Southend Central Area Action Plan & Proposals Map - Proposed Submission

Ended on the 17 October 2011

Appendix 2

Schedule of new/improved public spaces, landscape and public realm environmental improvements, pedestrian and cycle link improvements Visually active frontages, visually important views, new landmark buildings and public art proposals

Location Comments POLICY REF.

New / Improved Public Spaces

Victoria Gateway

Delivery of Phase 2, 3 and 4 of the Victoria Gateway scheme, including the creation of a linear park along the greensward within a realigned Queensway corridor.

DS1; PR1; PR2; DP2; TA1a; TA3; TA5

Victoria Office Area Site: Proposal Site PS9a

Each development site will be required to demonstrate how the scheme will create a series of linked public green space within the area, linked to a wider network of parks and gardens.

PR1; PR2; DP9; PS9a

High Street

Provide for three new and / or improved public spaces, located at:

  • Victoria Circus – the creation of a new and enhanced public space within or close to the High Street, capable of acting as an events space;
  • Either side of the railway bridge; and
  • The ‘Southend Balcony’ outside the Royals, fronting the Seafront.

Each to be treated as one of a series of nodes on the High Street, which respond to changes in character of the adjacent quarters and directs attention to key buildings and views.

DS1; PR1; PR2; PR3; PR4; PR5; HE1; TA1; TA2; TA3; TA5; DP1; DP2; DP6

Southend Central Station, Clifftown Road

Creation of a new signature public plaza on the south side of Southend Central Railway Station associated with the redevelopment of Central House and improvements to Southend Central Railway Station, which respects the local listed station building. Link with the new civic space proposed in this part of the High Street.

DS4; DS5; PR1; PR2; PR3; PR4; PR5; HE1; TA1; TA2; TA3; TA5; DP6

Elmer Square

New public square linking the Quarter across Farringdon Service Road and up to its junction with Queens Road. New Public Space to include enhancements to the public realm, strengthening links to the High Street, Public Transport Hubs, and surrounding Neighbourhoods.

DS5; PR1; PR2; TA1; TA2; TA3; TA5; DP3; PS3a; DP5

Proposal Site PS4a: Chichester Road

New public square facing onto Chichester Road opposite Victoria Centre for Proposal Site PS4a Chichester Road. Pursue urban greening within development, including use of green walls, roof gardens, and creation of green space within new development.

DS2; PR1; PR2; PR4; DP4; PS4a

Proposal Site PS6a: Clarence Road car park

Provision of a new public square located within a courtyard. New street furniture, landscaping and lighting scheme to encourage links through to surrounding streets. Create new pedestrian linkages, particularly between Nelson Mews and Alexandra Street and Clarence Road.

DS1; PR1; PR2; HE1; TA1; TA2; TA3; TA5; DP6; PS6a

Proposal Site PS6b: Alexandra Street Car Park

Create a small square with a network of new public lanes and mews for markets and outdoor dining, respecting the character and historic fine grain of the conservation area. Hard surfaced public realm and uncluttered for flexibility of use.

DS1; PR1; PR2; PR3; PR4; PR6; HE1; TA1; TA2; TA3; TA4; TA5; DP6; PS6b

Cliffs Pavilion

Upgrade Cliffs Pavilion outdoor space and improve connections to the Cliffs and Shrubbery.

DS6; PR1; PR2; TA3; TA5; CS7

Cultural Centre and New Museum Proposal Area CS7a

New high quality platform open space with amphitheatre

CS2, CS7a

Central Seafront

Promote the provision of new interconnected public spaces that provide urban ‘green’ havens within the area.

PR1; PR2; CS6

Eastern Esplanade and Proposal Area Policy CS6b: Seaway Car Park and Marine Parade

  • Creation of a ‘Southend Balcony’ approach – a new public space combined with new active frontage on the seaward side of the Royals and ‘Spanish Steps’ approach as part of major development proposals on Eastern Esplanade and Seaway Car Park;
  • Remodelling of urban form to create a new link to Marine Parade designed around the Spanish Steps concept of the stepped public urban space;
  • A series of public and semi-public terraces that negotiate the level change from Tyler’s Avenue through Seaway to Marine Parade;
  • Enhance the quality of public spaces around the Kursaal conservation area.

