationalised, including removal of the policy (Policy DS8: Housing), in order to avoid duplication and to keep the plan concise and effective.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • Southend Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2010, 2012 and 2013 update)
  • TGSE Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2013)
  • Southend Annual Monitoring Reports
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA.

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

4.5 Culture, Leisure, Tourism and Recreational Facilities

'To be recognised as the cultural and leisure capital of the East of England.'

Southend-on-Sea Cultural Strategy 2012-2020

76 Southend Central Area will continue to be the primary focus for further enhancement of cultural, leisure, tourism and recreational attractions and facilities. This will contribute to a stronger, more vibrant centre.

77 There have been a number of recent developments within Southend Central Area that have helped to progress Southend's cultural and tourism offer including the Royal Pavilion cultural centre at the end of the Pier, the relocation of the Beecroft Gallery to the former central library building on Victoria Avenue, the relocation of the Focal Point Gallery to The Forum, and the regeneration of the former Palace Hotel as the Park Inn and the new Premier Inn development on Eastern Esplanade, which has increased the quality as well as capacity of hotel offer.

78 Despite recent successes, the range of commercial leisure and recreational uses on offer in the town centre is moderate and enhancing this could serve to diversify the centres offer overall as well as draw in additional visitors and investment. The strategy for the Central Seafront Policy Area within this plan (Part C) seeks to create a seamless connection between the Seafront and the Town Centre. Clearly the Seafront offers a considerable commercial leisure offer, and providing better connectivity between these areas may well be a positive way of maximising the benefits available within Southend Central Area.

79 Tourism is an important driver for the Town Centre. The tourism industry still tends to operate on low levels of overnight stays, and the relatively short supply of high quality hotels, bar those mentioned above, and restaurants in Southend Central Area may not attract visitors with more spending power. The refresh of the Southend Local Economic Assessment (2013) concludes that potential remains to improve and diversify the tourism offer to increase overnight stays and add value, whilst at the same time, harness the spending power of visitors and out commuting residents alike.

80 The tourism and hotel sector is expected to grow in Southend over the next 20 years. The Development Management DPD (Policy DM12: Visitor Accommodation) seeks to manage this growth by focusing new visitor accommodation to the Central Area, London Southend Airport and at locations with good access and a clear and strong relationship with the seafront. The Central Seafront Policy Area in particular offers a good location for the development of visitor accommodation given close proximity to both the Town Centre and Seafront.

81 Enhanced evening attractions have the potential to address concerns about the vitality of the evening and night-time economy through improved management and maintenance of the Town Centre and by providing more pedestrian activity after shopping hours to help tackle the perception of safety and crime after dark.

82 Furthermore, public art can enrich the streetscene in order to enhance the environmental quality of the public realm and purvey its cultural qualities, and promote legibility and way finding, the Council will seek to establish an increase in public art provision, where possible with local artists, within Southend Central Area, in line with its Public Art Strategy, to create a 'Central Area Art Trail'.

(9) Question 11: Do you agree with the proposed approach to culture, leisure, tourism and recreation? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy DPD


Strategic Objective 1

Strategic Objective 2

Strategic Objective 13

Strategic Objective 14

Strategic Objective 15

Strategic Objective 18


Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy

Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy KP3: Implementation and Resources

Policy CP1: Employment Generating Development

Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Policy CP6: Community Infrastructure

Policy CP7: Sport, Recreation and Green Space

Development Management DPD


Policy DM1: Design Quality

Policy DM6: The Seafront

Policy DM10: Employment Sectors

Policy DM12: Visitor Accommodation

Southend Central AAP


Objective 1

Objective 3

Objective 5

Objective 6

Objective 7

Objective 8

Objective 10


Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA2: London Road Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA3: Elmer Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA7: Tylers Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS4: The Waterfront

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


It is considered that the approach to culture, leisure, tourism and recreation development is addressed by the Core Strategy, Development Management Document and within the Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites within this Plan. This section of the SCAAP has therefore been rationalised, including removal of the policy itself (DS6: Provision of facilities for Culture, Leisure, Tourism and Entertainment), in order to avoid duplication and to keep the plan concise and effective. Reference is now also made to public art within this section and public art policy criteria is included within the Policy Areas themselves.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Southend Hotel Futures Report (2010)
  • Economic Development and Tourism Strategy (2010)
  • Southend-on-Sea Cultural Strategy 2012-2020
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA.
  • Southend Design and Townscape Guide SPD1 (2009)
  • Southend Streetscape Manual SPD3 (2015)
  • Southend Public Art Strategy (2006)

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

4.6 The Historic Environment

83 This Plan seeks to celebrate heritage and to conserve and enhance Southend Central Area's heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance, with the emphasis on high quality design in all development proposals. Development Management Document Policy DM5: Southend-on-Sea's Historic Environment sets out the local approach to the management of the historic environment within the Borough.

84 Development proposals, including enhancements to the public realm, will be responsive to the setting of heritage assets and should seek to improve the quality of their environmental context.

