Development Management DPD - Revised Proposed Submission

Ended on the 16 May 2014

(4)Section 1: Introduction

(1)Local Development Framework

1.1 The ‘Development Management’ Development Plan Document, when adopted, will form part of the Southend-on-Sea (hereafter referred to as ‘Southend’) Local Planning Framework. The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) introduced the system of Development Plan Documents (DPDs). The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has introduced changes to national policy and guidance replacing previous Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) and Planning Policy Statements (PPS). The NPPF refers to the collection of DPDs that make up the statutory plan for a Local Planning Authority (LPA), which includes this Development Management DPD, as the ‘Local Plan’.

1.2 Southend-on-Sea's Core Strategy DPD was adopted in December 2007. The Core Strategy DPD sets out the Borough Council’s spatial strategy and strategic planning policy framework for Southend. It contains the vision and strategic objectives for the spatial strategy, key development principles, detailed core thematic policies and a monitoring and implementation framework. The Core Strategy DPD is a strategic level document that provides the framework for subsequent DPDs, including the Development Management DPD.

1.3 The Borough Council has also adopted the following Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) which provide further guidance and advice in relation to delivery of the Core Strategy.

  • Design and Townscape Guide SPD (adopted 2009). This document provides clear contextual development and design guidance and should be referenced within all development proposals; and
  • Planning Obligations Guide SPD (adopted 2010). This document provides developers, landowners, the community and the Borough Council with guidance in relation to potential planning obligations or developer contributions in relation to development. The document also includes procedural information and contact details to assist in the negotiation of legal agreements.
  • Streetscape Manual SPD (adopted 2014). This document provides guidance to ensure a coordinated, high quality streetscape is sustainably achieved within the Borough.

1.4 These DPDs and SPDs collectively form the planning policy framework for the Borough and to which all development should have regard to ensure that development in Southend will be undertaken in a sustainable manner that contributes to local regeneration objectives and improvements to the quality of life of residents, businesses and visitors of the Borough.

Development Management Policies Document

The Purpose of this Document

1.5 The ‘Development Management’ DPD sets out the Borough Council's policies for positively managing development in Southend and will be used to assess and determine planning applications. The policies in the Development Management DPD will replace a number of Southend Borough Local Plan Saved Policies, as outlined in Appendix 8. The document will advise people who are considering development on the nature of proposals that are likely to be acceptable.

1.6 The Development Management DPD reflects the spatial vision and objectives of the Core Strategy DPD and includes more detailed local policies for the management of development. Where appropriate, cross-references are made to the relevant Core Strategy Strategic Objectives and Policies, as set out in Appendix 2 and 3 respectively, that the development management policies will assist in delivering and the relevant core strategy policies that the policies will expand upon.

1.7 The Development Management DPD provides the framework in which to manage Southend’s built environment and ensure successful place-making to ensure that the Borough is a place where people want to live work and enjoy. This document will contribute positively to the health and well-being of residents, businesses and visitors alike and consequently will deliver sustainable development and support balanced communities.

(1)Relationship between Policies

1.8 All policies within this DPD should be read alongside national planning policies, the policies of the Core Strategy DPD, other Development Plan Documents and guidance in Supplementary Planning Documents that comprise the Local Development Framework.

1.9 It is important to note that this Development Plan Document should be read as a whole, as the policies are cross cutting and inter-relate. Decisions on development proposals will have regard to all relevant policies within this Development Plan Document. The fact that a particular policy may specifically support or encourage a certain type of development does not alter this requirement.

(To be deleted on adoption)

How this document differs from the Proposed Submission draft Development Management DPD consulted on in March 2011.

This is the Revised Proposed Submission version of the Development Management DPD. It is being published for a 6-week period so that everyone can comment on policies the Council considers planning application should be assessed against and should further guide development in Southend. The publication period provides the opportunity to make formal representations to the Inspector about soundness of the DM DPD and its legal compliance. A guidance note for submitting representations is available on the Councils website. Following this publication period, the Council will consider the representations made, making any necessary changes, and then submit the DPD to the Secretary of State. An Examination will be held by an independent government appointed Planning Inspector who will consider whether or not the DPD is ‘soundly based’ and legally compliant. If the Inspector decides the plan is ‘sound’, the Council will be able to adopt it later in 2014.