PR1; PR2; HE2; TA1b; DS6; CS2; CS6; CS6a;

CS6b; CS8

Sutton Road: Proposal Site PS10b

Provide for a new area of public open space, incorporating landscaping and tree planting, and providing connections to existing open spaces in the local area.

PR1; PR2; DP10; PS10b

Landscape and Public Realm Environmental Improvements

Proposal Site PS4a: Chichester Road

Public realm improvements to enhance the environmental quality of Southchurch Road and the surrounding area, in association with works to refurbish The Victoria Shopping Centre.

DS1; DS2; PR1; PR2; HE4; TA3; PS4a

Clifftown Quarter

  • Reduce clutter across the whole quarter, ensuring that the public realm is simple and sympathetic to the historic character of the area;
  • Enhance historic street furniture;
  • Create a cultural/heritage trail from the town centre, connecting with the conservation area and Cliff Gardens / Shrubbery.

DS1; DS4; DS6; PR1; PR2; PR4; PR5; TA3; TA6; HE1; DP6; CS7

Central Seafront

  • Remove unnecessary street furniture and rationalise signage;
  • Provision of a permeable boundary to Adventure Island to provide views in and through the site ;
  • Implement a rolling programme of improvements to the promenade and public spaces (further developing Phase 1 of the City Beach Scheme) using high quality coordinated materials which are durable and easy to maintain.

PR1; PR2; TA1b; CS6

Western Esplanade

  • Rationalise and enhance existing pathways and improve planting and biodiversity;
  • Vibrant and interesting surface materials on the promenade, together with street furniture and art to provide focus and stimulus;
  • Tree planting between seafront bays and along the seafront.

DS6; PR1; PR2; HE2; CS6; CS7

Eastern Esplanade and City Beach Gateway

  • Introduce further greening and landscaping, to include tree planting;
  • Introduce additional public lighting to improve safety for users through the evening;
  • Increase public space, to include seating space for shops, cafes and restaurants;
  • Relocate existing parking situated opposite the Kursaal to provide additional useable space;
  • Implement a rolling programme of improvements to the promenade and public spaces (further developing Phase 1 of City Beach) using high quality, coordinated materials that are durable and easy to maintain.

DS6; PR1; PR2; PR3; PR4; PR5; HE2; TA1b; TA3; TA5; CS1; CS2; CS6; CS7; CS8


  • Contribute to improvements to the Victoria Avenue / East Street / West Street junction to reduce the visual impact of traffic and associated street furniture on the Prittlewell Conservation Area;
  • Enhance public realm at Prittlewell Gateway, including a reduction of street clutter and enhanced soft landscaping.

PR2; HE3; DP9

Victoria’s Gateway Neighbourhood and Proposal Site PS9a: The Victoria Office Area Site

  • Improvements to the public realm along North Road, linking TAP to Prittlewell Chapel;
  • Comprehensive SUDS system and areas of open water.

PR1; PR2; HE3; DP9; PS9a

High Street

Redefine the High Street as a sequence of distinct ‘episodes’ which respond to the strengthening and formation of the different Quarters east and west of the main retail route by developing:

  • A series of distinctive design palettes relating to surface treatment, street furniture, lighting and tree planting for each episode;
  • At significant junction points, create a strong public realm to emphasise the intersection of east-west routes;
  • Where redevelopment opportunities arise, seek the use of strong vertical elements in new buildings at appropriate locations to reduce the perceived length of the High Street and to stress east-west connections;
  • Appropriate tree species and public realm design to emphasise important east-west links;
  • Improve on-street and secure cycle parking and changing facilities.

DS1; DS2; DS3; DS4; PR1; PR2; HE4; TA1; DP1

Queensway and London Road / Broadway Quarter

Public realm and way finding improvements to create high quality pedestrian environments and improved permeability from Queensway to London Road and the High Street.

DS1; PR1; PR2; TA1; TA2; TA3; DP2; DP4

Queensway and Southchurch Avenue Quarter

Improved public realm and way finding to create a high quality pedestrian and cycling environment to link the Quarter with Elmer and Warrior Squares.

DS1; PR1; PR2; HE4; TA3; TA5; DP3; PS3a DP4

Proposal Site PS3a: Elmer Square

  • Phase One to include:
  • To the south: link new paving from the square / open space up to existing pedestrianised paving in Elmer Approach (end point to be junction of Elmer Approach with Luker Road);
  • To the north: link new paving from the square / open space across Farringdon Service Road and up to its junction with Queens Road;
  • All paving in front of the new building forming open space / square to be able to carry maintenance vehicles.

