Southend Central Area Action Plan & Proposals Map - Proposed Submission

Ended on the 17 October 2011

Part D - Implementation and Monitoring Framework

11. Implementation

11.1 Introduction

551. The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the deliverability of this AAP and set out an indicative programme for the delivery of the main elements of the SCAAP and the range of funding sources and land ownership arrangements by key objective and associated action for each of the 19 Proposal Sites.

552. The AAP Vision will be realised through the implementation of the 8 key objectives and their related AAP policies and actions, principally through the delivery of the main Proposal Sites, as well as other projects, such as the public realm, Seafront, conservation area and access enhancements.

553. To deliver the aim for the SCAAP and implement its proposals and policies over the lifetime of this Plan (15 years), it is essential that the Council continues to work in partnership with a range of stakeholders in the public, private and community/voluntary sectors. These include: land and property owners; developers; businesses; Southend-on-Sea Town Centre Management (STCM); transport providers including – Arriva Southend, First Essex Busses, Stephenson’s of Essex, Regal Busways, Network Rail, the Department for Transport, C2C and National Express East Anglia (NXEA) and / or subsequent franchise operators; car park operators; University of Essex and South Essex College; the Environment Agency; infrastructure providers, including Essex and Suffolk Water and Anglia Water Services, gas and electricity providers; the Police; the Primary Care Trust; Southend Voluntary Services (SAVs), residents and local groups.

554. The success of the AAP will depend upon effective and co-ordinated delivery, with the Council playing a central role. It will require considerable resources to realise many of the actions that contribute to the vision. Partnership working, with a clear process and good communication among the partners and with stakeholders, will be required to keep all parties up to date and involved in the progress of the SCAAP as a whole and projects for individual sites.

11.2 Town Centre Management

555. Southend-on-Sea Town Centre Management (STCM) is funded by the Council and works in partnership with major stakeholders in the Town Centre to provide an increasingly vibrant mix of shopping, cultural and leisure activities, supported by a range of entertaining events and promotional initiatives. The role helps to maintain, improve and develop the quality, vitality and viability of the Town Centre for all users. As a result, this role provides better communications and understanding between the Town Centre business groups, safety partnership, businesses and the Council. It plays a key role in facilitating and co-ordinating the effective management and delivery of a variety of projects and functions, including the day to day management of the Town Centre.

556. It is recognised that there are opportunities to develop a Business Improvement District (BID) within the Town Centre and the Town Centre Partnership is currently exploring this with the Council.

557. Following extensive consultation with various sectors and Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis five strategic objectives were identified for 2009-2012

Southend Town Centre Partnership - Strategic Objectives

  1. Improving partnerships
    • Embracing the public, private and community sector to support and promote a common vision.
    • To promote membership development and raise the profile of the Partnership with representation on various working groups.
    • To ensure value for money.
  2. Improving promotions, marketing and communications
    • Co-ordinate the promotion and marketing of Southend Town Centre as a high quality destination.
    • To support and deliver a quality events programme distinguishing Southend’s uniqueness and brand.
    • Ensuring effective communication both externally to the public and businesses and internally to all members of the Partnership.
  3. Improving safety and security
    • Reducing crime and the fear of crime.
  4. Investment
    • Foster and develop the economic vitality and diversity of the town centre by supporting, encouraging and facilitating inward investment opportunities.
  5. Improving access and the environment
    • Improving accessibility to and within the town centre with a focus on a balanced provision of car parking and public transport.
    • Improving the street environment, including appearance, services and facilities.

11.3 Delivery Mechanisms

558 In the present market for assets and the economic and financial climate of the country, the Council has been looking at ways to facilitate development, find ways to continue to deliver regeneration and to maximise our capital and revenue resources. One such tool has been the proposed creation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) between the Council and a Private Sector Partner.

559. The Council and a Private Sector Partner will each own 50% of the shares of the LLP whose main purpose would be to;

  • Invest private sector funds in projects of mutual benefit.
  • Facilitate comprehensive regeneration projects throughout the Borough.
  • Provide potential capital receipts and/or revenue income streams to the Council from the ongoing development of surplus land and buildings.
  • Provide opportunities for any Council in-house surplus capacity to be deployed on development projects with a further fee income stream opportunity.
  • Support the Council in the development of its strategic review of the property portfolio.

560. The model creates a delivery vehicle first and then brings in opportunities by individual agreement. The delivery vehicle would be a Limited Liability Partnership with 50:50 Local Authority and Private Sector Partner ownership membership. There would be the creation of a Member Board supported by an Operational Board of officers. The Private Sector Partner will ensure that the partnership remains financially strong and brings with it substantial private sector funding.

561. Only schemes which both parties agree to would progress through into the LLP. Each scheme would need to demonstrate a good business case and meet stringent value for money criteria to maximise capital and revenue streams. If better value can be delivered by a normal market disposal or by other means then that site/project would not go through the LLP and would progress as they currently do. The Cabinet will be able to elect sites for the LLP to consider and appraise for viability.

562. The LLP is only one way of how the Council could manage its asset portfolio and would complement the Asset Management Plan to provide options and choice in terms of project delivery; the model has been designed to be very flexible. The LLP will also provide access to additional capacity, resources and skills together with an opportunity for the Council to generate income through a 50% share in development profits, which would normally be consumed entirely by private sector developers.

563. The model will open up new and different opportunities for the Council in terms of strategic acquisition, cross financing long-term developments and packaging together developments to make less-viable schemes possible by linking in more profitable opportunities where it is demonstrated that it is appropriate to do so.

564. This Plan proposes 19 Sites and they have been prioritised in terms of deliverability, based primarily upon land ownership and alignment to key objectives. Of the 19 sites:

  • 10 are mostly within Council ownership and proposals are being considered as part of the Council’s Asset Management Review
  • 2 are owned by the HCA
  • 1 has planning permission and its implementation is subject to the relocation of existing use to another site which also has planning permission
  • 1 is subject to pre-application discussions
  • 1 is owned and operated by Estuary Housing Ltd who have expressed a strong desire to regenerate the area through the SCAAP
  • The remaining 4 sites are either complex due to multiple ownership issues or are reliant on other elements of the SCAAP being implemented

565. Part C of this Plan sets out the planning and spatial parameters for bringing these sites forward. To deliver these key moves it is recognised that support and ‘buy in’ will be required by principal public and private stakeholders to the development strategy articulated in this Plan. This will include: the development of proposal sites; facilitating the roles for the identified Quarters through strong development principles; and the development management of ‘windfall’ sites, together with an integrated approach to the public realm and access improvements. If necessary, Planning Guidance and/or Planning Briefs will be developed to give greater certainty and clarity for delivery of the Proposal Sites. The need for this will be assessed by the Council on a site by site basis. These sites will be delivered in partnership with landowners and key stakeholders and this work will be taken forward with them.