To reach this stage, the Council has assembled a comprehensive evidence base, (available on the Council’s website). There has also been extensive discussion and consultation, over several years, on the issues and principles underlying the policies in the DPD. Details about this process can be found in the Regulation 19 Statement, which is published alongside this document.

There have been three main versions of the Development Management DPD:

  • The Issues and Options version (June 2010);
  • The Proposed Submission version (March 2011); and
  • This Revised Proposed Submission Development Management DPD (March 2014).

The Development Management DPD has been prepared in accordance with the Southend Local Development Scheme, is consistent with the adopted Core Strategy (2007) and has been prepared in compliance with the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement. The DPD has also had regard to a number of other adopted and emerging planning policy documents and their consultations; including: the Southend Central Area Action Plan (including the previous Town Centre Area Action Plan and Seafront Area Action Plan consultations); the Design and Townscape Guide SPD; Planning Obligations and Vehicle Parking Standards DPD consultation.

The Development Management DPD has been fully informed by a Sustainability Appraisal (including Strategic Environmental Assessment), a Habitat Regulations Screening Report and an Equality Impact Assessment. The final Sustainability Appraisal, which includes a commentary on the sustainability factors and options that helped shape this document, is also published alongside this document for public comment.

The Council is also preparing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule, which will be informed by the policies in this Development Management DPD. Local authorities can choose to apply CIL to specified developments in their area. The levy can apply to new residential and commercial development, and the proceeds can be spent on providing infrastructure to support the development within that authority’s area. A key consideration in setting CIL is to ensure that, in general, development within the Borough will still be viable after it has complied with planning policies, including the policies contained within this Development Management DPD.

The Development Management DPD ‘Issues and Options’ consultation on possible development policies took place between 21st June and 9th August 2010. The purpose of the Issues and Options stage was to explore how detailed development management policies could guide development in a sustainable manner. The Council wanted to gather the public and stakeholder’s views about the general direction of proposed policy to meet Southend-on-Sea specific issues. The Borough Council put forward a ‘suggested approach’ for each policy theme as part of the consultation alongside alternative options with the reasons they were considered less favourable. The process has provided local people with the opportunity to shape the look and feel of Southend-on-Sea and its communities, including consideration of environmental and social interests. The responses received at this stage informed the production of the development management policies.

This document is the second Proposed Submission Development Management DPD to be published so that representations can be made in relation to soundness and legal compliance. Following publication of the first Proposed Submission Development Management DPD in March 2011 the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published in 2012. A number of amendments have been made and reflected in this latest revised version of the Development Management DPD to ensure it is in conformity with national policy and guidance.

This document also takes account of and responds to representations that were made during the first Proposed-Submission publication period carried out in March/ April 2011. A total of eighty-one representations were received during this consultation. A number of representations identified ways in which the Development Management DPD could be improved. The Regulation 19 Statement provides details of this process, including a summary of all representations received and Council response.

In taking account of these representations, there have consequently been a number of amendments to the DPD. The Publication of this Revised Proposed Submission version of the Development DPD provides an opportunity for these changes to be consulted upon before the document is submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in public.

A full list of evidence base and related document that have informed the Development Management DPD is available on the Council’s website. The list comprises a number of new and updated evidence documents, including:

  • The Southend-on-Sea Combined Policy Viability Assessment (2013)
  • Technical Report – The Management of Designated Shopping Frontages in Southend-on-Sea (2013)
  • Survey of Key Employment Areas (2013)
  • Parking Review Addendum (2014)
  • Housing Quality Review Addendum (2014)
  • Climate Change Review Addendum (2014)
  • The Thames Gateway South Essex Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2013)
  • Southend Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2013-2015)
  • The Southend-on-Sea Local Economic Assessment Refresh (2013)
  • Low Carbon Energy Strategy 2012 – 2014 (2012)
  • Agricultural Land Classification: protecting the best and most versatile agricultural land (2012)
  • Local Wildlife Site Review (2011).
  • Census 2011

A number of amendments have been made and reflected in this latest revised version of the Development Management DPD, in response to previous representations, new evidence base material and to ensure it is in conformity with national policy and guidance. A document that summarises the main changes between the original, now superseded, Proposed Submission Development Management DPD and this revised proposed submission version is available on the Council’s website.