85 Policy criteria regarding the historic environment are provided within the relevant Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites set out in Part C of this plan, details of which are provided within the Policy Linkage box below.

Conservation Areas

86 There are a number of conversation areas within Southend Central Area, as depicted on the Policies Map. These include, Prittlewell, Eastern Esplanade, The Kursaal, Clifftown, and Warrior Square. Each has its own unique character which must be conserved and enhanced.

Listed and Locally Listed Buildings

87 Southend Central Area contains a large number of listed and locally listed buildings, which help define the town's unique heritage. A list of all listed and locally listed buildings can be found on the Council's website

Frontages of Townscape Merit

88 Frontages of Townscape Merit are non-designated heritage assets and apply specifically to historic facades, many of which are shopping parades. This designation, as depicted on the Policies Map, will be a material consideration for planning applications affecting these properties.


89 Within this relatively small area there have been archaeological discoveries dating from the earliest evidence for humans in the area to the medieval and later periods. The highest concentration of finds is in the Prittlewell area. Some of this area has been excavated for brickearth and other minerals but this remains the historic heart of the town and the potential for new finds is still significant.

90 Two Scheduled Ancient Monuments are located close to Southend Central Area boundary - Prittlewell Priory just north of the boundary and Southchurch Hall to the south east. Immediately to the east of Prittlewell Priory are Roman and early Saxon cemeteries, which included the chambered tomb of the 'Prince of Prittlewell', a discovery of international significance.

Areas of Archaeological Potential in Southend Central Area

91 Although most of Southend Central Area has been previously developed and much of the archaeology in these locations is likely therefore to have been destroyed, there are still areas of archaeological interest within Southend Central Area where there is potential for new finds. In particular, these sites include:

  1. Seaways Car Park area (Opportunity Site 8)
  2. Roots Hall area (Opportunity Site 13),
  3. Nazareth House
  4. Southend Cliffs (which includes Opportunity Site 9)

92 Any additional areas that are subsequently considered to exhibit significant archaeological potential, should be assessed in line with national guidance and Policy DM5 of the Development Management Document.

(16) Question 12: Do you agree with the proposed approach to management of the historic environment in Southend Central Area? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy DPD


Strategic Objective 14


Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Development Management DPD


Policy DM5: Southend-on-Sea's Historic Environment

Southend Central AAP


Objective 7


Transport and Access Strategy

Policy DS5: Transport, Access and Public Realm

Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


It is considered that the approach to the historic environment is addressed by the Core Strategy, Development Management Document and within the Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites within this Plan. This section of the SCAAP has therefore been rationalised, including removal of the policies themselves (former policies HE1 - HE7), in order to avoid duplication and to keep the plan concise and effective.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA.
  • Warrior Square Conservation Area Character Appraisal Draft (2002)
  • Prittlewell Conservation Area Character Appraisal Draft (2006)
  • Clifftown Conservation Area Character Appraisal (2006)
  • Southend Design and Townscape Guide SPD1 (2009)
  • Southend Streetscape Manual SPD3 (2015)
  • Southend Borough Wide Character Study (2011)

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

4.7 Open and Green Spaces

93 Southend Central Area includes the Benfleet and Southend Marshes European Marine Site, encompassing both the SPA and Ramsar, which comprises the intertidal part of the Thames Estuary and also constitutes a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

94 The Appropriate Assessment (AA) of the Core Strategy highlights that Core Strategy Policy KP1, which promotes the development in the seafront area, is likely to result in increased recreational and development pressures on the designated international and European sites. It is therefore imperative that Southend Central Area provides functional open and green space linked to other attractive destinations in and around the Borough, in order to relieve pressure on the Borough's designated sites. This builds on, and is embedded within, the South Essex Green Grid Strategy and Thames Gateway Parklands Initiative.

95 The existing green spaces within Southend Central Area are depicted on the Policies Map. The Central Seafront Policy Area provides access to an abundance of green and open space. However, the Town Centre, in comparison, has relatively few areas of such space. This deficit will be addressed within the relevant Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites.

96 Particular attention will be paid to the improvement of existing public spaces and to the creation of new public and civic spaces. Existing and new green and open spaces will be linked together in a legible network. New green and open spaces should seek to contribute to local biodiversity and help mitigate the effects of climate change.

97 environment where people want to live, work, visit and move around. The Transport, Access and Public Realm Strategy of this plan, the Council's Design and Townscape Guide SPD and Streetscape Manual SPD should be referenced for all street works within Southend Central Area.