566. Twelve of the nineteen AAP proposal sites are in public ownership. On these sites the Council will be in a strong position to direct schemes to meet the objectives and development principles set out in this plan. There is a particular role for the proposed Development Vehicle in facilitating delivery on these sites.

567. Where there are complex ownership issues and the need to deliver comprehensive solutions, such as on the Victoria Avenue Site (PS9a), the Council will use a range of powers together with its role as facilitator to achieve outcomes that can practically deliver the objectives for the area. Discussions with land and property owners are currently underway to this end.

568. The delivery of two proposal sites - PS2a (Sainsbury’s and adjacent buildings. London Road) within the Town Centre and PS9c (Roots Hall) within the Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood -are interdependent in terms of delivery with a further site that facilitates the relocation of the SUFC Stadium. The Council has approved the application for a new stadium and planning permission is pending S106 agreement for development of the existing stadium site and its environs.

569. Site specific discussions are also taking place on more complex sites where multiple ownership could be seen as an obstacle to deliver a comprehensive approach – for example, meetings have been held with land and property owners in relation to Proposal Site PS9a (The Victoria Avenue Site). In addition ongoing discussions have taken place with primary care providers, the University of Essex and South Essex College, and hotel operators with regard to their needs and expansion opportunities.

570. A number of other sites will be implemented by private sector developers, land and property owners and businesses, with the Council acting corporately as a facilitator, and as a regulator through the planning process. Where appropriate, private sector interests will be required to make a contribution towards the cost of delivering public infrastructure, transport and public realm improvements across the Town Centre, usually through Section 106 agreements, as set out in Policy IF2.

571. The Council will regularly review and monitor performance towards the AAP objectives, and the delivery of individual proposal sites and policy initiatives. It will review and discuss delivery mechanisms with its partners in response to monitoring and review information.

572. Consideration in terms of risk assessment has also been given to the delivery of transport, social and utilities infrastructure to support proposals for new retail, commercial, leisure and residential uses, as part of the holistic approach to town centre development.

573. There are a number of proposals that will require other resources, including public sector resources, to fund some of the transport, environmental and public realm improvements. Funding responsibilities for these projects include the Council’s own resources through its Policy and Capital Programme; the HCA and the Department for Transport.

11.4 Funding

574. The Council has developed a short to medium term funding strategy aimed at securing delivery of the SCAAP key proposals. The Council’s priorities for investment for the period 2011 to 2017 are set out in the Local Investment Plan submitted to the HCA. The Vision for the future of Southend is based around seven priority areas:

  • Central Southend as a Regional Centre
  • Developing London Southend Airport and A127 Industrial Corridor
  • Regenerating Shoeburyness
  • Enhancing Green Infrastructure
  • Improving the Transport Infrastructure
  • Advancing Culture & Heritage
  • Delivering Housing Growth & Improvement

575. The submitted LIP has been agreed by the HCA, meaning that they are supportive of the Council’s priorities within the Central Area. The immediate investment priorities relevant to delivery of the SCAAP within the LIP are:

Central Southend as a Regional Centre

576. Within the Central Area key interventions are required to: unlock strategic opportunity sites; enhance public realm thereby encouraging private sector delivery; and invest in the opportunity to expand the Elmer Square development through the inclusion of a wider cultural/creative economy hub.

  • Strategic Sites Enabling – The provision of a new 600 space public car park in the north east quadrant of the town centre to enable the release for development of Warrior Square, Tylers Avenue and the future closure of Essex Street MSCP. This project will support the delivery of key mixed use developments on each of these sites delivering increased residential units, widening the retail offer and providing a new commercial offer.
  • Elmer Square Creative Hub – The provision of an increased cultural aspect to the planned development at Elmer Square, alongside enhanced facilities for creative enterprises and new integrated central library, will add substantial value to the development of the area and further embed culture at the heart of the regeneration of this quarter.
Project: Strategic Sites Enabling Investment Required: £9m

Description: Provision of a 600 space public car park in the north east quadrant of the Town Centre to enable the release for development of Warrior Square, Tylers Avenue and the future development of Essex Street MSCP. Investment from the HCA would fund the capital costs of constructing the car park with the land being provided by the Council. The development of the site would then enable the Council to take the balance of the land at Warrior Square and land at Tylers Avenue forward to the development market.

Strategic Fit: Renaissance of South Essex Towns

Outcomes Delivered:

Outputs Delivered:

Brownfield Land Remediated (direct)


Brownfield Land Remediated (indirect)


New office floorspace (indirect)


New retail floorspace (indirect)


New other floorspace (indirect)


Total new housing units (indirect)


Project: Elmer Square Investment Required: £3m

Description: Integration of dedicated cultural/creative space as part of the development of Elmer Square into an integrated academic/cultural quarter. Funding from the HCA will support the construction and fit out of the cultural element of the facility with the Council, University and College providing £26.9m towards the provision of the new integrated central library, higher education centre for the College and increased teaching space for the University.

Strategic Fit: Renaissance of South Essex Towns; Education and Skills

Outcomes Delivered:

Outputs Delivered:

New community floorspace (direct)


New green spaces created (direct)


Number of households within 300m of Green space (direct)

800 (approx)

Enhancing Green Infrastructure

577. The principal intervention required to green infrastructure will be focused on the Phase Two delivery of City Beach – extending the area of high quality public realm along the Central Seafront Area. Delivery of Phase Two of the Victoria Gateway scheme will also enhance a key area of public space within the centre of the Town.

Project: Victoria Gateway Phase Two Investment Required: £4m

Description: Enhancements to the public realm linking the roundabout at the junction of London Road/Queensway through to the northern end of the High Street.

Strategic Fit: Renaissance of South Essex Towns

Outcomes Delivered:

Outputs Delivered:

New Retail Floorspace (indirect)


New Other Floorspace (indirect)


Upgraded Roads (direct)


Upgraded Cycle Routes (direct)


Upgraded Pedestrian Routes (direct)


Project: City Beach Phase Two Investment Required: £7m

Description: Continuation of the City Beach scheme linking Phase One through to Esplanade House; provision of enhanced play facilities; extension of the feature lighting scheme and enhancements to the Kursaal junction. HCA funding is required to support the capital cost of the public realm works including the extension of the lighting totems (6-8 totems), wet and dry play facilities and improved public open space.

