Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) Preferred Approach 2015

Ended on the 15 February 2016


Appendix 1: Southend Core Strategy Policies

Core Strategy Policy KP1: Spatial Strategy

Sets out the spatial strategy for the Borough; the primary focus of regeneration and growth will be the Town Centre and Central Area, including the seafront.

Core Strategy Policy KP2: Development Principles

Sets out the ways in which new development in the Borough, including transport infrastructure, should contribute to economic, social, physical and environmental regeneration in a sustainable way, and to the regeneration of Southend's primary role within the Thames Gateway as a cultural and intellectual hub and higher education centre of excellence.

Core Strategy Policy KP3: Implementation and Resources

Makes provision for the preparation of Area Action Plans and Supplementary Planning Documents to help deliver the provisions of the Core Strategy, ensuring that development of an appropriate scale, mix and quality is brought forward in key areas of opportunity and change including the town centre and seafront.

Core Strategy Policy CP1: Employment Generating Development

Makes provision for an additional 6,500 jobs within the Town Centre and Central Area during the plan period 2001-2021.

Core Strategy Policy CP2: Town Centre and Retail Development

Promotes the development of the Town Centre, which will remain the first preference for all forms of retail development and other Town Centre uses. The Town Centre is afforded sequential preference for additional comparison and convenience floorspace.

Core Strategy Policy CP3: Transport and Accessibility

Seeks improvements to transport infrastructure and services by widening travel choice, and providing for high quality transport interchanges at Southend Victoria, Southend Central and Southend Travel Centre.

Core Strategy Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance

Promotes sustainable development of the highest quality and innovation and excellence in design, recognising good quality urban design as a catalyst for regeneration and urban renaissance.

Core Strategy Policy CP5: Minerals and Soils Resources

Sets out the standards the Borough Council will require regarding the sustainable use of soil and mineral resources.

Core Strategy Policy CP6: Community Infrastructure

Supports improvements to existing, and the provision of new, facilities to support the needs of education, skills and lifelong learning strategies, including the Town Centre's higher education/university campus. Seeks to safeguard existing and provide for new leisure, cultural, recreation and community facilities.

Core Strategy Policy CP7: Sport, Recreation and Green Space

Promotes proposals that contribute to sports, recreation and green space facilities within the Borough for the benefit of local residents and visitors.

Core Strategy Policy CP8: Dwelling Provision

Makes provision for 2,000 net additional dwelling within the Town Centre and Central Area.

Appendix 2 Glossary of Abbreviations

AA Appropriate Assessment

AAP Area Action Plan

AMR Annual Monitoring Report

AVL Advanced Vehicle Location

BBA Better Bus Area

BID Business Improvement District

c2c Rail Operator of the London Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness line

CAM Central Area Masterplan

CCG Care Commissioning Group

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

CIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Association

DCLG Department of Communities &Local Government

DFT Department for Transport

DPD Development Plan Document

EA Environment Agency

ELR Employment Land Review

FRA Flood Risk Assessment

FWMA Floods and Water Management Act 2010

HRA Habitats Regulation Assessment

LDD Local Development Document

LDS Local Development Scheme

LEA Local Economic Assessment

LLFA Lead Local Flood Authority

LPA Local Planning Authority

LSTF Local Sustainable Transport Fund

LTP Local Transport Plan

MSCP Multi Storey Car Park

NHS National Health Service

NPPF National Planning Policy Framework

OAN Objectively Assessed Need

PIP Punctuality Improvement Partnership

PFRA Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

SAB SUDS Approval Body

SE LEP South East Local Enterprise Partnership

SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

SHMA Strategic Housing Market Assessment

SWMP Surface Water Management Plan

TGSE Thames Gateway South Essex

Appendix 3 - Schedule of Existing Landmarks and Landmark Buildings

Adventure Island, Western Esplanade

Adventure Island, Western Esplanade

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

All Saints Church, Sutton Road

All Saints Church, Sutton Road

(outside of the SCAAP boundary)

Central Library (former), Victoria Avenue

Central Library (former), Victoria Avenue

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

Central Museum, Victoria Avenue

Central Museum, Victoria Avenue

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue

Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

Cliff Lift, Western Esplanade

Cliff Lift, Western Esplanade

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Cliffs Pavilion, Station Road

Cliffs Pavilion, Station Road

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Clifftown Church/Studios, Nelson Street

Clifftown Church/Studios, Nelson Street

(Clifftown Policy Area))

Park Inn Palace Hotel, Pier Hill

Park Inn Palace Hotel, Pier Hill

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Pier Hill Observation Tower and Lift, Pier Hill