(7) Question 13: Do In order to ensure these open and green spaces are accessible they should be linked together by an attractive network of accessible streets, and the quality of the public realm will be a key component in defining Southend Central Area as a quality urban you agree with the proposed approach to open and green space provision in Southend Central Area? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy DPD


Strategic Objective 14

Strategic Objective 18


Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy KP3: Implementation and Resources

Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Policy CP7: Sport, Recreation and Green Space

Southend Central AAP


Objective 3

Objective 6


Policy DS5: Transport, Access and Public Realm

Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA3: Elmer Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


The proposed approach to open and green space provision within Southend Central Area has been reviewed and updated in light of representations made on the previous iteration of the plan, and this section of the SCAAP has been rationalised, including removal of the policy itself (former Policy PR1: Open Space Provision and the environment), in order to avoid duplication and keep the plan concise and effective. Objectives for green and open space provision will be included within policies for Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites as appropriate.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA
  • Thames Gateway South Essex Green Grid Strategy (2005)
  • Thames Gateway Parklands Vision (2008)
  • Thames Gateway Parklands Delivering Environmental Transformation (2010)
  • Southend Design and Townscape Guide SPD1 (2009)
  • Southend Streetscape Manual SPD3 (2015)
  • Southend Borough Wide Character Study (2011)

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

4.8 Key Views

98 There are a number of Key Views from within, and of, Southend Central Area that further help to define its character, including links with the estuary. The Council will seek to ensure that key views, as identified below, are not adversely impacted by development:

  • The Seafront - views to and from the seafront, with particular recognition given to views from: Westcliff Parade; Clifftown Parade; Clifton Terrace; Royal Terrace; Pier Hill; Queensway; Western Esplanade; Marine Parade; and Eastern Esplanade.
  • Southend Pier - with particular recognition given to views from: the High Street in order to enhance the link between the town centre and seafront; Eastern Esplanade; Western Esplanade; Marine Parade; Royal Terrace; and Clifftown Parade.
  • The Kursaal - with particular recognition given to views from: Marine Parade; Eastern Esplanade; Lucy Road; Queensway and Southchurch Avenue.
  • Royal Terrace and Clifftown Parade - with particular recognition given to views from Western Esplanade.
  • All Saints Church (outside of the SCAAP boundary) - with particular recognition given to enhancing the setting of this heritage asset, improving the quality of the public realm at Queensway dual carriageway;
  • Porters (outside of the SCAAP boundary) - with particular recognition given to enhancing the setting of this heritage asset, improving the quality of the public realm and highway at Queensway dual carriageway;
  • St Mary's Church (outside of the SCAAP boundary) - with particular recognition given to improving the setting of this heritage asset, improving the quality of the public realm and highway junction at Victoria Avenue/East Street.

Policy DS2: Key Views

New development within Southend Central Area will be expected to demonstrate that it is compatible with and/or enhances Key Views of:

  • The Seafront
  • Southend Pier
  • The Kursaal
  • Royal Terrace and Clifftown Parade
  • All Saints Church (outside of the SCAAP boundary)
  • Porters (outside of the SCAAP boundary)
  • St Mary's Church (outside of the SCAAP boundary)

(8) Question 14: Do you agree with the proposed approach to the management of Key Views in Southend Central Area? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy


Strategic Objective 14


Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Development Management DPD


Policy DM1: Design Quality

Policy DM4: Tall and Large Buildings

Policy DM5: Southend-on-Sea's Historic Environment

Policy DM6: The Seafront

Southend Central AAP


Objective 2

Objective 7


Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


The proposed approach to the management of identified 'Key Views' within Southend Central Area has been reviewed as part of the plan preparation process and it is considered that it will continue to have a positive impact on sustainable development within Southend Central Area. This policy now incorporates former Policy R4: Protection of Visually Important View (SCAAP 2011). For clarity, reference to those Key Views identified for protection has been included within the supporting text and policy and reference is made in the relevant Policy Areas.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA
  • Southend Borough Wide Character Study (2011)
  • Clifftown Conservation Area Character Appraisal (2006)
  • Southend Design and Townscape Guide SPD1 (2009)
  • Southend Streetscape Manual SPD3 (2015)

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

4.9 Landmarks and Landmark Buildings

A Landmark Building is defined as one that has become, or may become, a point of reference because of its positive contribution to place making. This may include reference to its height, siting, distinctive design or use that sets it apart from surrounding buildings. Examples may include: churches, theatres and town halls.

99 Landmark buildings provide orientation and aid way-finding. They are relatively limited in number and generally occupy strategic locations such as road junctions, terminations of vistas, and corners.

100 A building or feature will not be considered a landmark simply given its height or massing, indeed many of the existing landmarks within Southend Central Area are of a modest scale, but it must be high quality, recognisable and distinctive. A landmark could be represented by a significant piece of public art, architectural feature, or use of innovative and distinctive materials.

