Development Management DPD - Revised Proposed Submission

Ended on the 16 May 2014

Appendix 5: Centre Hierarchy and Potential Uses

Centre Hierarchy Acceptable Uses*
Town Centre At street frontage:
Class A1 - Shops
Class A2 - Financial and professional services
Class A3 - Cafes and restaurants
Class A4 - Drinking establishments
Class A5 - Takeaways
Class C1 – Hotels (where they add vitality and activity to the street scene)
Class D1 - Community and education facilities
Class D2 and sui generis - Appropriate leisure, entertainment, cultural and recreation facilities (e.g. night clubs, casinos, theatres, nail/ tanning salons)
Open air markets
Above street-level frontage:
Class B1a - Smaller-scale office development
Class B1a and b - Non-office business development Class C1 - Hotels
Class C2 - Residential Institutions
Class C3 - Housing
Class D1 - Community and education facilities
District Centre At Street Frontage:
Class A1 - Shops
Class A2 - Financial and professional services
Class A3 - Cafes and restaurants
Class A4 - Drinking establishments (inc. night time economy)
Class A5 - Takeaways
Class C1 – Hotels (where they add vitality and activity to the street scene)
Class D1 – Community, cultural and education facilities (where they add vitality and activity to the street scene)
Class D2 and sui generis - Appropriate leisure, entertainment, cultural and recreation facilities and other Sui Generis uses such as launderettes and nail/ tanning salons
Above street-level frontage:
Class B1a - Smaller-scale office development
Class B1a and b - Non-office business development
Class C2 - Residential Institutions
Class C3 – Housing
Existing Local Centres Elsewhere At street frontage:
Class A1 - Shops
Class A2 - Financial and professional services
Class A3 - Cafes and restaurants
Class A4 - Drinking establishments
Class A5 - Takeaways
Class D1 - Community facilities
Sui Generis - such as launderettes, taxi businesses, nail/ tanning salons
Above street-level frontage:
Class B1a - Smaller-scale office development
Class C3 - Housing

* The uses listed above will be acceptable in principle where they are in conformity with all relevant planning policies, including Policy DM13, regarding the management of Primary Shopping Frontage.

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