DS5; PS1; PS2; HE4; TA3; TA5; DP3; PS3a

Warrior Square

  • Promote public realm improvements that respect and engage with Warrior Square Gardens, including landscaping alongside northern ground floor elevations to engage with, and provide facilities for, Warrior Square Gardens;
  • Dense planting to establish an ‘urban forest’ alongside Queensway

PR1; PR2; HE4; TA1; TA3; TA5; DP5; PS5a

Tylers Avenue Quarter and Tylers Avenue Car Park (Proposal Site P7a)

  • Promote environmental improvements to Queensway including dense planting to establish an urban forest alongside the traffic route;
  • Redevelopment of Proposal site PS7a, to include public realm enhancements.

DS1; DS2; PR1; PR2; PS7a; DP7; CS1; CS2

Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood

Appropriate enhancements to Sutton Road to uplift the residential environment and enhance provision for walking/cycling.

PR2; TA2; TA3; DP10; PS10a

Pedestrian and Cycle Link Improvements

Central Seafront Area

  • Improve pedestrian connections to and from the main retail core and promote linked trips (shopping and leisure);
  • Improvements to the cycle network and linkages with SUSTRANS network;
  • New and enhanced walking and cycling linkages between the High Street and Seafront via St John’s Church; Seaway through onto Marine Parade; via the High Street and Pier Hill.

DS6; PR2; HE2; TA1; TA2; TA3; TA5; CS1; CS2; CS6; CS6b; CS7; CS8

City Beach

  • Continue the rationale for the City Beach scheme further to the east along Jubilee Beach between the main commercial seafront area to the former gas works site on the Eastern Esplanade;
  • Reconsider the layout of on-street parking to maximise benefits of improving the public space to create further opportunities for better pedestrian connections and opportunities for public spaces and activities;
  • Consider introducing a surface treatment to the road to slow traffic speeds and improve physical connections across the road, and improve pedestrian connections to the beach, cafes, bars and the Town Centre;
  • Support better cycling and transport facilities.

PR1; PR2; TA1b; TA2; TA3; CS8

Western Esplanade

  • Improve pedestrian linkages between Western Esplanade and the seafront;
  • Remove occasional bays to provide better pedestrian links from the promenade to the Cliffs and Town Centre.

DS6; PR2; TA1; TA1b; TA2; TA3; CS1; CS2; CS6; CS7; CS8

Eastern Esplanade

  • Reconsider layout of on-street parking to create opportunities for better pedestrian connections and opportunities for attractive public space and activities;
  • Improve environmental quality of mixed mode – shared priority routes;
  • Improvements to the cycle network and linkages with SUSTRANS network;
  • Create more pedestrian priority shared space, removing barriers to pedestrian movement.

DS6; PR2; TA1b; TA2; TA3; CS1; CS2; CS6; CS7; CS8


  • Preserve and enhance pedestrian routes to the main retail core and promote the Clifftown Conservation Area and associated parks and gardens and a promenade circuit offering respite to the busy town centre. Improve access to information about the heritage of this area;
  • Streetscape and landscape design to designate walking circuits through Clifftown from Southend Central Station, to Cliff Gardens and Pier Hill.

DS1; DS4; DS6; PR1; PR2; PR4; HE1; TA1; TA2; TA3; DP6; CS7

Warrior Square and Proposal Site PS5a: Warrior Square Car Park

  • Improve pedestrian links to Warrior Square Gardens and the Conservation Area, to include the pedestrianisation of Warrior Square (south) between Chichester Road and Warrior Square (east);
  • Create a high quality user environment with a direct and short route to the car park from Warrior Square East and exit from the car park onto Queensway; a pedestrian square to the north, linked to Warrior Square Gardens and new pedestrian route along Warrior Square South;
  • Create a mixed mode – shared priority route from Southchurch Road to the new Warrior Square Car Park via Warrior Square East.

DS4; PR2; HE4; TA1; TA2; TA3; DP4; DP5; PS5a

High Street

  • Maintain and improve the High Street as public space for pedestrians;
  • Pedestrianisation of a number of High Street’s inter-linking access roads, supporting access to car parks, greenspace and broadened retail circuits;
  • Consider limited access to the pedestrianised areas by cyclists as part of a partnership approach with stakeholders and the Police.