101 For the purposes of the SCAAP, the following have been identified as existing landmarks and landmark buildings (Table 3, and Appendix 3):

Table 3: Existing Landmarks and Landmark Buildings

Adventure Island, Western Esplanade

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Royal Hotel and Royal Terrace

(High Street and Clifftown Policy Areas)

All Saints Church, Sutton Road

(outside of the SCAAP boundary)

Seafront / Estuary

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Central Library (former), Victoria Avenue

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

South Essex College, Luker Road

(Elmer Square Policy Area)

Central Museum, Victoria Avenue

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

St John's Church, Herbert Grove

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

St Mary's Church, Victoria Avenue

(outside of the SCAAP boundary)

Cliff Lift, Western Esplanade

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Swan Hall, Victoria Avenue

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

Cliffs Pavilion, Station Road

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

The Forum, Elmer Square

(Elmer Square Policy Area)

Clifftown Church/Studios, Nelson Street

(Clifftown Policy Area)

The Kursaal, Eastern Esplanade

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Park Inn Palace Hotel, Pier Hill

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

The Pier

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Pier Hill Observation Tower and Lift, Pier Hill

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

University of Essex, Elmer Approach

(Elmer Square Policy Area)

Porters, Southchurch Road

(outside of the SCAAP boundary)

University of Essex Student Accommodation, London Road

(Elmer Square Policy Area)

Prittlewell Chapel, North Road

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

102 New development should not compete with existing landmarks in terms of bulk or height, and views of these buildings should not be compromised by new development.

103 The following (Table 4) have been identified as potential locations for new landmark buildings and features within Southend Central Area, as detailed in the relevant Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites:

Table 4: Potential Locations for New Landmark Buildings

Opportunity Site 6: Tylers Avenue (Tylers Policy Area)

Opportunity Site 11: Victoria Avenue Office Area (Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

Central House, Clifftown Road (Clifftown Policy Area)

London Road (should Sainsbury's relocate or re-provide their store) (London Road Policy Area)

Central Seafront Policy Area, including in particular Opportunity Site 8: Seaway Car Park and Marine Parade, and Opportunity Site 9: New Southend Museum.

104 Where considered appropriate in principle, development proposals for new landmark buildings and landmark features within Southend Central Area should demonstrate a coherent design approach, based on an understanding of the character, form and function of the surrounding townscape. Opportunities to enhance the setting of these landmark buildings with improvements to the public realm, provision of open space, will be encouraged in order to retain views, enhance way-finding and to reinforce a sense of place.

Policy DS3: Landmarks and Landmark Buildings

  1. The Council, through its role in determining planning applications, preparation of development briefs and other initiatives, will seek to conserve landmarks and landmark buildings as identified in Table 3 and Appendix 3 from adverse effect by:
    1. encouraging the provision of open spaces and public realm improvements which provide views to landmarks or landmark buildings or enhance their setting;
    2. resisting adverse impacts of new development by virtue of excessive height, mass or bulk;
    3. ensuring development proposals respect views, setting and character.
  2. The Council will support and encourage the creation of new landmarks in the areas identified within Table 4, where development proposals can demonstrate:
    1. design, detailing and use of materials are of exceptional quality and interest and will help to reinforce local character and distinctiveness;
    2. the location would provide a focal point for an existing vista/sight line or generate a new one; and
    3. the proposals do not adversely affect the amenity of local residents.

(7) Question 15: Do you agree with the proposed approach to landmarks / landmark buildings in Southend Central Area? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy DPD


Strategic Objective 14


Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Development Management DPD


DM1: Design Quality

DM4: Tall and Large Buildings

DM5: Southend-on-Sea's Historic Environment

DM6: The Seafront

Southend Central AAP


Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 7


PolicyDS5: Transport, Access and Public Realm

Policy DS2: Key Views

Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA3: Elmer Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


The proposed approach to landmarks and landmark buildings within Southend Central Area has been reviewed and this section of the SCAAP has been rationalised in order to avoid duplication and in order to keep the plan concise and effective. Objectives for the management of new and existing landmarks and landmark building will be included within policies for Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites as appropriate.

This policy now includes previous policies PR5 - Landmark Buildings and CS1 - Landmark Buildings and Key Spaces within the Central Seafront Area.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA
  • Southend Borough Wide Character Study (2011)
  • Prittlewell Conservation Area Character Appraisal Draft (2006)
  • Clifftown Conservation Area Character Appraisal (2006)
  • Southend Design and Townscape Guide SPD1 (2009)
  • Southend Streetscape Manual SPD3 (2015)

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

4.10 Flood Risk Management and Sustainable Drainage

105 The Core Strategy establishes a need to focus development within the Southend central area, including central seafront. The emerging Southend Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) reveal that areas within the SCAAP are at risk from tidal and surface water flooding.

106 The Council is also preparing a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS), which outlines a plan for managing local sources of flood risk across the Borough. The consultation version of the LFRMS and SWMP (July 2015) are available on the Councils website.

107 The extent of tidal flooding is limited to the Central Seafront Policy Area, Environment Agency Flood Zones 3a (higher risk) and Flood Zone 2 (lower risk). The SFRA indicates that sea levels are projected to rise so that more areas within the Central Seafront Policy Area will become increasingly affected by flooding over time.

108 To address this, the Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan (2010) establishes an approach to hold the existing line of flood defence within the SCAAP Area. The Council will promote and help to deliver this strategic flood defence for the central area. It will do this by receiving Community Infrastructure Levy contributions from developers; and seeking other sources of private sector and Government funding.