Strategic Fit: Renaissance of South Essex Towns

Outcomes Delivered:

Outputs Delivered:

New Retail Floorspace (indirect)


New Other Floorspace (indirect)


Total New Housing units (indirect)


Upgraded Roads (direct)


Upgraded Cycle Routes (direct)


Upgraded Pedestrian Routes (direct)


Enhanced Open Space (direct)


Improving the Transport Infrastructure

578. Over the forthcoming CSR period the key transport infrastructure enhancement required are the further delivery of the Victoria Gateway scheme and junctions improvements to the A127. These projects are set out under ‘Central Southend as a Regional Centre’ and ‘Developing London Southend Airport and A127 Industrial Corridor’ respectively. Opportunities will also be pursued to continue establishing Southend as a ‘Cycle Town’ and to encourage use of public transport.

Advancing Culture & Heritage

579. The regeneration of Southend, and in particular the Central Area, continues to have a strong cultural lead, building on the Town’s existing assets whilst complementing other forms of investment. The development of a wider cultural/creative offering within the Elmer Square development is a key priority as set out within the ‘Central Southend as a Regional Centre’ heading. In terms of other cultural facilities the priorities remain the development of the Pier Head – re-establishing the Pier as a focus of Southend’s cultural and visitor offer - and work to develop a new state-of-the-art museum in the Cliffs Gardens showcasing Southend’s Saxon heritage alongside the history and heritage of the northern Thames Estuary.

Project: Southend Pier Head – Phase Two Investment Required: £2m

Description: Development of Phase Two of the Pier Head to include a restaurant, outdoor performance space and additional cultural content.

Strategic Fit: Renaissance of South Essex Towns

Outcomes Delivered:

Outputs Delivered:

New Other Floorspace (direct)


New community floorspace (direct)


Project: New Museum Investment Required: £0.5m

Description: Funding strategy and detailed business planning for new Museum development within the Cliffs Gardens.

Strategic Fit: Renaissance of South Essex Towns

Outcomes Delivered:

Outputs Delivered:

New Other Floorspace (direct)


New community floorspace (direct)


Delivering Housing Growth & Improvement

(1) 580. The delivery of an appropriate supply of private and affordable housing is a key element in realising the Vision for Southend. Without a vibrant housing market others sectors will struggle to survive, whilst housing renewal and development is a core component in the regeneration of the Central Area. Priority housing projects are focused, therefore, on developments that will have the greatest impact in terms of the number of dwellings provided, the number of affordable housing units delivered and the wider regeneration impact of the development.

Project: Heath and Carby Investment Required: £3.78m

Description: Purchase and enabling works of redundant office buildings at the northern end of Victoria Avenue in order to kick start the provision of new housing.

Strategic Fit: Renaissance of South Essex Towns

Outcomes Delivered:

Outputs Delivered:

Total New Housing Units (direct)


No. Affordable – Social Rented Housing


No. Affordable – Intermediate Housing


Project: Tower Block Regeneration Investment Required: £4m

Description: Regeneration of a 100 dwelling tower block within Central Southend.

Strategic Fit: Renaissance of South Essex Towns

Outcomes Delivered:

Outputs Delivered:

Total New Housing Units (direct)


No. Affordable – Social Rented Housing


No. Affordable – Intermediate Housing


581. These priorities have been established following an objective assessment of the projects set out below. This assessment considered:

  • The local strategic fit of each project with the Community Plan; Regeneration Framework; Central Area Masterplan and Core Strategy alongside each projects strategic fit with regional and national policies;
  • The impact of each project both locally and regionally/nationally;
  • The deliverability of each project in terms of financial viability, land ownership/assembly and required permissions; and
  • The levels of outputs and outcomes achieved through each project both in terms of housing units and wider regeneration/employment objectives.

582. The assessment was undertaken by Council officers, whilst a workshop session was also undertaken with relevant Portfolio Holders. Each of the identified priority projects will also be subject to a further value for money assessment and, where appropriate, a green book appraisal prior to delivery. In addition and where appropriate, projects will also be assessed using the HCA’s Deliverability Calculator.

583. The continued step change required to reposition and regenerate Southend’s economy and ensure that it is making a full contribution to the success of the Thames Gateway and Eastern Region remains large – the magnitude of support required to support this change is therefore also significant. Investment in the Central Area is a key priority in the regeneration of Southend’s economy. This investment should not be viewed alone though, it will assist in levering in considerable private sector funding, whilst the Council will continue to access and employ all resources available to it to further the regeneration of the Borough.

584. In total, the Investment Plan seeks £47.38M over the forthcoming Comprehensive Spending Review period of which £41.38M is specific to Central Area delivery.

585. This funding will be matched by over £35m from the local authority and other delivery partners over the period 2011/12 to 2013/14 and is expected to lever over £220m of private sector investment in the provision of housing and commercial property although it should be noted that this investment will be taken forward over a longer timescale.


586. Working within the emerging LEP federal structures, the Council will engage with the Homes and Communities Agency, neighbouring authorities and others to identify appropriate governance arrangements for providing oversight of the implementation of the LIP.

587. Internally, the Council has established a strong management and governance structure to oversee the implementation of all strategic projects through its Capital Board, whilst the engagement of other partners is secured through the Southend Together Board and Southend Business Partnership.


588. The recent constriction of public funding and resources will place an increasing emphasis on the following key delivery requirements:

  • Facilitating delivery by the private sector particularly in relation to housing completions and the upgrading of Southend’s ageing and inadequate stock of commercial properties.
  • The Council’s delivery of strategic project interventions that enable the release of key development/opportunity sites and/or, through enhancement to the public realm and strategic transport links that support the delivery of key sites.
  • Ensuring an appropriate planning framework is in place to support and encourage the development of key sites and to meet both residential and commercial demand.
  • Joint working between the Council and neighbouring authorities and other partners to drive forward the regeneration of the Borough and its wider economic sub-region.

589. The Council has already developed experience across these areas and is committed to working with agencies across the public, private and voluntary sectors to successfully realise our joint vision for the Borough.

Public Involvement

590. The preparation of the SCAAP has sought to involve the public and stakeholders throughout the various stages, since its inception in 2003. The key to successful delivery is flexibility, and the Council recognises the need for on-going consultation and review throughout the process of implementing and delivering the AAP proposals.

591. Effective partnership working and community engagement will continue to be pivotal to the realisation of the Vision for Southend in general and Southend Central area in particular.

592. The SCAAP is embedded not just within the work of the Council but is also the foundation of our Sustainable Communities Strategy. This strategy has been prepared and adopted by Southend Together, the Local Strategic Partnership, which includes representation from all aspects of the community. The SCAAP has been subject of extensive community engagement and consultation. This has ensured that the priorities articulated in this Plan, and subsequently this Investment Plan, are not just those of the Council but are shared by our community.

593. The Council and its partners will continue to engage with local residents, visitors and businesses during each stage in the development of individual projects. The detailed business planning and project implementation plans for each project will include a communication and stakeholder engagement plan that will be implemented through the project delivery. The active engagement of the private sector is also regarded as critical if enabling and public realm projects are to unlock and add value to key privately-owned development sites.

