Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) - February 2018

Part D Implementation and Monitoring Framework

6. Delivery of the SCAAP

6.1 Introduction

225 By setting out an approach to implementation, this section will assist with co-ordinating the delivery of SCAAP policies and proposals by identifying key partners as well as describing necessary infrastructure for creating sustainable developments in this location.

6.2 Delivery

226 The SCAAP proposes 11 Opportunity Sites shown in Table 7. These have been allocated in terms of their perceived deliverability, based primarily upon viability, land ownership and alignment with key objectives in Council plans and strategies. These sites:

  • have a positive impact on viability within the SCAAP area and will impact favourably on later or additional development within Southend Central Area;
  • may require development of publicly owned land where the greatest control over outcomes may be applied;
  • will be able to be delivered through private sector involvement or using Council budgets.

227 The SCAAP proposals are expected to come forward within 5 years, the plan period to 2021. Preparation of the Local Plan will act as an early review of the SCAAP and will consider all development sites over a longer time period.

228 In order for development to come forward as indicated, the Council will need to maximise its own town centre land assets, consider using, where necessary, statutory powers for land assembly and work with the private and other public sector land owners, where required, and explore all funding sources available.

229 It is acknowledged within the SCAAP boundary that other development will come forward in the Policy Areas which will contribute to the delivery of jobs and housing.

230 A key objective is to ensure that any change of use to residential and other value- generating uses must also provide wider benefits for the local area, such as helping to deliver access, public realm, employment, educational, health and other community related improvements either indirectly or directly.

Table 7: Development Sites within SCAAP Policy Areas

Policy Reference

Opportunity Site name


2016 to 2021

Policy PA3: Elmer Square

Elmer Square Phase 2 (PA3.1)

Southend Borough Council, University of Essex, South Essex College

Policy PA4: Queensway

Opportunity Site (PA4.1): Better Queensway Project

Southend Borough Council

Policy PA7: Tylers

Tylers Avenue (PA7.1)

Southend Borough Council

Policy CS1: Central Seafront

Southend Pier (CS1.1) Seaways (CS1.2) Marine Parade (CS1.3)

New Southend Museum (CS1.4)

Southend Borough Council, Multiple Private Ownership

Policy PA8: Victoria Avenue Gateway Neighbourhood

Victoria Avenue (PA8.1) Baxter Avenue (PA8.2)

Southend Borough Council and Multiple Private Ownership

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood

Sutton Road (PA9.1) Guildford Road (PA9.2)

Multiple Private Ownership

Indicative Figures for SCAAP Potential New Developments

231 Table 8 sets out an indicative total number/ floorspace of new development to be delivered within the Opportunity Sites by 2021. The figures provided will be subject to variation when each Opportunity Site comes forward and do not account for other development proposals that may come forward within the SCAAP area but outside the identified Opportunity Sites.

Table 8: Indicative Scale of Development (Gross) within Opportunity Sites (2016 – 2021)


Commercial, including eating and leisure




17,500 m2

5,500 m2

18,500 m2

6.3 Implementation

232 This section outlines how the SCAAP and its policies will be implemented and monitored. It seeks to show how each policy will be delivered and by whom. Implementation of the SCAAP will be dependent on the provision of necessary infrastructure as described in the preceding chapters.

233 The Council has experience in working with private sector partners and securing funding, particularly recently with money secured in conjunction with the Local Enterprise Partnership. It is committed to working with agencies across the public, private and voluntary sectors to successfully realise a shared vision for the town centre and surrounding area.

234 The Implementation Plan sets out a 'rolling programme' of projects and tasks that is not exhaustive and will be kept under review. Potential delivery mechanisms identified are as follows:

  • Planning Conditions or Obligations – site specific elements such as affordable housing or new open space provided by private or public developers and secured using planning conditions or planning obligations. Priorities for S106 agreements may be found in the adopted Planning Obligations SPD, however in particular regard will be given to:
    • Affordable Housing;
    • Sustainable Design and Development;
    • Open Space (and enhancement and management of the public realm); and
    • Transport Infrastructure
  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – wider area improvement projects delivered by the Council. CIL is a charge on new development to spend on local and sub-regional infrastructure to support the development of the SCAAP.
  • The SCAAP will also be used as an Investment Tool – to secure resources from funding bodies in support of the projects identified such as regional, national and European funding.
  • Creation of a Limited Liability Partnership.

235 A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) between the Council and a Private Sector Partner has been established that offers a mechanism to assist with delivery of SCAAP sites where appropriate. Under this arrangement the Council and a Private Sector Partner will each own 50% of the shares of the LLP whose main purpose will be to:

  • Invest private sector funds in projects of mutual benefit.
  • Facilitate comprehensive regeneration projects throughout the Borough.
  • Provide potential capital receipts and/or revenue income streams to the Council from the on-going development of surplus land and buildings.
  • Provide opportunities for any Council in-house surplus capacity to be deployed on development projects with a further fee income stream opportunity.
  • Support the Council in the development of its strategic review of the property portfolio.

