Development Management DPD - Revised Proposed Submission

Ended on the 16 May 2014

Appendix 1: Monitoring Framework

A1 Monitoring and review are key aspects of the development plan system with its emphasis on delivery of sustainable development and sustainable communities.

A2 The Southend Development Management DPD reflects the spatial vision and objectives of the Core Strategy DPD and includes more detailed local policies for the management of development. It is therefore a key element in achieving the vision and objectives of the Core Strategy DPD and contributes to achieving the aims of the Southend’s Community Strategy, ‘Southend Together’.

A3 The Development Management DPD will be delivered through the Council’s decisions on planning applications. The Council will use the policies in this document, alongside those in the Core Strategy DPD and other relevant Local Development Framework documents, when it determines applications for planning permission in the Borough. Account will also be taken of the Council’s other planning documents such as planning briefs and frameworks and conservation area statements, appraisals and management plans, when assessing planning applications. Monitoring of the policies of these documents will evaluate progress being made towards delivering the spatial vision and objectives through the implementation of policies. The results of such monitoring will provide the basis for a review to be undertaken.

A4 The Council annually produce the Southend Annual Monitoring Report (SAMR), which contains an assessment of Local Development Document preparation against milestones set out in the Local Development Scheme (LDS), and the extent to which policies set out in Local Development Documents are being achieved and targets being met. The SAMR will be the main mechanism for assessing the LDF's performance and effect. As well as linking with spatial objectives and policies, indicators in the SAMR will also link to sustainability appraisal objectives in order to identify the significant effects of policy implementation.

A5 In addition to those core and local indicators already set out in the SAMR, the following indicators will be subject to annual review to ensure effective monitoring. Indicators that are referenced CP are already included in the Core Strategy monitoring framework.

Monitoring Table

DM Policy Indicator ref Indicator Target/ Direction Core Strategy Objective Core Strategy
Policy Linkage
DM1: Design Quality DM1.1 Number of applications refused on this policy: (i) upheld at appeal; (ii) dismissed at appeal No target. SO14 KP2, CP4
DM1.2 Proportion of applications of 10+ dwellings to achieve 9 ‘greens’ or more based on Building for Life Assessment 12. Increase proportion of development achieving over 9 ‘greens’ to enhance the quality of residential development in the Borough SO14 KP2, CP4
DM2: Low Carbon development and efficient use of resources DM2.1 Number of new dwellings built to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3, 4, 5, 6 as a proportion of total new build Maximise the environment performance of new residential buildings SO15 KP2, CP4
DM2.2 Floorspace built to BREEAM Very Good, Excellence or Outstanding Maximise the environment performance of new non-residential buildings SO15 KP2, CP4
DM2.3 Number of new dwellings that limit water consumption to at least 105 l/p/d Maximise the water efficiency of new buildings SO15 KP2, CP4
DM2.4 Number of existing dwellings that incorporate energy and water efficiency measures in accordance with BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment Maximise the environment performance of existing buildings SO15 KP2, CP4
DM3: Efficient and effective use of land DM3.1 Number of bungalow homes lost; Number of bungalow homes gained; Net +/- bungalow homes Maintain provision of bungalow homes SO4, SO7, SO14 KP2, CP4
DM4: Tall and Large Buildings DM4.1 Number of tall/large buildings that exceed sustainability standards set out in DM2 (in relation to Code for Sustainable Homes / BREEAM. Maximise the environmental performance of tall/large buildings but exceeding locally set standards. SO4, SO14, SO15 KP2, CP4
DM5: Historic Environment DM5.1 Changes in the number of designated heritage assets identified as being at risk as per Essex building at risk register Reduction SO14 KP2, CP4
DM5.2 Change in the number of Grade I and II Listed Buildings and scheduled monuments Maintain provision SO14 KP2, CP4
DM5.3 Change in the number of conservation areas Maintain provision SO14 KP2, CP4
DM6: Seafront CP5.5 Number of applications granted contrary to advice of Environment Agency on flood defence grounds or water quality No’ major’ development schemes contrary to Environment Agency advice and without acceptable measures. SO4, SO12, SO14 CP4
DM6.1 Number of applications refused on this policy in relation to Policy Table 1: (i) upheld at appeal; (ii) dismissed at appeal No target. SO12, SO14 KP2, CP4
DM7: Dwelling Mix CP8.2 (i) Mix of dwelling sizes provided by new developments Consistent with planning guidelines (i.e. as detailed by policy) SO4, SO7, SO14 KP2, CP4
DM7.1 Total Number of Affordable Dwelling completions by Tenure Consistent with planning guidelines (i.e. as detailed by policy) SO7 CP8
DM8:Residential Standards DM8.1 Number and proportion of completed dwellings that: (i) meet the Lifetime Homes; (ii) provide 10% wheelchair housing Maximise SO7, SO14 KP2, CP4, CP8
DM8.2 Total number of dwelling completions by number of bedrooms and floor area meeting and/or above policy standards Consistent with planning guidelines (i.e. as detailed by policy) SO7, SO14 KP2, CP4, CP8
DM9: Specialist Residential Accommodation DM9.1 Total number of new residential care home bed spaces provided by new development No target SO4, SO7, SO14 CP6
DM10: Employment Sectors CP1.2 (i) Total number of jobs by sector;
(ii) Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type;
(iii) Amount of floorspace developed for employment by type, in employment or regeneration areas
Increase in net additional jobs SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO5, SO10, SO13, SO17. KP1, CP1
DM11: Employment Areas DM11.1 Amount of additional (B Use) employment floorspace, by type, in Employment Areas. Maintain or increase provision SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO5, SO10, SO13, SO17. KP1, CP1
DM11.2 Net change in business floorspace within Employment Growth Areas Increase provision SO1, SO2, SO3, SO4, SO5, SO10, SO13, SO17. KP1, CP1
DM11.3 Vacancy rate within ‘Employment Areas’ No target SO1, SO3 KP1, CP1
DM12: Visitor Accommodation DM12.1 Additions/ losses of new hotels/ visitor accommodation Maintain or increase provision in the ‘Key Areas’ identified in Policy SO1, SO4, SO8 KP1
DM13: Shopping Frontage Management outside of Town Centre DM13.1 Proportion of frontage within Primary Shopping Frontages that are in A1 Retail use Maintain provision as per policy targets for frontages. SO1, SO8 KP1, CP1, CP2
DM13.2 Proportion of units within Primary Shopping Frontage that are vacant No target SO1, SO8 KP1, CP1, CP2
DM14: Environmental Protection CP5.3 Amount of contaminated or degraded land brought back into beneficial long-term use Reduction in amount of contaminated and degraded land within the Borough SO4, SO14, SO16, SO17 CP5
DM15: Sustainable Transport Management DM15.1 Number of planning permissions below parking standards No target SO9, SO10 KP2, CP3
DM15.2 Total number of off-street cycle parking spaces provided in major development for: (i) residential uses; (ii) other uses Increase provision SO9, SO11 KP2, CP3
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