Development Management DPD: Revised Proposed Submission Publication

In order to comply with Government guidance and to help ensure that representations are submitted in a format that the Planning Inspector and the Council can easily use for examination purposes, they must:

  • Clearly identify which policy or paragraph the representation relates to;
  • Identify what test of 'soundness' or legal requirement the representation relates to;
  • State whether the document is considered 'sound' or 'unsound'. If unsound explain what needs to be amended and why in order to make the document sound;
  • State whether the issue has been raised at previous consultations. If not the representation should explain why the issue has not been raised previously; and
  • State whether the respondent would like to appear at the examination in public.

The Development Management DPD: Revised Proposed Submission can be viewed and downloaded from the Council’s website. Representations should be made using the Council's online interactive consultation system: Alternatively, representations can be made using the Council’s response form, available on request, and submitted using the following means:

By email to:

By post to: Department for Place, PO Box 5557, Civic Centre, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6ZF

Please be aware that representations made on this document cannot be treated as confidential i.e. they will be in the public domain. Please make sure we receive your representations by 5pm on 16th May 2014.

The following information may also be helpful and are available on the Council’s website and on request:

  • Development Management DPD Public Notice, including Statement of Fact;
  • Development Management DPD Statement of Representation Procedure;
  • Development Management DPD Frequently Asked Questions
  • Development Management DPD Guidance Notes for Proposed Submission Stage Representations.

The Development Management DPD is accompanied by a Policies Map, which illustrates land use designation related to policy, and a Sustainability Appraisal, both are available on the Council’s website. Representations related to the Policies Map and Sustainability Appraisal are also invited.

(1)Sustainability Appraisal

1.10 A Sustainability Appraisal is an assessment of the potential significant social, environmental and economic impacts of development and forms an integral part of the plan making process. It ensures that all policies and proposals are prepared with a view to contributing to the achievement of sustainable development. The preferred policy option and alternative approaches in the Issues and Options Document were subject to an initial Sustainability Appraisal. The previous Proposed Submission version of the Development Management DPD was also subject to Sustainability Appraisal. These appraisals have been used to assist decision-making and identification of the most sustainable policies to take forward.

1.11 All policies in this revised submission document have been subject to a final Sustainability Appraisal. The final assessment of the sustainability and the potential significant effects of this plan can be found in the Sustainability Appraisal Report which is available on the Borough Council's website

(1)Habitats Regulations Screening Report

1.12 Southend and the surrounding districts are home to a number of important designated sites for nature conservation. Habitats screening is an assessment of the potential significant effects of a policy on European Sites designated for their nature conservation importance. These include Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas, and international Ramsar sites. A policy should only be approved after determining that it will not adversely affect the integrity of such sites. The Development Management Policies Issues and Options consultation document was assessed for any significant impacts on European sites within or outside Southend. The screening report concluded that suggested policies in the Development Management Policies Issues and Options consultation document will not have any significant impact on European sites, either alone or in combination with other plans and strategies. The statutory bodies agreed with these conclusions. The Habitats Regulations Screening Report is available on the Council's website The Development Management DPD has taken account of the conclusions of the screening report to ensure that it will not have any significant impact on European sites, either alone or in combination with other plans and strategies.

Policies Map

1.13 The Development Management DPD is accompanied by a Policies Map, available on the Council’s website, which illustrates land use designation related to policy (including those referred to in the Core Strategy (2007) policies, where applicable).

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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