PR1; PR2; TA1; TA2; TA3; DP1

Town Centre and Central Area Highway Network

  • Priority routes for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and people with disabilities through improved management of the demand on the road network leading to, from and within the Town Centre;
  • Promote pedestrian and cycle priority schemes, considering limited access to pedestrianised areas by cyclists;
  • Ensure access to / from car parks are short, direct and well sign-posted. Provide enhanced pedestrian routes from and to car parks which are of high quality, link well with main areas of interest along their route and are well signed;
  • Improve pedestrian and cycle routes and signage in and around the Town Centre to improve way finding by continuing to develop the cycle network and supporting initiatives under the Cycle Southend banner at the Queensway crossings.

DS1; DS2; DS3; DS4; PR1; PR2; TA1; TA1a; TA2; TA3


  • Improve and enhance routes through to the London Road and High Street;
  • Improving and enhance pedestrian and cycle links between the main public transport nodes;
  • Create a mixed mode – pedestrian and cycle priority route along Southchurch Road between Queensway and the High Street / Victoria Circus;
  • Improved pedestrian / cycle crossing and gateway improvements at Queensway / Sutton Road junction, and at Queensway / Short Street / Chichester Road junction.

DS1; PR2; HE4; TA1; TA2; TA3; DP3; DP4; PS4a

London Road

Create new fully pedestrianised and cycle priority route along London Road between College Way and the High Street. Allowing for the provision of a street market space.

DS1; DS2; DS3; PR2; PR4; TA1; TA2; TA3; DP2

University and College Campuses

Improve pedestrian and cycle routes and signage in and around the Town Centre by continuing to develop the cycle network and supporting initiatives under the Cycle Southend banner to and from the University, College and new Elmer Square development.

DS5; PR2; TA1; TA3

Chichester Road

Reallocation of roadspace to support greater pedestrian, cyclist and public transport priority to support an expansion of the Town Centre experience to the east.

DS1; DS2; DS3; DS4; PR1; PR2; PR4; TA2; TA3

Victoria Gateway – Phases 2, 3 and 4

Delivery of Phases 2, 3 and 4 of The Victoria Traffic and Public Realm Scheme, including:

  • Queensway (Victoria Gateway Junction to the London Road) - develop as an integrated part of the Gateway, redesign planting from the roundabouts to open visual, pedestrian and cycle links;
  • Victoria Circus – improve and enhance links to Broadway, Southend Victoria Railway Station and the Victoria Centre;
  • London Road / Broadway – improve pedestrian and cycle links to Queensway, Southend Victoria Railway Station and the University, South Essex College, Elmer Square and Central Station.

DS1; PR2; TA1a; TA2; TA3; DP2; DP3

The Victoria Office Area Site: Proposal Site PS9a

Full integration with the surrounding neighbourhood by providing for new footway/cycle links through the area.

PR2; TA1a; TA2; TA3; DP9; PS9a

Roots Hall Football Ground and Environs: Proposal Site PS9c

  • Modified access to Shakespeare Drive for emergency and pedestrian access only;
  • Ensure the site integrates appropriately with the existing transport network and provides a legible environment for pedestrians.

PR2; TA2; TA3; DP9; PS9c

Sutton Gateway Neighbourhood

Enhanced cycling and pedestrian route along the length of Short Street from West Road to Queensway.

PR2; TA2; TA3; DP10; PS10b

Elmer Square

New fully pedestrianised and cycle space along Queens Road between Elmer Avenue and the High Street.

DS5; PR2; HE4; TA1; TA2; TA3; TA6; DP3; DP4

Proposal Site PS6a: Clarence Road Car Park

  • New public car park and associated direct and short route to / from the car park from Clarence Road;
  • New pedestrian links, particularly between Nelson Mews and Alexandra Street and Clarence Road;
  • Clear, simple and minimal signage for cars and pedestrians that is integrated into the development.