236 Access and public realm improvements will be delivered through a range of initiatives including the implementation of Opportunity Sites, partnership working, S106 planning obligations, CIL and through the Council's capital programme. The Implementation Plan for the Local Transport Plan 3 available on the Councils website sets out funding sources and a package of measures.


237 To ensure that the vision and strategic objectives of the Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) are being met, the Council will monitor the implementation of the Plan's policies and proposals to gauge its overall performance.

238 To achieve this, a series of indicators and, where appropriate, targets, for the Plan's policies and proposals are set out below. Progress in implementing the Plan's provisions will be monitored against these indicators and targets. This will be carried out each year after the adoption of the SCAAP as part of the Council's Annual Monitoring Report. Where it is clear that any of the objectives of the Plan are not being met, appropriate action will be taken as part of the monitoring process or a review of the plan may be implemented.

239 In order to avoid duplication of policy provisions contained in other adopted plans and to keep the SCAAP plan concise and effective, the SCAAP does not contain specific policies relating to: employment, housing, culture, leisure, tourism and recreational facilities, and open and green spaces. These are contained within the Southend Core Strategy and Development Management Document and their provisions will be monitored as part of the annual monitoring process. They will be reported in the Southend Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) and will contribute to the process of gauging the effectiveness of the SCAAP.

240 Similarly, the Southend Local Transport Plan (LTP) contains a number of indicators for measuring the effectiveness of the LTP. The SCAAP does not repeat these but regard will be had to them in assessing the overall impact of the SCAAP on transport provision within the Central Area. Progress Reports on the Southend Local Transport Plan will be produced every two years starting with the period April 2015/16 to March 2016/17.

Implementation and Monitoring

Criteria Based Policies


Where feasible, the monitoring indicators as outlined in the Core Strategy will also be presented for the SCAAP area. This includes the indicators presented for the following Core Strategy Policies:

  • Policy CP1: Employment Generating Development;
  • Policy CP2: Town Centre and Retail Development;
  • Policy CP3: Transport and Accessibility;
  • Policy CP4: The Environment and Urban Renaissance;
  • Policy CP6: Community Infrastructure;
  • Policy CP7: Sport, Recreation and Green Space;
  • Policy CP8: Dwelling Provision.

Specific reference to monitoring indicators is also provided below in reference to the SCAAP policies.

Policy DS1: A Prosperous Retail Centre

Key Responsibilities



Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Annual monitoring of retail floor space and refreshes of the retail study.

DS1.1 Proportion of frontage within Town Centre Primary Shopping Frontage that are in A1 Retail use – ensure compliance with policy target.

DS1.2 Proportion of units within Town Centre Primary and Secondary Frontage that are vacant - reduce

As Core Strategy Policy CP2 As Indicator DM13.2

Reliance on private sector funding and developer interest. Lack of Developer interest in retail sites.

Out of centre developments reducing the capacity to support town centre retail. Growth of neighbouring and sub-regional town centre retail offer.

Changes to Central

Government policy on Town Centre First.

Further changes to Prior Approval or permitted development rights in town centres

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP2, CP2 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM5, DM13

Policy DS2: Key Views

Key Responsibilities



Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Implementation of public realm improvements as set out by Policy Area Development Principles.

DS2.1 number of schemes that enhance visually important views – sight lines, access, open space and views improved to identified areas.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP2, CP4 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM4, DM5, DM6

Policy DS3: Landmarks and Landmark Buildings

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Implementation of public realm improvements as set out by Policy Area Development Principles.

DS3.1 number of appropriately located new landmark buildings – delivery of land mark buildings.

The new landmark building is not of a high quality design, and is poorly located in the townscape to the detriment of the local environment.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP2, CP4 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM4, DM5, DM6

Policy DS4: Flood Risk Management and Sustainable Drainage

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Environment Agency Anglian Water

Public and private developers

Through the continual submission and determination of planning application.

Site based flood risk assessments.

DS4.1 Number of developments incorporating sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) - For all new development, new impermeable areas will be drained by SuDS.

As Core Strategy Policy CP4.

A risk of low quality flood risk assessments.

Poorly designed SuDS.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP4 Development Management DPD: DM6

Policy DS5 – Transport, Access and Public Realm

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council. Local Transport Operators.

Public and private developers and owners.

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Joint working with local transport operators. Joint working with private operators of car parks.

Local Transport Plan and other funding mechanisms – £7m secured from first round of Local Growth Fund (LGF) to deliver transport and public realm improvements in the SCAAP area.