Pier Hill Observation Tower and Lift, Pier Hill

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

Porters, Southchurch Road

Porters, Southchurch Road

(outside of the SCAAP boundary)

Prittlewell Chapel, North Road

Prittlewell Chapel, North Road

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

Royal Hotel and Royal Terrace

Royal Hotel and Royal Terrace

(High Street and Clifftown Policy Areas)

Seafront / Estuary

Seafront / Estuary

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

South Essex College, Luker Road

South Essex College, Luker Road

(Elmer Square Policy Area)

St John�s Church, Herbert Grove

St John�s Church, Herbert Grove

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

St Mary�s Church, Victoria Avenue

St Mary�s Church, Victoria Avenue

(outside of the SCAAP boundary)

Swan Hall, Victoria Avenue

Swan Hall, Victoria Avenue

(Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area)

The Forum, Elmer Square

The Forum, Elmer Square

(Elmer Square Policy Area)

The Kursaal, Eastern Esplanade

The Kursaal, Eastern Esplanade

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

The Pier

The Pier

(Central Seafront Policy Area)

University of Essex, Elmer Approach

University of Essex, Elmer Approach

(Elmer Square Policy Area)

University of Essex, Elmer Approach

University of Essex, Elmer Approach

(Elmer Square Policy Area)

Appendix 4: Flood Risk Management Technical information and Definitions

Flood Risk Definitions:

Flood risk zone 2 - medium risk, 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 200 annual probability

Flood risk zone 3 - high risk, 1 in 200 annual probability or more

Design flood event and flood level - based on 1 in 200 annual probability event at the end of the development's lifetime.

Extreme flood event and flood level - based on 1 in 1,000 annual probability event at the end of the development's life.

As an example, the SFRA2 predicts that within the Central Seafront Area, outside of Adventure Island, by 2110, the design and extreme maximum flood depth are approximately 1 metre and 4 metres. Adventure Island is characterised by 5m maximum flood depths under both scenarios.

Lifetime of development - assumed to be 100 years for residential, 60 years for commercial (unless circumstances indicate otherwise)

Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification

Highly Vulnerable

  • Emergency services
  • Emergency dispersal points
  • Basement dwellings

More Vulnerable

  • Hospitals
  • Residential institutions such as care homes, children's homes, and hostels
  • Buildings used for: dwelling houses; student halls of residence; drinking establishments; nightclubs; and hotels
  • Health services, nurseries and educational establishments

Appendix 5: Transport, Access and Public Realm Strategy

Transport, Access and Public Realm Strategy

In order to secure a 'step change' in Southend Central Area to achieve a modern integrated transport system that unlocks potential in opportunity sites and secures sustainable regeneration and the growth of Southend, transport, access and public realm improvements in Southend Central Area will:

  • Work in partnership with the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) to deliver investment and improvements to the strategic road network and public realm, highlighting the importance of the A127 strategic corridor to delivering economic growth and housing, as set out in the Southend and Essex A127 Corridor for Growth - An Economic Plan (March 2014) .
  • Continue the programme of public realm and access improvements, including a continuation of the Victoria's public realm improvement scheme at London Road, Queensway (west) and Victoria Circus, Queensway (east) (Policy PA4), Victoria Avenue ( Policy PA9), and the Central Seafront Policy Area (including City Beach) (Policy CS1), addressing the principles established by the Southend Streetscape Manual SPD3.
  • Continue to develop and support the cycle route network, provision of secure cycle parking and work with Cycle Southend in terms of promotion, marketing, Bikeability and other travel training, and the creation of cycle hubs.
  • Seek to pedestrianise a number of the High Street's inter-linking access/stub roads and reduce the dominance of on-street parking and general vehicle circulation, creating one-way streets and 20mph zones.
  • Improve the environmental quality of existing residential streets within the Central Area, particularly those to the east of the High Street, to create 'home zones' or pedestrian-priority areas that improve access and encourage walking and cycling.
  • Continue to implement a quality signage and way-finding scheme for pedestrians and ensure that variable messaging signs and electronic displays for car parks and travel information better relay details to road and public transport users.
  • Encourage the use of sustainable travel modes, ensuring that all forms of transport are equally accessible to all, through smarter choices techniques (including the promotion of a Borough-wide Smart Card ticketing system, and through the use of mobile phone technology) and mobility management measures, promoting opportunity for car sharing and the setting up of car and van clubs.
  • Maintain and build upon existing bus stop improvements, real time information and bus prioritisation at signals, as well as targeted junction enhancements and highways improvement works.
  • Improve public perceptions of safety within Southend Central Area particularly at night, by ensuring that street lights are maintained, CCTV is obviously sited, and public transport and taxis operate after dark to help secure a vibrant, safe evening economy.
  • Work with local bus operators to further improve bus services to the town centre including evening and night time services, providing a more reliable and punctual bus service through the implementation of a Punctuality Improvement Partnership (PiP), and improvements to the Advanced Vehicle Local (AVL) system.
  • Work with train operators to achieve high levels of reliability and performance on all services, maintain and promote contra-flow inter-peak services for journeys to Southend, continue active participation in the development and marketing of Station Travel Plans.
  • Work with taxi operators to improve the provision for taxi's at key locations to support access.
  • Work with stakeholders to develop the work of the Ideas in Motion brand to encourage businesses, schools and colleges to implement managed travel plans and introduce a personalised travel planning service, and to support applications for funding.
  • Seek to develop a priority route towards London Southend Airport, together with corresponding junction improvements at A127 Victoria Avenue/Fairfax Drive/East Street linked to future redevelopment of the Roots Hall site.
  • Keep car parking demand and capacity under review, recognising that there has been a temporary increase in public car parking in the town centre, seeking to maintain capacity at a level that supports the vitality and viability of the town centre, whilst enabling the delivery of relevant opportunity sites.
  • Improve access to car parks for vehicles and pedestrians.
  • Encourage an extension to the existing VMS scheme to improve information about car parking capacity within town centre car parks, direct drivers to the most convenient car park, and avoid unnecessary circulating traffic by improving access to town centre car parks from Queensway dual carriage way.
  • Ensure that servicing and delivery arrangements meet the reasonable needs of businesses, and minimise their environmental impact; working with the freight industry and logistic to implement more efficient use of vehicles in terms of guidance, zoning and delivery timetables.