PR2; DP6; TA3; PS6a

Tylers Avenue Quarter and Proposal Site PS7a: Tylers Avenue

Should car parking not be required, capitalise on reduced general vehicle circulation in residential street to:

  • Create a mixed mode – pedestrian and cycle priority route along York Road to the High Street including appropriate crossing on Queensway and Chichester;
  • Home Zone approach for residential streets (Quebec Avenue, Portland Avenue, Baltic Avenue and Heygate Avenue);
  • Improved walking and cycle linkages between this quarter and the Central Seafront via St John’s Church and Seaway Car Park Proposal Site and via Pier Hill;
  • Improved linkages to the Central Seafront and Eastern Esplanade via St Johns and Seaways Car Park Proposal Site

DS1; DS6; PR1; PR2; TA1; TA3; DP7; PS7a; CS1; CS2; CS6; CS6b; CS7

Central Southend Green Link

Providing clearly defined linkages between existing and new open spaces in the Central Area, utilising the Strategic Green Links and Potential Strategic Green Links established by the Southend Urban Habitat Strategy (2010)

PR2; TA1; TA3

Visually Active Frontages

Odeon cinema, Queensway frontage

Enhance the blank, inactive Queensway frontage to address the new Victoria Circus civic space through the creation of a pedestrian entranceway from Queensway and / or the installation of a green wall / public art / well detailed signage.

DS1; DS2; PR3

Proposal Site PS2a: Sainbury’s and adjacent buildings, London Road Proposal Site

Attractive frontages to Queensway elevation coupled with arcaded route to London Road and active frontages with mixed town centre uses to all other frontages.

DS2; PR3; PS2a

Proposals Sites PS6a: Clarence Road Car park; and PS6b: Alexandra Street Car Park

Designate new active frontages created within Proposal Sites PS6a and PS6b as Secondary Frontages once new development is completed.

DS2; PR3

Proposal Site PS7a: Tylers Avenue Car Park

Designate new active frontages established within the proposal site as Primary frontages once redevelopment is complete.

DS2; PR3

Proposal Site PS9a: Short Street

New large foodstore development, achieving active frontage at ground floor.

DS1; PR3

Proposal Site PS10a: Former B&Q site

Provision of active frontages at ground floor level.

DS1; PR3

Chichester Road

Active frontages will be encouraged on those streets useful in creating and maintaining attractive retail and leisure circuits, including Chichester Road.

DS1; DS2; PR3; DP4

Queensway and Southchurch Avenue Quarter and Proposal Site PS4a: Queensway

  • Promote active frontages at ground floor to existing and proposed streets.
  • Promote new retail and community uses with active frontages to Essex Street at Proposal Site PS4a

DS2; PR3; DP4; PS4a

Tylers Avenue Quarter and Proposal Site PS7a: Tylers Avenue

Active frontages on all streets (existing or proposed) including those frontages facing onto Chichester Road.

DS2; PR3; DP7; PS7a CS1; CS2

The Royals Shopping Centre

Provide for ‘Pavilion’ extensions to The Royals, restoring active frontages and positive response to Pier Hill, and linkages to the seafront and The Pier.

DS1; DS2; PR2; PR3; HE4; DP7

Proposal Area CS6b: Seaway Car Park and Marine Parade

Active and / or attractive frontages to all new and existing streets and spaces.

DS1; DS2; DS6; PR1; PR2; PR4; PS6; CS6b; CS7; CS8

Eastern Esplanade and City Beach Gateway

Include active frontage at ground floor level to add to enhance vibrancy and vitality.

DS2; DS6; PR4; TA1b; CS8

Visually Important Views

The Seafront

Protect and enhance views to and from the seafront, including the protection of all estuary views from Westcliff Parade, Clifftown Parade, Clifton Terrace, Royal Terrace, Pier Hill, Western Esplanade, Marine Parade and Eastern Esplanade.

DS6; PR4; HE1; HE2; CS1; CS2; CS5

The Pier

Protect key views of the Pier, with particular recognition given to protecting views from:
- the High Street, to enhance the link between the retail and leisure offers of the town centre and seafront;
  • Eastern Esplanade;
  • Western Esplanade;
  • Marine Parade; and
  • Royal Terrace / Clifftown Parade

DS6; PR4; HE2; HE4; CS1; CS2; CS5; CS6a

The Kursaal

Protect views of this Grade II listed building, with particular recognition given to protecting views from:

  • Eastern Esplanade;
  • Lucy Road; and
  • Queensway

DS6; PR4; HE2; CS5

Clifftown Conservation Area

Protect and enhance key views into out of the Conservation Area and of key historic buildings. Preserve views of Clifftown Conservation Area from Western Esplanade.