109 Given the long term timescales for implementing a strategic flood defence, the planning of individual new development sites also need to take into account the flood risk hierarchy as follows:

Assess - a site specific flood risk assessment (FRA) may be required.

Avoid (higher) flood risk areas - The Core Strategy establishes the need for new development within the SCAAP area. The sequential test will be applied within two separate areas: the Central Seafront Policy Area; and the remainder of the SCAAP area. The sequential test will also apply within individual Opportunity Sites.

Substitute - more vulnerable uses should be located within parts of the development site at less risk of flooding. This will be balanced where necessary alongside other planning, design and deliverability objectives.

Control and Mitigate - this will be a proportionate response taking account of the delivery of a strategic flood defence in the longer term, and the residual risk (that the defence is breached or overtopped). This will ensure that individual developments achieve an appropriate degree of safety over their lifetime.

Site-specific Flood Risk Assessment

110 A site-specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) will enable the developer to identify the measures (if any) that are necessary to make the development safer and ensure it will not increase the risk elsewhere, to satisfy the Exception Test.

111 In accordance with national planning policy a FRA will be required for development proposals:

1 hectare or greater in Flood Zone 1;

for new development (including minor development or change of use) in Flood Zones 2/3, or in areas within Flood Zone 1 which have critical drainage problems; and

where proposed development or change of use to a more vulnerable use class may be subject to other sources of flooding.

112 It is the responsibility of the developer to undertake the site-specific FRA, and they are strongly advised to agree the content with the Environment Agency prior to submission with the application. The FRA should be commensurate with the degree of flood risk posed to and by the proposed development, and take account of national planning practice guidance. Information from the SFRA should be used when developing the FRA.

Sustainable Drainage

113 Sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDs) are designed to reduce the potential impact of new and existing developments with respect to surface water drainage discharges. SuDS try to replicate natural systems and use cost effective solutions with low environmental impact to drain away dirty and surface water run-off through collection, storage, and cleaning.

114 SuDS should be designed in accordance with the National Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (December 2011) guidance in the SuDS Manual (2007) published by Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA).

115 The 'core town centre' and central seafront policy area is characterised by a geology that exhibits low infiltration potential, although there are also surrounding areas where the geology offers greater permeability and potential for SUDs. The SCAAP area is susceptible to localised surface water flooding, as indicated in the SFRA and Environment Agency mapping. As such, all new development shall be drained via SuDS. It should be noted that SuDS must receive planning approval before construction is commenced and:

For extensions and other single property developments the owner or developer will remain responsible for maintaining the system in good working order;

For developments above single property scale, once the Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority is satisfied it has been constructed to an appropriate standard, the Council will adopt the SuDs for maintenance.

116 The design target will be to limit the discharge of the site run-off to green-field levels wherever possible. It may be found that this standard is not achievable, but any derogation will have to be approved by the organisation managing the receiving water system. For main rivers this will be the Environment Agency; for ordinary watercourses, the Council and for public surface water sewers, Anglian Water.

117 Developers are encouraged to consider the layout of their SuDS proposals before any other site masterplanning is undertaken, and to discuss them with the Council, as SuDs have specific requirements for location and construction.

Policy DS4: Flood Risk Management and Sustainable Drainage

  1. Development proposals which are or will be within a flood risk zone:
    1. Will be accompanied by a flood risk assessment;
    2. Will:
      1. Locate more vulnerable uses in the area of the proposal least at risk; and
      2. Provide a safe access and egress route away from the flood risk (i.e. to flood zone 1) during a design flood event;
      3. Or provide a clear justification as to why these requirements are not practical, viable or appropriate in planning and design terms.
    3. Will achieve an appropriate degree of safety over the lifetime of the development. The minimum safety standards are as follows:
      1. For more vulnerable uses, the floor levels of habitable rooms will be above the design flood level. Within Flood Zone 3 the floor level must be situated above the design flood level, incorporating an allowance of at least 300mm for freeboard.
      2. For all uses the development will:
        1. Remain structurally sound in an extreme flood event;
        2. Provide appropriate flood resistance / resilience measures to the extreme flood level;
        3. Not generate an increase in flood risk elsewhere;
        4. Provide a flood plan, which covers methods of warning and evacuation;
        5. Provide an appropriate safe refuge above the extreme flood level if criterion 2bii is not met.
  2. For all new development, new impermeable areas shall be drained via SuDS. This will ensure the risk of flooding is not increased onsite or elsewhere.