Appendix 6 - Dwelling Figures for the Central Area - relationship with Core Strategy Requirements

Core Strategy 2001 to 2021

Completed April 2001 to March 2014 (net)

Core Strategy (as adjusted 2014 to 2021)

Site Allocations (net) to be delivered by 2021*

Other commitments to be delivered by 2021**

Total New Dwellings

Difference from Core Strategy (adjusted 2014 to 2021)









Local Authority Area excluding SCAAP




To be determined




All Borough (Total)








* * Part C sets out the Site Allocations expected to be delivered by 2021. In relation to OS4 and OS11 it is assumed that half of OS4 Queensway and just the major planning permissions within OS11 Victoria Avenue will be delivered by 2021

** Includes planning permissions under 10 units and those determined through prior approval

Appendix 7 Major Planning Permissions with Potential Housing Allocation

Site Reference

Site Name

Indicative number of Dwellings (Gross)

Within Policy Area

Within Opportunity Site


Maitland House


High Street



4 Southchurch Rd


High Street



18 - 20 Southchurch Rd


Warrior Square



Esplanade House


Central Seafront



Heath House And Carby House


Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood



Roots Hall Stadium


Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood



297 Victoria Avenue


Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood



25 Roots Hall Avenue


Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood



Salisbury Avenue and North Road


Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood



175 London Road


Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood



Carnarvon Road


Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood



Victoria House


Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood





Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood



257 - 285 Sutton Road


Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood



319 - 321 Sutton Road


Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood


Appendix 8: Replaced Saved Planning Policies [7]

Saved Planning Policies replaced by Southend Central Area Action Plan upon adoption

Policy/ Proposal Ref.

Policy Subject


Central Seafront Area


Southend Pier


Shop and Commercial Frontages and Fascias


Non-Retail Uses


Improvements to Primary Shopping Frontages


Retention of Secondary Shopping Frontages


Proposal Site: Former Gas Works Site, Eastern Esplanade


Proposal Site: Land at Burnaby Road


Proposal Site: Land West of Baltic Avenue


Proposal Site: Scrap Metal Yard, 215a North Road


Proposal Site: Industrial Uses, Roots Hall Avenue


Proposal Site:: Industrial Uses between Roots Hall Avenue and Victoria Avenue


Proposal Site: Baxter Avenue


Proposal Site: Whitegate Road


Proposal Site: Pitmans Close


Proposal Site: Central Station, Clifftown Road


Proposal Site: Warrior Square (South side) and Whitegate Road (North side)


Proposal Site: Tylers Avenue and York Road


Proposal Site: Southchurch Avenue/ Marine Parade


Proposal Site: London Road


Proposal Site: Warrior Square


Proposal Site: Seaway Car Park, Queensway

[7] Saved planning policies were effective from 27th September 2007 - Direction under paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 9 to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
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