Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) Preferred Approach 2015

Ended on the 15 February 2016

Part D Implementation and Monitoring Framework

6. Delivery of the SCAAP

6.1 Introduction

219 The SCAAP will guide development and provide additional certainty for the private sector as well as assist public sector bodies, community and voluntary sectors, tasked with delivering necessary infrastructure to support this Plan.

220 By setting out an approach to implementation, this section will assist with co-ordinating the delivery of SCAAP policies and proposals by identifying key partners as well as describing necessary infrastructure for creating sustainable developments in this location. As part of this process, it will be beneficial to identify expected timelines and phasing of development.

6.2 Delivery

Development Phasing

221 The SCAAP proposes 17 Opportunity Sites shown in Table 6. These have been phased in terms of deliverability, based primarily upon viability, land ownership and alignment with key objectives in Council Plans and Strategies.

222 This section sets out indicative time periods (short, medium and long term) for when improvements and development to the Opportunity Sites may come forward. It is acknowledged that much may change during the SCAAP plan period, particularly economic conditions, which may affect future timescales and feasibility of individual developments. It is acknowledged within the SCAAP boundary that other development will come forward in the Policy Areas which will contribute to the delivery of jobs and housing. Nevertheless the following general principles have informed phasing assumptions for the opportunity sites:

223 Phase one development (short term):

  • will have the highest positive impact on viability within the SCAAP area and will impact favourably on later phases;
  • may require development of publicly owned land where the greatest control over outcomes may be applied;
  • will be able to be delivered through private sector involvement or using existing confirmed Council budgets;
  • will generally be sole land ownership sites;
  • where planning permission on all or part of a site exists

224 Phase two development (medium term):

  • may require some land assembly and or public funds that need to be planned for some years in advance;
  • may be sites that are in multiple land ownership; and
  • may be dependent on viability and land development costs and delivery of earlier phases by the public and private sector.

225 Phase three development (long term):

  • may require a change in market conditions (i.e. improvements in viability dependent on the medium term market forces);
  • may be dependent on the delivery of earlier phases;
  • will generally be sites that are in multiple land ownership; and
  • will require public funding that either needs to be bid for, or is not covered by existing mainstream budgets and cannot be relied upon to be delivered until additional information is available.

226 In order for development to come forward as indicated, the Council will need to maximise its own town centre land assets, consider using, where necessary, statutory powers for land assembly and work with the private and other public sector land owners ,where required, and explore all funding sources available.

227 Appraisal of economic viability has been considered to inform the SCAAP Opportunity Sites. This has been at a strategic/preliminary level in order to identify key sites for potential redevelopment. Further detailed viability work may be required as sites are progressed.

228 A key objective is to ensure that any change of use to residential and other value-generating uses must provide a wider benefit for the local area, such as helping to deliver access, public realm, employment, educational, health and other community related improvements either indirectly or directly.

Table 6: Indicative Phasing of Development within SCAAP Policy Areas

Policy Reference

Site name


Short Term - 2016 to 2021

Policy PA4

Opportunity Site 4: Queensway

Southend Borough Council

Policy CS1

Opportunity Site 8: Seaways and Marine Parade

Southend Borough Council

Policy PA8

Opportunity Site 13: Roots Hall Football Ground and Environs

Sainburys and Southend United Football Club, other private

Policy PA11

Opportunity Site 11: Victoria Avenue Office Area

Southend Borough Council and multiple private ownership

Policy PA9

Opportunity Site 14: Sutton Road

Multiple Private ownership

Policy PA3

Opportunity Site 3: Elmer Square Phase 2

Southend Borough Council, University of Essex, South Essex College

Policy PA7

Opportunity Site 6: Tylers Avenue

Southend Borough Council

Policy CS1

Opportunity Site 7: Southend Pier

Southend Borough Council

Policy CS1

Opportunity Site 9: New Southend Museum

Southend Borough Council

Medium Term - 2022 to 2027

Policy PA5

Opportunity Site 5: Warrior Square

Southend Borough Council

Policy PA8

Opportunity Site 12: Former Essex and Suffolk Water Board Site

Essex and Suffolk Water

Policy PA6

Opportunity Site 16: Clarence

Southend Borough Council

Policy PA6

Opportunity Site 17: Alexandra

Southend Borough Council

Long Term - 2028 to 2033

Policy CS1

Opportunity Site 10: Woodgrange Drive ('Kursaal Estate')

Estuary Housing Association

Policy PA1

Opportunity Site 1: Whitegate Road

Southend Borough Council

Policy PA1

Opportunity Site 2: Pitman's Close

Southend Borough Council

Policy PA2

Opportunity Site 15: Sainsbury's & Adjacent Buildings

Multiple Private ownership

(3)Question 32 - Do you agree with the indicative phasing of development within the SCAAP area? If not, please explain your answer.

Indicative Figures for SCAAP Potential New Developments

229 The SCAAP will also provide indicative figures for potential new development which may be possible to deliver within the central area, if the proposal sites are developed in line with SCAAP development principles.

230 It is important to recognise, however, that delivery estimates will be approximates only. Any indicative figures provided will be subject to variation when each opportunity site comes forward.

231 Much will change over the SCAAP period and proposals will need to incorporate flexibility to cater for differing economic circumstances and market demand. The implementation of the SCAAP policies will occur not only through the delivery of the main opportunities sites and wider Policy Areas, and also through a variety of public realm improvements, town centre management and infrastructure projects, which may be expected to be implemented within the SCAAP period through other plans and strategies.