594. Individual development proposals will be considered through the development control process, with full opportunities for continued public and stakeholder engagement in accordance with the principles enshrined in the Statement of Community Involvement.

Risk Assessment

595. The Council has a detailed Corporate Risk Management Plan, which is reviewed on a regular basis. In addition, Departmental Risk Registers are maintained and monitored, whilst each project is also subject to a detailed risk management strategy.

11.5 Transport and Access Funding

596. The Council recognises that its powers are limited in relation to rail and bus provision, but is committed to continued partnership, engagement and sponsorship arrangements as identified as “Action C” in LTP3 Strategy and Implementation Plan. Access improvements will be delivered through a range of initiatives including the implementation of Proposal Site policies, partnership working, S106 planning obligations, through the Council’s capital programme and those successful elements that have formed part of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) bid 2011.

597. The LTP3 Implementation Plan sets out funding sources and a typical package of measures over the period up to 2014/15 following confirmed and indicative levels of funding for integrated transport and maintenance. The LTP3 Implementation Plan is intended to be a “rolling programme” looking up to four years ahead based primarily upon the Government’s spending reviews. Furthermore, a description of other funding sou 598. The LTP3 Implementation Plan (up to 2014/15) identifies the need to focus on the Town Centre, particularly in terms of promoting sustainable travel options. New signage is proposed for the High Street and links to and from the stations and the seafront. Measures supporting cycling and walking including “hubs” at stations focussing on cycle hire, public transport information, promotion, integrated ticketing, travel plans and smarter choices will be supported.

599. Improvements to Chichester Road and the routes into and around the Town will be taken forward where they impact directly on ease of access. The new transport modelling capabilities will be used to assess the nature of road layouts and potential changes to one-way systems and the demand management issues in respect of new parking arrangements.

600. Working up the Business Cases for continued investment in infrastructure for the Town Centre will be very important and in particular the need for key interventions to unlock strategic opportunity sites, enhance the public realm to encourage private sector delivery and invest in access opportunities such as the new Elmer Square development proposals.

601. The Local Investment Plan priorities identify the need to focus on the strategic sites approach and in particular the provision of new parking provision and the inclusion of a multi-storey car park in the north east of the Town Centre to support the development of Alexandra and Clarence; Warrior Square and Tylers Avenue car parks.

602. The next phases of Victoria Gateway and City Beach seek further investment to continue the enhancement of the public realm and spaces supporting business investment and the visitor experience.

603. The focus for local investment and delivery will be captured through the package of sustainable travel measures contained within the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF), boosting access to the key employment areas of both the Town Centre and London Southend Airport/Business Park designed to reduce the current and future demand for short distance car journeys and CO2 emissions. The LSTF funding package contains a series of interdependent measures building on quality cycling and walking routes, marketing and communications, partnerships, travel planning, and complementary Integrated Transport Management Systems and parking guidance systems. The development of the Southend Metro concept promoting short distance travel by rail into the Town Centre as well as a continued focus on travel plans for both train stations, businesses, and the education sector will continue.

604. £4.816m has been secured via the LSTF funding to deliver this package of improvements and this will be boosted significantly by other funding streams such as ‘Bike Friendly Cities’ and ‘Connect’. In addition the basis of the LSTF package is to provide a forum for all parties with an interest in sustainable transport to engage. This has been demonstrated by the wide support the successful LSTF has, including The Bus and Train Operators, Town Centre Partnership and Southend Association of Voluntary Services (SAVS).

Bike Friendly Cities

605. The Bike Friendly Cities project deals with promoting and facilitating the use of bicycles as a sustainable, healthy and friendly means of transport in cities and towns around the 2 Seas region. Cities that want to facilitate cycling have to create the right circumstances. These include infrastructure that allows cyclists to move around easily and safely. Within Southend the 2 Seas funding will target the missing links within the existing cycle network that can act as a block to cycling. Funding for this project is £490,000 over 3 years to 2014.


606. Sustainable transport is becoming mainstream in North West Europe with an increasing modal shift to public transport, cycling, walking especially by the young. Policy makers need to recognise and support this shift. However, many towns and cities in North West Europe were, during the 1950’s and 60’s built to facilitate the movement of cars and HGV’s. Connect aims to provide a systematic & coordinated approach to support this growing modal shift. Within Southend Connect will target the Central Area and look at the full life cycle of redesigning urban space for a new mobility culture to assist the smooth and safe movement of pedestrians and cyclists. Funding through this project will be in the order of approximately £700,000.

11.6 Implementation and Monitoring Framework

(1) 607. The Council will monitor the implementation of the SCAAP, and performance against the plan’s objectives.

608. Some indicators are Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Output Indicators set by the Department for Local Government and Communities. The Council’s LDF Annual Monitoring Report will provide information on the indicators and targets set out in the schedules as well as progress on each proposal site.

(2) Map 7 - SCAAP Proposals Map

Map 7

Table 1 - Implementation and Monitoring Framework

The Council will monitor the implementation of the Area Action Plan, and performance against the plan’s objectives.

The Council’s priorities for investment for the period 2011 to 2017 are set out in the Local Investment Plan agreed by the HCA and are centred on a Vision for the future of Southend based around seven priority areas:

  1. Central Southend as a Regional Centre
  2. Developing London Southend Airport and A127 Industrial Corridor
  3. Regenerating Shoeburyness
  4. Enhancing Green Infrastructure
  5. Improving the Transport Infrastructure
  6. Advancing Culture & Heritage
  7. Delivering Housing Growth & Improvement

Below are two schedules which sets out a series of indicators, and where possible targets against which progress will be monitored. Relevant indicators are grouped under the above delivery priorities. Some indicators are Local Development Framework Core Output Indicators set by the Department for Local Government and Communities. The Council’s LDF Annual Monitoring Report will provide information on the indicators and targets set out in the schedules as well as progress on each proposal site

Key to Abbreviations in Schedule 1 and 2

ACE Arts Council England

RGF Regional Growth Fund

AWS Anglian Water Services

RSL Registered Social Landlord

EA Environment Agency

SEC South Essex College

ESW Essex and Suffolk Water

SBC Southend Borough Council

HCA Homes and Communities Agency

SUFC Southend United Football Club

LLP Limited Liability Partnership

TOC Train Operating Companies

LSTF Local Sustainable Transport Fund

UoE University of Essex

PCT Primary Care Trust or successor organisation

Schedule 1: Part B Policies

Policy/Topic Indicator/Action Target & Dates Responsible Agency

Delivery Priority 1: Central Southend as a Regional Centre

Policy DS1: New and enhanced shopping facilities
Proposal Sites PS2a; PS6a; PS6b; PS7a; and PS10a (see also Development Principles Policies DP1;DP2; DP4; DP6 and DP7)