DS5.1 Providing the level of publically available car parking provision to support the vitality and viability of the central area:

  • Keep car parking capacity, demand and traffic management provisions under review to ensure that this capacity remains at a level to support the vitality and viability of Southend Central Area.
  • Monitor the success in achieving no net loss of key visitor car parking (Table 5, 2,562 spaces) to the south of the Central Area (Map 4).
  • Monitor any net change in overall paid-for public parking within Central Area South (3,142) spaces as outlined in Appendix 9.

As Core Strategy Policy CP3.

As Development Management Policy DM15.

Lack of funding for transport projects.

Changes to rail or bus network, quality of service, number of services provided.

Level of co-operation between operators and the local authority.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP2, KP3, CP3, CP4 Development Management DPD: DM15

Policy Areas

Policy PA1: High Street Policy Area Development Principles

Key Responsibilities



Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers Landowners

Business Improvement District English Heritage

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Implementation of public realm improvements. LGF Funding.

Stub end roads pedestrianisation. Event space.

Public realm improvements (greening).

Town centre/ seafront connection (multi-level).

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP4, CP8

PA1.1 Total number of dwellings built, by size and tenure within Policy Area – 2,474 net additional dwellings by 2021 within SCAAP area.

Lack of interest in retail in the Town Centre.

Growth of neighbouring and sub-regional town centre retail offer.

Changes to Central Government policy on Town Centre First

Further changes to Prior Approval or permitted development rights in town centres.

Lack of inward investment opportunities.

Effect of any out of town retail development.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP1, CP2, CP4 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM5, DM15

Policy PA2: London Road Policy Area Development Principles

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council

Public and private developers

Street Market Operators

University of Essex

South Essex College

'Victoria Gateway initiative' Phase 2.

Local Transport Plan 3.

LGF Funding

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications

Mixed-mode pedestrian and cycle priority route (LGF funding application).

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP8

Lack of funding for transport and public realm improvements.

Lack of inward investment opportunities

Higher and further education

Lack of inward investment establishments to not want to develop further in the town centre

Tree planting landscaping/public art/ integrated signage.

Pedestrianisation/relocation of taxi rank.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP1, CP2, CP4 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM15

Policy PA3: Elmer Square Policy Area Development Principles Opportunity Site Elmer Square Phase 2 (PA3.1)

Key Responsibilities



Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council University of Essex

South Essex College

Public and private developers

Elmer Square Phase 2 project to complement the recently completed Forum public and academic library - Exploration of use of £6m notional allocation of LGF funding.

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Local Transport Plan 3.

Mixed mode pedestrian and cycle priority route.

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP4, CP6

Lack of funding for transport and public realm improvements Lack of inward investment opportunities.

Higher and further education establishments to not want to develop further in the town centre.

Lack of funding for large scale projects .

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: Development Management DPD:

Policy PA4: Queensway Policy Area Development Principles

Opportunity Site 'Better Queensway' Project (PA4.1)

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers Registered Housing Providers

Better Queensway Project.

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Local Transport Plan 3.

New community infrastructure.

New public open space - Queensway Urban Park. Public realm improvements.

Pedestrian and cycle crossing.

Create mixed mode pedestrian and cycle priority route and shared priority route.

Chichester Road improvements.

Improvement to Southchurch Road retail area.

Application made for Local Growth Funding specific to Better Queensway Project.

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP6, CP7, CP8

Lack of funding for transport and public realm improvements.

Lack of inward investment opportunities. Additional cost of transport realignment, particularly in relation to the Queensway

Dual Carriageway.

Lack of interest from developers.

Change to political focus and priority for a large scale project of this size.

Lack of support from local residents and wider community.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP1, CP4, CP6, CP8 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM3, DM7, DM8, DM15

Policy PA5: Warrior Square Policy Area Development Principles

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Linked to Better Queensway Project. Public realm improvements.

New pedestrian and cycle priority route and shared priority route.

LGF Funding.

Environmental improvements to Queensway and Chichester Road.

Children's play facility at Warrior Square Gardens -

£150,000 cost identified by IDP.

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP4, CP6, CP8

Lack of funding for transport and public realm improvements.

Lack of inward investment opportunities.

Lack of interest in office development.

Lack of funding for children's play facility.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP1, CP3, CP4, CP6, CP7, CP 8 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4, DM5, DM7, DM8, DM10, DM15

Policy PA6: Clifftown Policy Area Development Principles

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council

Public and private developers


Transport Operators

English Heritage

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Tree Planting Programme.

LGF Funding.

Local Transport Plan 3.

Public realm improvements.

Regenerate the forecourt at Southend Central Station.

Redevelop Central House for retail, residential, offices. Regenerate site of Empire Theatre for cultural uses.

Provision of information boards/digital technology to interpret historic assets.

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2,

CP4, CP8

Lack of funding for transport

and public realm improvements.

Lack of inward investment opportunities.

Lack of support from local community in relation to proximity to conservation area and noise.