Further technical information and definitions for this policy are included in Appendix 4

(7) Question 16: Do you agree with the proposed approach to flood risk management and sustainable drainage in Southend Central Area? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy


Strategic Objective 15


Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy

Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy KP3: Implementation and Resources

Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Development Management DPD


Policy DM6: The Seafront

Southend Central AAP


Objective 5


Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA2: London Road Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA3: Elmer Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA7: Tylers Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


The policy approach to flood risk management and sustainable drainage has been reviewed in the context of current guidance and evidence. It is considered that the policy approach to the management of flood risk and sustainable drainage within Southend Central Area is appropriate and effective. This should be read in conjunction with the policies and supporting text for the Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites within this Plan, together with relevant policies within the Core Strategy DPD and Development Management Document. Regard will also be had to the Southend Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Management Plan. Policy CS2 - Flood Risk Management in the Central Seafront Policy Area and Policy IF3: Flood Risk Management, as set out in the previous version of the SCAAP, has now been incorporated in to this Policy. Reference to this policy is made within the Central Seafront Policy Area.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA
  • Thames Gateway South Essex Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2006)
  • Southend Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 (2010)
  • Southend Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2 (2010)
  • South Essex Catchment Flood Management Plan (2008)
  • Thames Estuary 2100 (2010)
  • Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan (2010)
  • National Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (December 2011)
  • SuDS Manual (2007)

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

4.11 Transport, Access and Public Realm

118 The level of regeneration and growth proposed for Southend Central Area will have an impact on the strategic transport network. The Transport, Access and Public Realm Strategy (Appendix 5), together with this Policy (DS5), seek to improve transport access and connectivity, building on the approach set out within the Core Strategy and the Local Transport Plan (LTP).

119 This will be supported by a coordinated, sustainable public realm that creates an attractive, inclusive environment for walking and cycling, improving the setting of, and links to, the Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites, and well-defined access points and gateways to the town centre.

120 The previous iteration of the SCAAP was used as a key evidence document to support the Council's priorities in the South East Local Economic Partnership's (SE LEP) Strategic Economic Plan and Growth Deal, identifying funding priorities within Southend and the wider Thames Gateway South Essex (TGSE) sub-region.

121 There have already been positive outcomes from this, including funding for public realm improvements within Southend Central Area to support the delivery of housing and economic growth, and as the SCAAP progresses it will be utilised to identify further opportunities for funding and partnership working.

Car Parking Management

122 Within the town centre there are around 4,000 public off-street spaces comprising 2,100 Council owned and 1,900 privately owned parking spaces, with several sites being large surface car parks. In recent years, a number of temporary surface level car parks have increased car parking provision.

123 While a small number of car parks, including the Council-owned Alexandra Street, York Road and Eastern Esplanade, have been shown to be over-capacity for short periods during the day, recent evidence indicates that even during peak hours there is spare capacity (26%) within the town centre. While the average modal duration of stay for vehicles within car parks is 2 hours, the average duration of stay on street is only 5 minutes.

124 Car parking capacity and demand within Southend Central Area will be kept under review for the purposes of this Plan. Recognising that there has been a temporary increase in public car parking in the town centre, the preferred approach is to maintain capacity at a level that supports the vitality and viability of the town centre and enables the delivery of relevant opportunity sites. This approach will be implemented through a future standalone car parking management strategy.

125 An extension of the existing car park Variable Messaging Signs (VMS) is encouraged to direct drivers to the most convenient car park and avoid unnecessary circulating traffic. This may be particularly beneficial during seasonal peaks where parking is at greater demand, such as the summer months and during December. Improving access to a number of the town centre car parks, such as Warrior Square and Tylers, by managing the road network will provide enhanced access to and between town centre car parks and help to reduce traffic circulating through the town centre.

126 This would also allow the Council to make the best use of off-street parking in Southend Central Area, while rationalising on-street parking, aligned with public transport improvements, the promotion of smarter choice measures, and the use of VMS.

127 Freeing up road space should allow other measures to be implemented that facilitate the use of sustainable transport modes, such as cycle lanes and bus priority measures, which will be implemented through the Local Transport Plan and associated strategies, together with improvements to the quality of the public realm.

128 There are a number of instances in the Central Area where backs of buildings face onto the public realm, yet are blank and visually inactive, thus creating a negative environment particularly for pedestrians walking through the area. Within the Central Area therefore, the Council will seek to encourage visually active frontages, particularly in the locations identified on the Policies Map in order to promote a more pedestrian friendly environment.