Amount of completed A1 retail floorspace

  • Provision of 50,000m2 additional A1 retail floorspace for comparison goods by 2020
  • Increased number of larger comparison goods retail units
  • Provision of one additional large format convenience goods store

See Schedule 2 Quarters and Proposal Sites for dates

SBC/LLP/HCA/various private sector land and property owners/RSLs

Expanded retail circuits

Upward trend in footfall from 2001 base date particularly in proposed streets forming part of extended circuits

Policy DS2: Shopping frontages and use of floors above shops
Proposal Sites PS7a; PS6a; PS6b (see also Development Principles Policies DP1; DP2; DP4, DP7; DP9 and DP10)

Proportion of G/F non A1 and vacant property in Primary Shopping Frontages

%age of non A1 Retail units no more than 30 % of Primary Shopping Frontages in the town

SBC/Various private sector land and property owners, retail businesses

Proportion of G/F vacant property or inactive/visually interesting frontage in Secondary Shopping Frontages

No inactive / visually ‘dead’ frontage in Secondary Shopping Frontages

New active frontages on streets supporting expanded circuits

Increased active frontages on Chichester Road

Policy DS3: Retail Markets
Proposal Site PS2a (see also Development Principles Policies DP2)

New market

Provision of permanent Retail Market

SBC tendered for the current market on York Road. Successful bidder was Geraud. Potentially would be interested in relocated position

SBC / Market Operator

Policy DS4: Employment development
Proposal Sites PS2a; PS5a; PS4a; PS6a AND cs6 (see also Development Principles Policies DP2; DP5; DP6; DP7; DP9 and DP10)

Amount of new B1a office floorspace from base year of 2001

  • Provision of 6,500 jobs between 2001 and 2021
  • Increase in Grade A Office floorspace by 2025
  • Reduction in Grade B and C floorspace
See Schedule 2 Quarters and Proposal Sites for dates

SBC/LLP/HCA/various private sector land and property owners

Amount of vacant B1a office floorspace Reduction in office vacancy levels
Policy DS5: Education and higher and further education
Proposal site PS3a and PS9a(see also Development Principles Policies DP2;DP3; DP7; DP9)

Additional D1 floorspace for University of Essex and South Essex College

Completion of additional floorspace for UoE and SEC as phase 2 of Elmer Square development scheme September 2013

University of Essex and South Essex College

Additional Primary school in central area

Completion of new primary school within Victoria Avenue Site when demand dictates


Number of additional student accommodation

Increase in the number of student accommodation to when demand dictates

UoE and SBC

Delivery Priority 4: Enhancing Green Infrastructure

Policy PR1: Open space provision and the environment
(see also Policies TA1a; TA1b)

Number of new or improved functional and linked open space provided within the central area

Proportion of new or improved public space given over to soft landscaping [including use of native species and nectar/pollen rich varieties]

Number of good quality event space provided within the town centre

Rolling programme to provide new and improved public space at the following locations

See Schedule 2 Quarters and Proposal Sites for details relating to proposal sites:

SBC/Private Sector Land and Property owners/HCA/LSTF/UoE and SEC

  • Victoria Circus (Policy DP1)
  • High street either side of the railway bridge (Policy DP1)
  • Queensway north a] linear park north west section [as part of the Victorias Phase 2] (Policy DP2)
  • Queensway south east b] green ‘forest’ south east section(Policy DP7)
  • Chichester Road north / Queensway House Site (Proposal Site PS4a and Policy DP4)
  • Elmer Square (Proposal Site PS3a and Policy DP3) Phase 1 Autumn 2013
  • Warrior Square Site (Proposal Site PS5a and Policy DP5)
  • Clarence Road Car Park site (Proposal Site 6a and Policy DP6)
  • Alexandra Street Car Park (Proposal Site PS6b and Policy DP6)
  • Southend ‘Balcony’ south of The Royals/top of Pier Hill (Policy DP7
  • New Museum – new signature open space with amphitheatre
  • Linked spaces ‘Spanish Steps’ within Seaways Marine Parade Site (Proposal Site CS6b and Policy CS6)
  • Eastern Esplanade [as part of Phase 2 City Beach] (Policy CS8)
  • Cliffs Pavilion (CS7)
  • Civic Square Victoria Avenue (Proposal Site PS9a and Policy DS9)
  • Series of public green spaces west of Victoria Avenue (Proposal Site PS9a and Policy DS9)
  • New green space at Sutton Road North (Proposal Site PS10b and Policy DS10)

Policy PR2: Public Realm Enhancements (see also Policies TA1a; TA1b; TA4; DP1; and Development Principles Policies DP2; DP3; DP5; DP6; DP7; CS2; CS6; CS7; DP9 and DP10)

Number of public realm schemes provided in line with a co-ordinated palette of materials and colours and street furniture and public art

All public realm schemes audited and agreed as being in line with SCAAP principles, Design and Townscape Guide SPD and Streetscape Guide

SBC/Private Sector Land and Property owners

Number of public realm schemes delivered as part of the SCAAP strategy

All public realm work to contribute to a joined up, legible network of streets through a rolling programme of pedestrianisation throughout Plan Period

SBC/Private Sector Land and Property owners/LSTF

Completion of identified:

  • new fully pedestrianised areas
  • new and improved environment / linkages for walking and cycling
  • environmental improvements to mixed mode routes with proposed priority walking, cycling and public transport (where appropriate)
  • environmental improvement to mixed mode routes
  • rolling programme of junction / crossing improvements

Number of new public art installations and urban greening measures introduced in new and existing development / buildings

All key public art installations delivered in line with Appendix 2

SBC/Private Sector Land and Property owners

All new development schemes [including refurbishments] incorporate urban greening measures and some element of public art within the build

Policy PR3: Visually Active Frontages (see Development Principles Policies DS2; DS5; DS7)

Number of schemes that introduce measure to increase attractiveness of blank /inactive frontages including public art, green walls, windows, active uses and / or appropriate signage

Public Art / Green walls provided on blank / inactive frontages particularly to

SBC/Private Sector Land and Property owners

  • Queensway (Proposal Site PS2a)
  • Chichester Road (Proposal Sites PS5b and PS7b)

Policy IF3: Flood Risk Management and Policy (see also Development Principles Policy CS3: Flood Risk)

Number of applications permitted contrary to advice from EA

In areas of local flood risk, all new development will be accompanied by Flood Risk Assessment

SBC, and EA

Number of development schemes with SuDs

All new development above single property scale will be drained by SuDs

SBC, EA, Anglian Water Services

Policy CS4: Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (see also Development Principles Policy PR1)

Number of appropriate assessments for schemes with the potential to affect the biodiversity interests of the foreshore designations

All new development with potential to impact on the biodiversity interests of the foreshore designations to be accompanied by an appropriate assessment

SBC/Private Sector Land and Property owners

Improved visitor interpretation facilities

Delivery Priority 5: Improving the Transport Infrastructure

Policy TA1: Town Centre and Central Area Highway Network (see also Development Principles Policies DP9; DP2; DP4)

  • Modal split on road network

Better reliability for road users and priorities for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and people with disabilities – completion of:-

SBC; Bus Operators

  • Reduced congestion

Completion of sert priority route to airport including :

  • Junction improvements at A127/Fairfax Drive (Policy DP10)

SBC /LSTF / development proposal at Proposal Site PS9c

  • Junction improvement at A127/East Street (Policy DP10)

Best and Final Bid to DfT in September 2011 decision December 2011.