Level of co-operation between rail operators and local authority to initiate public realm improvements

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP2, CP4, CP7 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM4, DM5, DM6, DM14

Policy PA7: Tylers Policy Area Development Principles

Opportunity Site Tylers Avenue (PA7.1)

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers Travel Operators

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Need for a masterplan

LGF funding

Local Transport 3

Creation of a new public open space

Mixed mode pedestrian and cycle priority route

Home Zone

Improved walking and cycling linkages.

Junction improvements at Queensway.

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP8

Lack of interest in retail or commercial space.

Cost of parking re-provision and new travel interchange. Lack of funding for transport and public realm improvements Lack of inward investment opportunities.

Lack of support from local community for home zone.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP8 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4, DM7, DM8,DM10, DM15

Policy CS1: Central Seafront Policy Area Development Principles

Opportunity Sites: Southend Pier (CS1.1); Seaways (CS1.2); Marine Plaza (CS1.3); New Southend Museum (CS1.4)

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers Environment Agency

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Completion of committed sites at Marine Plaza and New Museum.

Application made for LGF specific to museum.

Continual maintenance and investment in the Pier, including the installation of new digital technologies.

Expansion of City Beach.

Completion of committed new lagoon. Flood risk and mitigation measures.

Improving connectivity from Town Centre and Central Seafront.

Rationalise signage, street furniture, green grid. Upgrade the Cliffs Pavilion outdoor space.

Improve traffic management, parking, walking and cycling. New frontage on the southern side of the Royals Shopping Centre.

LGF funding.

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP7, CP8.

As Development Management Policy DM12.

Lack of funding for transport and public realm improvements.

Lack of inward investment opportunities.

Outcome of screening under Habitats Regulations.

Lack of developer interest. Development of out of town retail and leisure attractions.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP3, CP4, CP7, CP8 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4, DM5, DM6, DM7, DM8, DM9, DM10, DM12, DM14, DM15

Policy CS2: Nature Conservation and Biodiversity

Key Responsibilities


Monitoring Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Natural England

Through the determination of planning applications. Project-level Habitats Regulation Assessment where necessary.

Development of visitor facility close to foreshore.

Provision of public open space at Pier Hill, Seaways, Eastern Esplanade.

As Core Strategy Policies CP4, CP7

Outcome of screening under Habitats Regulations.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP4, CP7 Development Management DPD: DM6

Policy CS3: The Waterfront

Key Responsibilities



Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council

Through the determination of planning applications. Completion of committed new lagoon (Coastal Communities Fund).

Public realm improvement.

Provision of information boards/digital technology to interpret biodiversity of area.

As Core Strategy Policies CP4, CP7

Lack of funding

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP4, CP7 Development Management DPD: DM6

Policy PA8: Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles Opportunity Sites: Victoria Avenue (PA8.1); Baxter Avenue (PA8.2)

Key Responsibilities



Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers Land owners

Registered Housing Provider

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Completion of committed sites at Victoria Avenue and Carnarvon Road.

Local Transport Plan 3.

Recent completion of the Hive Southend Business Hub (Southend City Deal and £0.7m LGF match funding). Additional education facilities.

Junction improvements at Victoria Avenue/ Fairfax Drive. Junction improvements at Victoria Avenue/ East Street/West Street (LGF funding).

Junction improvements at Victoria Avenue/ Carnarvon Road (LGF funding).

Junction improvements at Victoria Avenue/ Great Eastern Avenue (LGF funding).

Enhancements to North Road including civic space at junction with Chelmsford Avenue.

Enhancement of the Civic space on east side of Victoria Avenue/urban greening.

Create mixed mode pedestrian and cycle priority route (LGF


As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP6, CP7, CP8.

Lack of funding for transport and public realm improvements Lack of inward investment opportunities.

Lack of inward investment

Further changes to Prior Approval or permitted development rights.

Lack of interest for new office accommodation.

Fragmented approach. Multiple site ownership.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP1, CP3, CP4, CP6, CP7, CP8 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4,DM5, DM7, DM8, DM9, DM10, DM13, DM15

Policy PA9: Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood Policy Area Development Principles Opportunity Sites: Sutton Road (PA9.1); Guildford Road (PA9.2)

Key Responsibilities



Indicators and Targets


Southend Borough Council Public and private developers

Through the continual submission and determination of planning applications.

Completion of committed sites at Sutton Road. Enhancements to Sutton Road – streetscape and landscape. LGF funding

As Core Strategy Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP6, CP8.

Lack of funding for transport and public realm improvements.

Lack of inward investment opportunities.

Multiple site ownership.

Other Relevant Policies

Core Strategy DPD: KP1, KP2, KP3, CP1, CP3, CP4, CP6, CP7, CP8 Development Management DPD: DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4,DM7, DM8, DM9, DM10, DM11, DM13, DM14, DM15

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