Policy DS5 - Transport, Access and Public Realm

  1. In order to improve access to, from and within Southend Central Area through the implementation of the Opportunity Sites and Policies within this plan, the determination of planning applications, and other initiatives and partnership working, the Council will:
    1. Seek to better manage demand on the road network leading to, from and within the Town Centre and balance this with the needs of other modes, particularly where this would give greater reliability to road users and priority to pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and other vulnerable road users.
    2. Implement sustainable transport measures, including travel plans, in line with the Transport, Access, and Public Realm Strategy as set out in Appendix 5 and Development Management Policy DM15 - Sustainable Transport.
    3. Work with bus operators to encourage more users, through a programme of bus priority measures, encouraging non-car trips to the Town Centre, and enhance services later into the evening to serve the night time economy.
    4. Ensure bus priority measures are focused on the A13 passenger transport corridor (London Road and Southchurch Road) and the Queensway junctions at London Road, Southchurch Road and Seaways Car Park.
    5. Improve the quality of existing and promote the creation of new pedestrian and cycle priority routes to improve access to the Town Centre, considering the potential for mixed-mode priority routes where appropriate.
    6. Improve gateway crossings at key locations on Queensway dual carriageway and routes into the Town Centre from surrounding neighbourhoods.
    7. Ensure that servicing and delivery arrangements meet the reasonable needs of businesses, and minimise their environmental impact; working with the freight industry and logistics to implement more efficiency use of vehicles in terms of guidance, zoning and delivery timetables and this can be set out in a freight management plan.
    8. Review signage and implement an integrated signage strategy for vehicles, buses, freight, pedestrians and cyclists, including its integration with public art where possible, ensuring signage is kept to a minimum to avoid cluttering the streetscape. Make full use of technology to facilitate the shift to sustainable transport modes.
    9. Ensure street lights are maintained, CCTV is prominently sited, and public transport and taxis operate after dark to help improve the perception of safety within the Central Area.
    10. In order to promote and reinforce local distinctiveness all public realm improvement works, including those outlined in the relevant Policy Areas, should seek to provide a coordinated palette of materials, facilitate a reduction in street clutter, and have regard to guidance within the Design and Townscape Guide SPD1 and Streetscape Manual SPD3.
    11. Encourage visually active frontages through the installation of public art, green walls, well detailed signage, and appropriately placed windows and entranceways to enliven blank frontages, as defined on the Policies Map.
  2. In order to support the vitality and viability of the Town Centre the Council will:
    1. Seek to maintain car parking capacity at a level that supports the vitality and viability of the town centre, whilst enabling the delivery of relevant opportunity sites.
    2. Encourage an extension to the existing VMS scheme to direct drivers to the most convenient car park and avoid unnecessary circulating traffic, and by giving consideration to the management of the road network and access points to car parks;
    3. Ensure routes to and from public car parks are short, direct, well-lit and signposted, benefitting from a high quality public realm that links well with main areas of interest.
    4. Ensure new and existing car parks add to the overall quality of an area through such measures as landscaping, planting, green walls, as well incorporating suitable layouts to reduce visual affect.
  3. The Council will work in partnership with key stakeholders to improve transport and access in Southend Central Area, and to secure funding for transport and public realm improvements.

(67) Question 17: Do you agree with the proposed approach to the management of transport, access and the public realm in Southend Central Area? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy DPD


Strategic Objective 9

Strategic Objective 10

Strategic Objective 14


Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy KP3: Implementation and Resources

Policy CP3: Transport and Accessibility

Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Development Management DPD


Policy DM15: Sustainable Transport Management

Southend Central AAP


Objective 3

Objective 4


Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA2: London Road Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA3: Elmer Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA7: Tylers Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

Local Transport Plan 3 (refresh)


LTP Policy 2

LTP Policy 4

LTP Policy 21

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


This section of the SCAAP has been rationalised in order to avoid duplication of policies, to keep the plan concise and effective, and to ensure the achievement of sustainable development. It is considered that an overarching policy and strategy that addresses the management of transport, access and the public realm within Southend Central Area is appropriate and effective, and this should be read in conjunction with the policies and supporting text for the Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites within this Plan, together with relevant policies within the Core Strategy DPD and Development Management Document.

Policy DS5 has been rationalised and now incorporates elements, along with amendments to the Policy Area Development Principles and Opportunity Sites, of policies PR2, PR3, TA1, TA1a, TA1b, TA2, TA3, TA4, TA5 of the previous version of the SCAAP (2011).

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA
  • LTP3 2012-2026 (2015)
  • LTP3 Implementation Plan (2015)
  • LTP3 Evidence Base (2010)
  • LTP2 (2006)
  • LTP1 (2000)
  • Marine Plaza Parking Surveys (2015)
  • South East LEP Growth Deal and Strategic Economic Plan (2014)

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website

4.12 Infrastructure Provision

Central Area Infrastructure

129 It is recognised that infrastructure will be required to support and in some cases enable the scale and location of growth set out in the Core Strategy. This includes the delivery of a significant number of new dwellings and jobs in the Southend Central Area. The infrastructure types and projects vary, and include transport, flood defence, education, health, social and community facilities, and utilities, such as electricity, water, waste.

130 All have been taken into account within the Southend Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP). The IDP is a live document produced to identify the range of infrastructure types and projects required to support growth. Importantly it identifies likely funding sources, delivery agents, timescales and priorities, and forms an important supporting document in relation to the Council's Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule. The document was produced through collaboration with key partners and infrastructure providers and will be updated, where necessary, to reflect project delivery and change.

131 The mechanisms for requiring and encouraging infrastructure delivery include adopted planning policy, planning conditions, S106 agreements and planning contributions (via Southend Planning Obligation - A Guide to the Section 106 and Developer Contributions SPD); and the CIL. These mechanisms are broadly set out in the Core Strategy and CIL documents and for this reason are not repeated.

