Southend Central Area Action Plan & Proposals Map - Proposed Submission

Ended on the 17 October 2011

Part A - The Plan and its context

List of Abbreviations Used

Please note: definitions for key phrases and terms used within this Plan are provided in Appendix 1 ‘Glossary of terms used’

AA - Appropriate Assessment

AAP - Area Action Plan

AMR - Annual Monitoring Report

AVL - Advanced Vehicle Location

BID - Business Improvement District

c2c - Rail Operator of the London Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness line

CAM - Central Area Masterplan

CCTV - Closed Circuit Television

CIRIA - Construction Industry Research and Information Association

DCLG - Department of Communities &Local Government

DFT - Department for Transport

DP - Development Plan

DPD - Development Plan Document

EA - Environment Agency

EC - European Commission

ELR - Employment Land Review

EU - European Union

FRA - Flood Risk Assessment

FWMA - Floods and Water Management Act 2010

HCA - Homes and Communities Agency

ITS - Intelligent Transport Systems

LA - Local Authority

LDF - Local Development Framework

LDD - Local Development Document

LDS - Local Development Scheme

LEA - Local Economic Assessment

LIP - Local Investment Plan

LLFA - Lead Local Flood Authority

LPA - Local Planning Authority

LSP - Local Strategic Partnership

LSTF - Local Sustainable Transport Fund

LTP - Local Transport Plan

MSCP - Multi Storey Car Park

NHS - National Health Service

PCT - Primary Care Trust

PINS - Planning Inspectorate

PIP - Punctuality Improvement Partnership

PPG - Planning Policy Guidance Note

PPS - Planning Policy Statement (replacing PPG)

PFRA - Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

PSA - Primary Shopping Area

RSL - Renaissance Southend Limited

RTPI - Real Time Passenger Information

S106 - Section 106 agreement

SA - Sustainability Appraisal

SAB - SuDS Approval Body

SAVS - Southend Association of Voluntary Services

SAMR - Southend-on-Sea Annual Monitoring Report

SCAAP - Southend Central Area Action Plan

SCI - Statement of Community Involvement

SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEC - South Essex College

SERT - South Essex Rapid Transit

SFRA - Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

SHLAA - Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

SMP - Shoreline Management Plan

SoS - Secretary of State

SPA - Special Protection Area

SPD - Supplementary Planning Document

SSSI - Site of Special Scientific Importance

STCM - Southend-on-Sea Town Centre Management

SUDS - Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme

SWMP - Surface Water Management Plan

TAP - Temporary Arts Project

TCP - Town Centre Partnership

UoE - University of Essex

VMS - Variable Messaging Signs


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