DS6; PR4; HE1; HE2; DP6; CS5

St Mary’s Church

Protect views of St Mary’s Church, with particular recognition given to protecting views from Victoria Avenue, East Street, Prittlewell Chase and Fairfax Drive.

PR4; HE3

Proposal Site PS6a: Clarence Road Car Park

Through the redevelopment of this site for mixed use development, the provision of new views to key buildings and streets should be addressed.

PR1; PR2; PR4; HE1; HE2; DP6; PS6a.

Empire Theatre

Protect the view of this landmark building from Royal Mews where it creates an attractive termination to this vista.

DS6; PR4; HE2; HE4; DP6

New Landmark Buildings

Sainsbury’s and adjacent buildings, London Road: Proposal Site PS2a

Development to the Queensway elevation to provide a distinctive landmark.

PR3; PS2a; CS1

Elmer Square: Proposal Site PS3a

Mixed used landmark development of Proposal Site 3a London Road / Queensway in the event of Sainsbury’s relocating.

PR5; DP2; CS1

Tylers Avenue: Proposal site PS7a

New landmark retail facilities, forming part of a mixed use development.

DS1; PR5; CS1

Victoria’s Gateway Neighbourhood

(Limited) strategic locations for tall buildings to help transform the area into a sustainable mixed use community.

PR5; DP6; PS9a

Central House, Clifftown Road

Provision for a tall, feature building in this location.

PR5; DP6; CS1

Central Seafront

Create well designed ‘gateways’ to mark, frame and enhance the main approaches to the central seafront area.

PR5; CS2

Western Esplanade

Development of a cultural centre with exhibition space, the proposed Saxon King Museum, an ‘arthouse’ cinema, and flexible conference / event space.

PR1; PR2; PR4; PR5; CS1; CS2; CS7

Public Art and Urban Greening

Victoria Office Area Site: Proposal Site PS9a

Urban greening projects, to include:
  • Use of green walls and roof gardens
  • Comprehensive landscaping
  • Creation of green space within new development

PR2; DP9; PS9a

Queensway and London Road Broadway Quarter; and Proposal Site PS2a

  • Provision and public art and integrated signage and artwork that combine with more traditional signage to signal entry to the Town Centre from Queensway / Southend Victoria Railway Station and promote clear way-finding.
  • Urban greening projects will be pursued in this area, including the use of green walls and roof gardens and the creation of new green space within development.

PR2; PR3; PR5; TA1; TA2; TA3; DP2; PS2a

Queensway and Southchurch Avenue Quarter

Provision of public art, particularly with focus to the Queensway frontage and Gateway at the Sutton Road junction.

PR2; PR3; DP4

Odeon building

The elevation fronting Queensway presents an opportunity for public art, particularly to signal the gateway to the High Street.

PR2; PR3; DP2

High Street

  • Historic and new key buildings and the railway bridge will be enhanced by a strategic lighting strategy and by artwork.
  • Opportunity to introduce contemporary awnings and canopies to enliven the High Street experience.

PR2; PR3; HE1; DP1

Elmer Square and Proposal Site PS3a: Elmer Square

  • Provision of public art and integrated signage and artwork to building elevations that combine with more traditional signage to signal entry to the Town Centre where appropriate, and clear way-finding;
  • Pursue urban greening projects including the use of green walls and roof gardens;
  • Phase 1 to provide public art / sculpture and large scale digital projection.

PR1; PR2; DP3; PS3a

Warrior Square

  • Use public art to signpost the car park to travellers on Queensway wishing to park, and to other destinations within the centre for pedestrians;
  • Integrate public art into the design of buildings and associated landscape elements.

PR2; PR3; DP5; PS5a

Central Seafront

  • Prepare a Public Art Strategy identifying opportunities for public art, and seeking provision of public art or contributions towards it in association with major development;
  • Creation of ‘Southend Seafront Art Trail’, encouraging public art provision along Eastern and Western Esplanades and Marine Parade;
  • Use public art to strengthen identify and connectivity;
  • An Urban Greening Strategy will be prepared for the Central Seafront Area;
  • Public art installations in strategic locations to enhance waterfront identity.

PR2; PR3; TA1b; CS1; CS6; CS7; CS8

Eastern Esplanade and City Beach Gateway

  • Install bold public art at strategic locations to enhance the waterfront identify and attract visitors along the length of the promenade;
  • Introduce further greening and landscaping, together with a creative lighting strategy.

PR2; CS8

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