  • Bus reliability

Completion of bus priority measures on A13 including:

  • Junction improvements A13 at London Road / Queensway roundabout (Policies TA1a and DP2)

Also part of Sert

SBC (The ‘Victorias’ phase 1 and 2) and Proposal Site PS2a

  • Junction improvements A13 at Southchurch Road / Queensway roundabout (Policies TA1a and DP4)

Also part of Sert


  • Junction improvements at Queensway / Seaway Car park (Policy DP7)


  • Delivery of improvements to environment and nature of North Road and Sutton Road

Completion within plan period of

  • North Road environmental improvements (Policy DP9)


  • Sutton Road environmental improvements (Policy DP10)
  • Vehicular numbers using Town Centre streets
  • Reduced vehicle numbers in Town Centre
  • Completion of proposal sites PS5a;; PS6a; PS6b; PS7a and CS6b including relocated car parking See Schedule 2


  • Footfall / pedestrian numbers on streets within town centre
  • Number of visitors to the town by cycle

Completion of identified:

  • new fully pedestrianised areas (Policies DP2; DP3; DP5 and DP7)

SBC/LSTF/Bike Friendly Cities

  • new and improved environment / linkages for walking and cycling (Policies DP2; DP6; CS6; DP9 and DP10)
  • environmental improvements to mixed mode routes with proposed priority walking, cycling and public transport (where appropriate)
  • environmental improvement to mixed mode routes
  • rolling programme of junction / crossing improvements including improved public realm and ‘gateway’ features (Policies TA1a; TA1b; DP2; DP4; DP7 and CS8)
  • servicing and freight improvements

Implementation of Policy DP3 and Completion of Proposal Site PS3a)


  • Modal split

Move toward greater use of sustainable modes

Completion of programmes for:

  • Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
  • Variable Messaging Signs (VMS)
  • Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI)
  • Review of signage/de-clutter


  • accident numbers

Decrease in number of accidents


TA1a ‘The Victorias’ – Traffic and Public Realm Scheme

Delivery of Phases 2, 3 and 4

Completion of Phases 2, 3 and 4 of ‘The Victorias’ (Policies DP2 and DP3) within Plan period


TA1b ‘City Beach’ – Traffic and Public Realm Scheme

Delivery of Phase 2

Completion of Phase 2 of ‘City Beach’ (Policies (CS6, CS7 and CS8) within Plan period


TA2: Public Transport

Travel by bus and rail for journeys between 5km and 10km

Shift to travel by bus and rail for journeys between 5km and 10km

Delivery of functioning

SBC/Bus and Rail Operators

  • Southend Metro


  • Smart Card Ticketing

SBC/Bus Operators/TOCs

  • Advanced Vehicle Location system




  • A13 passenger transport corridor and sert

SBC/Bus Operators

  • Possible alternative approaches to public transport interchange and the Travel Centre

SBC/Private land and property owners

TA3: Walking and Cycling

Number of journeys by foot or cycle for journeys less than 5km

  • Shift in the number of journeys by foot or cycle for journeys less than 5km

SBC/LSTF/Bike Friendly Cities

Number of fully pedestrianised streets

Completion of identified programme for new fully pedestrianised areas [with provision for cyclists]


  • London Road east (Policies TA1a and DP2)
  • Queens Road east (Policies TA1a and DP3)
  • Warrior Square south (Policy DP5 and Proposal Site PS5a)
  • York Road west (Policy DP7)

New and improved environment / linkages for walking and cycling

SBC/LLP/Private land and property owners

  • Within Victoria Gateway Neighbourhoods and to the Town Centre (Policies DP9 and DP10)
  • Between Queensway and London Road (Proposal Site PS2a)
  • Linking the High Street and the \ seafront (Proposal Site CS6b)

- Within Seaways/Marine Parade Site (CS6b)

- Within Clifftown to Western Esplanade

Number of environmental improvements for walking and cycling on mixed mode routes

Environmental improvements to mixed mode routes with proposed priority walking, cycling and public transport

SBC/LLP/LSTF/Cycling Organisations/private sector land and property owners

  • Chichester Road
  • Alexandra Road / Heygate Road
  • Tylers Avenue / Clifftown Road
  • London Road / College way / Queens Road / Elmer Avenue / Luker Road (Policies DP2 and DP3)
  • Southchurch Road / Warrior Square east (Policy DP5)
  • Cambridge Road / Scratton Road (Policy DP6)

SBC/LSTF/Bike Friendly Cities

  • York Road / Baltic Avenue / Tylers Avenue (Policy DP7)
  • Eastern Esplanade / Marine Parade / Western Esplanade (TA1a; 6: CS7 and CS8)
  • Heygate Avenue/Chancellor Road Policies DP1 and DP7)
  • Church Road / St John’s Church (Policies DP7 and CS6 and CS6a)
  • Clifftown Road / Clarence Road / Royal Mews / Pier Hill (Policy DP7 and CS6)
  • Short Street (Policy DP10)

Number of environmental improvements to mixed mode routes

Environmental improvement to mixed mode routes


  • Victoria Avenue (Policy DP10)
  • Queensway (Policies DP2: DP4: DP7; CS6 and DP10)
  • Southchurch Road (Policy DP4)

SBC/Private sector land and property owners

  • North Road (Policy DP9)
  • Sutton Road (Policy DP10)

Number of improved gateways /crossings on Queensway

Junction / crossing improvements including improved public realm and ‘gateway feature at


  • Queensway / London Road (Policies TA1a and DP2)
  • Queensway / Southchurch Avenue (Policies TA1a and DP4)
  • Queensway / York Road (Policy DP7)
  • Queensway / Chancellor Road (Policies DP7 and CS6)
  • Queensway / Marine Parade (Policies TA1b and CS8)

Number of facilities for cyclists

Completion of Cycle café and workshop (Proposal Site PS5a)