132 The Town Centre and Central Seafront Area is the location of a number of key existing infrastructure networks and future projects, which relate to the area's wider growth, as well as the growth specifically earmarked for the Central Area. Such infrastructure includes roads, parking, public realm, sewerage, railway stations, library etc., many of which will need to be enhanced or upgraded to support the increase in the Central Area's population.

133 Future housing development in the Central Area is expected to result in a notable increase in population. It is important that these residents have access to health, education and other community facilities in convenient locations to minimise the need to travel.

134 In terms of provision for education, it is considered that the planned population growth in the Central Area will be accommodated via the expansion of existing schools, however, in the long term it is recognised that there may be a need for additional schools, and this will be kept under review.

135 Higher education is a key driver in providing economic and social benefits to society. The Council will support the expansion of higher education facilities in the Central Area, through the continued development of South Essex College and The University of Essex's Southend campus to consolidate the role of Southend as an educational centre of excellence.

136 An increase in the population will create further demand for social and community infrastructure, such as doctors' surgeries, dentists and health centres, as well as other community facilities such as meeting places, sports venues, cultural buildings, public houses and places of worship. Recent examples of new provision include a new Care Commissionary Group (CCG) facility at North Road, a new library at the Forum, and Prittlewell Chapel.

137 All Policy Areas may provide opportunities for new and improved social care and community facilities, particularly Victoria and Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood. Regeneration in the Queensway Policy Area will also provide opportunity for further provision of social and community infrastructure where feasible.

138 Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, with the Environment Agency and Anglian Water Services Ltd. (Anglian Water) has formed a Local Flood Risk Management Partnership. The aim of this partnership is to work together to manage local sources of flooding.

139 Southend Waste Water Treatment Works has adequate capacity to accommodate the Core Strategy growth targets to 2021 and beyond. However, developers will need to consider the effect of their development on the capacity of the local waste water network. Proposals will need to demonstrate that they will not overload this.

140 New development will require separate foul and surface water drainage/sewerage, as drainage of surface water to foul sewers is a major contributor to sewer flooding. Provision should be made for surface water to drain to SuDS systems (refer to Policy DS4).

141 In terms of water supply, developers will be required to pay the infrastructure provider for any mains diversions and new off-site infrastructure resulting from development proposals.

(13) Question 18: Do you agree with the proposed approach with providing infrastructure in Southend Central Area? Please explain your answer.


Core Strategy DPD


Strategic Objective 2

Strategic Objective 4

Strategic Objective 9

Strategic Objective 13


Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy

Policy KP2: Development Principles

Policy KP3: Implementation and Resources

Policy CP3: Transport and Accessibility

Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Policy CP6: Community Infrastructure

Policy CP7: Sports recreation and green space

Development Management DPD


Policy DM2: Low Carbon Development and Efficient Use of


Policy DM14: Environmental Management

Southend Central AAP


Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 4

Objective 5

Objective 6

Objective 8

Objective 10


Policy DS5 - Transport, Access and Public Realm

Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA2: London Road Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA3: Elmer Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA7: Tylers Policy Area Development Principles

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles

*This Policy Linkage Box provides a summary of key inter-related local policies. Other planning policy and guidance not listed here may also be applicable and, therefore, a full assessment should be undertaken.


This section now incorporates the following policies from the previous version of the SCAAP (2011):

  • DS5: Education, Higher and Further Education
  • DS7: Social and Community Infrastructure
  • IF1: Central Area Infrastructure
  • IF2: Section 106 and Developer Contributions
  • IF3: Flood Risk Management

These policies have been combined to provide a more concise approach for the provision of infrastructure in the Southend Central Area. Specific references to infrastructure requirements are provided in the individual Policy Areas and Opportunity Sites, where required, to support development. Furthermore, detailed policy requirements are provided by the Core Strategy, CIL and Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Evidence Base

  • National Planning Policy Framework and Guidance
  • Central Area Masterplan (2008)
  • SCAAP Issues and Options version (2010)
  • SCAAP (superseded) Proposed Submission version (2011)
  • Consultation Statements, responding to comments made on previous versions of the SCAAP
  • Sustainability Appraisal, HRA and EQIA
  • Thames Gateway South Essex Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2006)
  • Southend Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 (2010)
  • Southend Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2 (2010)
  • South Essex Catchment Flood Management Plan (2008)
  • Thames Estuary 2100 (2010)
  • Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan (2010)
  • National Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (December 2011)
  • SuDS Manual (2007)

This list is not exhaustive. Full evidence base is available on the Council's website.

[3] A high proportion of vacancies in the Town Centre are located in the Victoria Shopping Centre, which was extensively refurbished in 2008.
[4] 14.1% vacancy rate when measured in terms of length of frontage
[5] Core Strategy Cp1: Town Centre (6,500), plus Seafront (750) = 7,250
[6] Core Strategy CP8: Town Centre (2,000), plus Seafront (550), minus SHLAA sites identified in the rest of the seafront outside the SCAAP area (76) = 2,474
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