Development Management DPD - Revised Proposed Submission

Ended on the 16 May 2014

Appendix 8: Replaced Saved Planning Policies7

Saved Planning Policies replaced by Development Management DPD

Policy Ref. Policy Subject
G1 Development Within The Green Belt
G3 Landscape Protection and Improvement
G5 Special Landscape Areas
G7 Coastal Protection
C1 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Site
C2 Historic Buildings
C3 Conversion of Historic Buildings
C4 Conservation Areas
C5 Leigh Old Town
C6 Frontages of Townscape Merit
C8 Advertisements
C9 Satellite Antennae
C11 New Buildings, Extensions and Alterations
C12 Undercliff Gardens
C13 Street Furniture
C14 Trees, Planted Areas and Landscaping
C15 Retention of Open Spaces
C16 Foreshore Views
C17 A127 Frontage
C18 Open Sites for Commercial Purposes
H3 Retention of Small Family Houses
H4 Preservation of Residential Uses
H5 Residential Design and Layout Considerations
H6 Protecting Residential Character (First Alteration)
H7 The Formation of Self-Contained Flats
H8 Sheltered Housing and Residential Institutions
H9 Non-Self-Contained Residential Accommodation (First Alteration)
H10 Backland Development
H12 Environmental Improvement of Residential Areas
E1 Employment Promotion
E2 Major Office Development
E3 Secondary Offices
E4 Industry and Warehousing
E5 Non-Residential Uses Close to Housing
S1 New Shopping Developments
S7 Car Sales and Showrooms
L1 Facilities for Tourism
L4 Water Recreation
L5 Entertainment and the Arts
L6 Hotels and Guest Houses
L7 Retention of Hotel and Guest House Uses
L9 Camping and Caravan Accommodation
R1 Outdoor Sports Facilities
R2 Indoor Sports Facilities
R3 Swimming Pool Facilities
R4 Golf Courses
R5 Parks and Gardens
R6 Countryside Recreation
R7 Allotments
U1 Infrastructure Provision
U2 Pollution Control
U4 Southend Hospital
U6 Non-Residential Health Care Facilities
U7 Existing Education Facilities
U8 Provision of New Education Facilities
U9 Child-Minding Facilities
U10 Provision of Other Community Facilities
T1 Priorities
T2 A127
T3 A13 and Related Routes
T6 A1159, Priory Crescent
T7 Seafront Access
T8 Traffic Management and Highway Safety
T10 Town Centre Parking (On-Street)
T11 Parking Standards
T12 Servicing Facilities
T13 Cycling and Walking
T14 Public Transport
T15 Interchange Facilities
T16 Commuter Car Parking
T17 Southend Airport

Saved Planning Policies replaced by Development Management DPD in combination with the Southend Central Area Action Plan8

Policy Ref. Policy Subject
C7 Shop and Commercial Frontages and Fascias
S5 Non-Retail Uses
S8 Improvements to Primary Shopping Frontages
S9 Retention of Secondary Shopping Frontages

7 Saved planning policies were effective from 27th September 2007 - Direction under paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 9 to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 8 Once the Development Management DPD is adopted the saved policies (referred to in the table) will only remain active within the Town Centre Defined Shopping Centre. This will only be until the Southend Central Area Action Plan (SCAAP) is adopted whereby they will be replaced.
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