Policy TA4: Town Centre Parking Management

Car parking usage

Completion of identified relocation or car parks within

  • Warrior Square (PS5a)
  • Tylers Avenue (PS7a)
  • Seaway/Marine Parade (CS6b)
  • Clarence Road (PS6a)


Policy TA5: Other Measures to Improve Accessibility

Number of Travel Plans

Increase in the number of travel plans

SBC/Move Easy

Delivery of personalised travel planning service

Number of car clubs

Increase in the number of car clubs

Taxi facilities improved

Re-provision of improved taxi facilities as part of PS2a; PS3a; and CS6b and proposed pedestrianisation schemes


Policy CS2: Central Seafront Strategy – Key Principles

SUSTRANS route on seafront

Completion of SUSTRANS route on seafront (Policy CS6)

SBC/LSTF/Bike Friendly Cities

Delivery Priority 6: Advancing Culture & Heritage

Policy DS4: Employment development (see Policy DP6 and DP10 and Proposal PS6a and PS6b)

Floorspace created for cultural uses and creative industries

Completion of identified schemes

See Schedule 2 Quarters and Proposal Sites for dates

SBC/HCA/LLP/UoE and SEC/ Private Sector Land and Property owners

  • Event space in the High Street and Seafront (Policies DP1: CS8)
  • Mixed use new Library (Proposal Site PS3a)
  • Regeneration of the Empire Theatre for cultural uses (Policy DP6a)
  • Rejuvenation of the Pier (Proposal Site CS6a)
  • Digital gallery (Proposal Site CS6b)
  • Cultural Centre and New Southend Museum (Proposal Site CS7a)
  • Protection and enhancement of cultural facilities at TAP North Road (proposal Sites PS9b)
  • Provision of new floorspace at Proposal Sites P6a and PS6b

Policy CS2: Central Seafront Strategy – Key Principles

Creation of new elements of cultural interest

Completion of identified schemes during Plan Period :

  • Well designed Gateways (Policies DP2: DP4; CS6 and CS8)


  • Southend Seafront Heritage / Art Trail as part of Central Area wide trail (CS7)


  • Creative Lighting Strategy (See also Policy PR2)


Policy DS6: Provision of facilities for culture, leisure, tourism and entertainment

  • Number of new or improved culture, leisure, tourism and entertainment facilities as identified in SCAAP
  • Increase in visitor spend/
  • Increase in length of stay

Provision of the following new facilities

See Schedule 2 Quarters and Proposal Sites for dates

SBC/HCA/LLP/UoE and SEC/ ACE/Private Sector Land and Property owners

  • Southend Library (PS3a)
  • Southend museum, cultural centre and exhibition space (CS7a)
  • The Pier (CS6a)
  • Seaway/Marine Parade mixed use development (CS6b)
  • Cultural uses and creative industries at TAP (PS9b)
  • leisure, cultural and tourism facilities (CS9b)
  • Empire Theatre brought back into cultural use (DS6)
  • Beach and foreshore facilities for recreation and culture (CS5)

Policy DS7: Social and community infrastructure

Number of health and social care facilities provided in Central area to meet demand

  • Deliver primary care centre in central area (DP10)

Planning approval and construction started 2011


Protection and enhancement of community/faith and voluntary sector facilities

  • Improved facilities for the community and voluntary sector

SBC/ Private Sector Land and Property owners/Voluntary Sector

Policy PR2 Public Realm Enhancements (see also Policy CS2)

Creative Lighting Strategy

Completed Creative Lighting Strategy - 2012


Policy PR4: Protection of Visually Important Views (See Policy HE2;

Number of schemes that enhance visually important views

Sight lines, access, open space and views improved to identified landmarks and of the River from the Esplanades/Marine Parade and the Cliffs protected

SBC/ Private Sector Land and Property owners

Policy PR5: Landmark Buildings (see also Policy CS1)

Number of appropriately located new landmark buildings

Increase in the visually important landmark buildings that signal gateways and or improve legibility for visitors using the central area

SBC/ Private Sector Land and Property owners

Policy HE1: The Clifftown Quarter

  • Number of planning applications delivering Conservation Area enhancements
  • Number of derelict or vacant properties in Conservation areas renovated and / or brought back into use
  • No specific target but monitor and review quality of Conservation areas


Policy HE2: The Central Seafront Area

Policy HE3: Prittlewell Gateway

Number of underused vacant or derelict properties

  • Decrease in number of underused, vacant and/or derelict properties in conservation areas (DP10)

SBC/ Private Sector Land and Property owners

Policy HE4: The High Street

Policy HE5: Frontages of Townscape Merit

Number of applications that improve, enhance frontages of Townscape merit and locally Listed buildings

No specific target but monitor and review improvement in quality of Frontages of High Townscape Merit


Policy HE6: Conversion of Heritage Assets

Number of applications to convert Listed and Locally Listed buildings to alternative uses

  • Decrease in number of underused, vacant and / or derelict properties in conservation areas
  • No damage to Listed and Locally Listed buildings resulting from conversion

SBC/ Private Sector Land and Property owners

HE7: Areas of Archaeological potential

Detailed analytical assessment and evaluation of archaeological significance of identified development sites

Detailed analytical assessment and evaluation of archaeological significance completed and appropriate works captioned on the following sites

  • Seaway Car Park (Proposal Site CS6b)
  • Roots Hall (Proposal Site PS9c)
  • Nazareth House (Policy DS9)
  • Southend Cliffs (Proposal Site CS7a

SBC/ Private Sector Land and Property owners

Policy CS6a: Southend Pier

Provision of compatible tourism , cultural and leisure based facilities

  • Maintain structural integrity
  • Completion of identified schemes to provide top class tourism , cultural and leisure based facilities 2013


Delivery Priority 7: Delivering Housing Growth & Improvement

Policy DS8: Housing (see Proposal Sites PS2a; PS4a: PS5a; PS6a; PS6b; PS7a CS6b, CS8a: PS9a; PS9c; PS10b and PS10c)

No. of completed net additional homes each year

Provide a minimum of 2,000 net additional homes on proposal sites across the central area

See Schedule 2 Quarters and Proposal Sites for details relating to proposal sites:

SBC, Private Sector Land and Property Owners

No. and %age of affordable homes

Increase the number of affordable homes provided within the central area


Proportion of housing provision by type and size

Provision of homes meets needs and regeneration expectations within the SCAAP


Policy IF1: Central Area Infrastructure

Requirements for education, healthcare and community facilities, waste disposal and utilities meeting the requirements arising from development proposals / growth in the central area

See Schedule 2 Quarters and Proposal Sites for details relating to proposal sites: Completion of:

SBC/UoE and SEC/ PCT/Private Sector Land and Property owners

  • New library (Proposal Site PS3a)
  • New primary Care Facilities (proposal Site PS9a)
  • New Primary School (Proposal Site PS9a)
  • Additional teaching facilities UoE and SEC (Proposal Site PS3a)
  • New Museum (Proposal Site CS7a)
  • Integrated Suds system including open water area on Proposal Site PS9a
  • Re-provision of Focus Youth Centre (Proposal Sites PS10)

Policy IF2: S106 Planning Obligations and Developer Contributions

Number of schemes with S106 planning obligations/use of contributions for infrastructure – affordable housing utilities, open space, environmental improvements and community uses

All major schemes to have S106 covering infrastructure provision

SBC, EA, PCT (or successor organisation) AWS, ESW

Schedule 2: Part C Quarters and Proposal Sites

Proposal Site Proposals Responsible Agency Milestones & Targets

The High Street

Queensway and London Road/Broadway

PS2a: Sainsbury’s and adjacent buildings, London Road Proposal Site

Mixed use focussed on Grade A (B1) office with residential at upper floors and town centre uses at ground floor

Improvements to linkages and frontages between Queensway and London Road

Private sector land and property owners and retailers

SUFC Relocates to Fossetts Farm

Sainsbury relocate to Roots Hall Proposal Site (see PS9c)

Development Brief 2012/13

Commencement post 2015

Elmer Square

PS3a: Elmer Square Proposal Site

New Public and Academic Library linked to new teaching and exhibition space, i-lab and lecture theatre, new public square large scale digital projection. Development also includes new café at ground floor level and has potential for further teaching facilities

Improved linkages between civic spaces and pedestrian routes to High Street

SBC, UoE and SEC

Complete demolition of Farringdon Car park

Planning Application submitted July 2011

Start Spring 2012

Completion September 2013

Queensway and Southchurch Avenue

PS4a: Queensway House and adjacent buildings Proposal Site

Likely demolition of Queensway House to provide commercial and residential development including office and secondary retail and community facilities

New public open space facing Chichester Road

SBC/LLP private sector land and property owners; RSL

Demolition 2012/13

Planning 2013/14

Commencement 2014/15

Completion 2017/18

Warrior Square

PS5a: Warrior Square Car Park Proposal Site

Mixed use focussed on Grade A (B1) office, new multi storey car park providing reprovision of Essex Street, Warrior Square and Tylers Avenue parking supported by residential and compatible A3 uses, cycle café and workshop, public toilets and travel information centre

Public Art

Improved linkages between Warrior Square Gardens and pedestrian routes to High Street

SBC/LLP/HCA/Private sector land owners

Demolition of Swimming Pool 2011

Development Brief

Planning application

Expected delivery within Plan period

PS5b: Whitegate Road Proposal Site

Mixed use with compatible town centre uses

Introduce active frontages to Chichester Road

SBC/LLP - selected development partner

Expected during Plan period


PS6a: Clarence Road Car Park Proposal Site

Mixed use development providing retail, residential and supporting uses such as cafes and small office/workshops and public car parking

Provision of public plaza and views/linkages through the scheme


Reprovision of parking and planning 2014

Commencement of development 2015

Completion 2017

PS6b: Alexandra Street Car Park Proposal Site

Small scale developments providing retail, food and drink units with residential above

Development configured around public lanes and squares


Reprovision of parking and planning 2014

Commencement of development 2015

Completion 2017

Tylers Avenue

PS7a: Tylers Avenue Proposal Site

Quality larger retail units supported by office and retail, potential for replacement public car parking

Permeable development providing active primary shopping frontages


Reprovision of parking and planning 2016

Commencement of development 2017

Completion 2020

PS7b: Pitman’s Close Proposal Site

Mixed use development compatible with town centre uses

Introduce active frontages to Chichester Road


Expected during Plan period

Central Seafront

CS6a: Southend Pier Proposal Site

Provision of compatible tourism, cultural and leisure based facilities at landward and seaward ends

Maintenance of integrity of the structure and train service


Planning 2011

Commencement 2012

Completion 2013

CS6b – Seaway Car Park and Marine Parade Proposal Site

Mixed use development focussing on leisure, tourism and cultural activities particularly at ground level including restaurants, digital gallery, destination spaces and quality hotel, residential at upper levels and multi storey car park and incorporating the redevelopment of 1-3 Herbert Grove and 29-31 Herbert Grove.

Permeable design and layout creating a strong relationship between the town centre and seafront via a series of ‘streets with active frontages, terraced civic spaces, new link to Marine Parade [‘Spanish Steps’ ] and strong north south sight line from Queensway to the sea. Layout to accommodate protection of buildings of historically importance


Planning 2016

Commencement of development 2018

Completion 2021

CS7a Cultural Centre and New Southend Museum Proposal Site

Development of Cultural Centre and new Southend Museum with car parking

Cliff Stabilisation


Several consultation stages complete

Detailed design completed in 2011

Project completion within Plan Period

CS8a: Woodgrange Drive (Kursaal) Estate Proposal Site

Proposals to regenerate and enhance social housing

Solutions to integrate with surrounding residential area

Estuary Housing Association

Expected during Plan period

Victoria Gateway Neighbourhood

PS9a: The Victoria Avenue Site Proposal Site

Comprehensive redevelopment of area to provide exemplar sustainable community, including substantial additional housing, flexible work space units, Primary School, local retail, leisure and community facilities, Potential to also meet expansion needs of University of Essex and South Essex College.

Remodelled urban form, series of footways and cycle ways through whole area linking to surrounding area

All developments should have frontages facing new ‘streets’ an area wide comprehensive sustainable drainage system including areas of open water

Series of interlinked green public spaces

Area wide parking solutions

Private sector Land Owners/SBC/RGF/HCA/LLP

Regional Growth Fund Decision late 2011

PS9b: Former Essex and Suffolk Water Board Site Proposal Site Proposal Site

Residential development and promotion and enhancement of Creative industries

Private sector land owner

Within Plan Period

PS9c: Roots Hall Football ground and environs Proposal Site

Mixed use development comprising flats, houses, retail food store, petrol station, business uses together with supporting café/bar and community faculties

SUFC/Private land owners/SBC

Planning 2011

Commencement of development 2012

Completion 2015

Sutton Gateway neighbourhood

PS10a – Former B&Q Site Proposal Site

New large retail food store and related car parking and re-provision of youth facilities

Active frontages at ground level

Satisfactory solutions to highway implications and integration with the Victorias scheme

Private sector land owners/SBC

Planning 2011

Commencement of development 2012

Completion 2014

PS10b – Sutton Road Proposal Site

Redevelopment to provide for additional housing, new public open space and supporting café/bar and community facilities at ground floor

Private sector land owners

Expected during Plan period

PS10c: Coleman Street Proposal Site

Provision of additional social housing


Appraisal and Preparation of Development Brief completed 2012

Expected completion during Plan Period

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