(1)Question 33 - Do you think it will be useful to include indicative figures for potential new development within this section of the Plan? Please explain your answer

6.3 Implementation

232 An Implementation Plan will help co-ordinate delivery of the SCAAP through timely provision of infrastructure and other projects and tasks necessary for development to proceed.

233 The Council has experience in working with private sector partners and securing funding, particularly recently with money secured in conjunction with the Local Enterprise Partnership. It is committed to working with agencies across the public, private and voluntary sectors to successfully realise a shared vision for the town centre and surrounding area.

234 With continued restriction on public finance over the short and medium term, there will be an increasing emphasis on the following principles to bring about delivery, and achieve the objectives of the Plan:

Facilitate delivery by the private sector partners, particularly in relation to housing and the upgrading of commercial properties.

Deliver strategic infrastructure projects that will enable the release of key Opportunity sites and/or through enhancement to the public realm and strategic transport links that support the delivery.

Ensure an appropriate and deliverable planning framework is in place to support and encourage the development of key opportunity sites, and to meet both residential and commercial demand.

Continue proactive joint working with neighbouring authorities and other partners to drive forward the regeneration of the Borough and its wider economic sub-region, including bidding for regional, national and European funding opportunities.

235 A series of projects and tasks will be identified which need to be brought forward and delivered in the timeframes specified in the phasing section (Table 6). The Implementation Plan will detail these associated projects.

(1)Question 34 - do you think that it will be useful to include a series of projects and tasks within the Plan to help identify funding levels and co-ordination for delivery?

236 The Implementation Plan will also help identify the funding level needed to deliver projects. The Council will proactively seek funding, working with representatives from other public sector bodies and key stakeholders. It describes which proposal or policy a project relates to including the (i) action (project/task), (ii) phasing (iii) lead responsibility for delivery, (iv) funding sources and (v) likely cost.

237 Within the Implementation Plan there will be an indicative cost assessment which will use the following category:

  • Low - e.g. feasibility studies, simple projects, additional research, establishing joint work arrangements;
  • Medium - e.g. local infrastructure improvements of medium complexity; and
  • High - e.g. major infrastructure improvements and site assembly of high complexity and cost.

238 In all cases phasing, responsibility/delivery and funding will be indicative and will need to be costed in detail at preparatory and design stage.

239 The Implementation Plan will be a 'rolling programme' of projects and tasks that is not exhaustive and will be kept under review.

(2)Question 35 - do you agree with the overall approach outlined for the Implementation Plan? If you have any suggestions or amendments to the approach or another approach please specify and give your reasons.

6.4 Delivery Mechanisms

240 Potential delivery mechanisms identified are as follows:

  • Planning Conditions or Obligations - site specific elements such as affordable housing or new open space provided by private or public developers and secured using planning conditions or planning obligations; Priorities for S106 agreements may be found in the adopted Planning Obligations SPD, however in particular regard will be given to:
    • Affordable Housing;
    • Sustainable Design and Development;
    • Open Space (and enhancement and management of the public realm); and
    • Transport Infrastructure
  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - wider area improvement projects delivered by the Council. CIL is a charge on new development to spend on local and sub-regional infrastructure to support the development of the SCAAP.
  • The SCAAP will also be used as an Investment Tool - to secure resources from funding bodies in support of the projects identified such as regional, national and European funding.
Creation of a Limited Liability Partnership

241 A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) between the Council and a Private Sector Partner has been established, which offers a mechanism to assist with delivery of SCAAP sites where appropriate. Under this arrangement the Council and a Private Sector Partner will each own 50% of the shares of the LLP whose main purpose will be to:

  • Invest private sector funds in projects of mutual benefit.
  • Facilitate comprehensive regeneration projects throughout the Borough.
  • Provide potential capital receipts and/or revenue income streams to the Council from the on-going development of surplus land and buildings.
  • Provide opportunities for any Council in-house surplus capacity to be deployed on development projects with a further fee income stream opportunity.
  • Support the Council in the development of its strategic review of the property portfolio.

6.5 Transport and Access Funding

242 The Council is committed to continued partnership, engagement and sponsorship arrangements. Access improvements will be delivered through a range of initiatives including the implementation of Opportunity Sites, partnership working, S106 planning obligations, CIL and through the Council's capital programme. The Implementation Plan for the LTP sets out funding sources and a package of measures. It is intended to be a "rolling programme" looking up to four years ahead based primarily upon the Government's spending reviews. It provides a description of other funding sources, including the Local Sustainable Transport Fund.

6.6 Risk Assessment

243 The Council has a detailed Corporate Risk Management Plan, which is reviewed on a regular basis. In addition, Departmental Risk Registers are maintained and monitored, whilst each project is also subject to a detailed risk management strategy.

6.7 SCAAP Monitoring Framework

244 The Council will monitor policies and proposals and the implementation of the SCAAP; and performance against the Plan's objectives.

245 The SCAAP sets out a series of indicators, and where possible targets against which progress will be monitored through the Annual Monitoring Report. Relevant indicators will be grouped under the delivery priorities.

(1)Question 36 - Do you agree with the approach outlining how the SCAAP will monitor the delivery of policies and proposals?

(30)Question 37 - Do you have any other general and further comments on this document?

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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